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Geography cl-7 (Annual Exam 2014)

Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Annual Examination, 2014
Subject: Geography                                                                              Full Mark : 100
Class: VII                                                                                                      Time  :  2 Hrs

Direction: Choose the correct responses to the questions and write the answers in the answer       sheet provided to you.

1.      Which one of the following best suits the definition of ‘Altitude’?
a.  Height  above the sea level                     c. measurement of an area                             
b.  The way we think                                   d. change in weather condition

2.      The altitude of the southern foothills ranges from about …….at the lowest point to ……
a.       200m - 250m       b. 2000m - 2500m       c. 200m - 2000m    d. 3000m - 4000m

3.      All green plants and trees breathe. They take in
a.       Oxygen          b. Carbon dioxide         c.  Nitrogen                 d. Argon

4.      Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting the climate of Bhutan?
a.       Altitude        b. Latitude        c.  Seasonal winds        d.  Farming

5.        The 0◦ latitude is called
a.       Tropic of cancer            b. Tropic of Capricorn      c.  Equator       d. Vertical

6.      Strong and severely cold snow laden wind is called
a.       Polar wind         b. westerly          c.  Trade wind                   d. Blizzards

7.      The parent material of soils are
a.       Dead plants         b. Rocks           c. Dead animals         d. dead plants and animals

8.      Tibet receives very little rainfall because
a.       It has very less water bodies.                       c. it has very low temperature.
b.      It lies behind the high Himalayas.               d. it does not receive direct sun’s rays.

9.      The revolution of the earth causes
a.       Seasons             b.   evaporation         c.  condensation       d.  blizzards

10.  The ……… is recognized as an important raw material for cosmetic industry.
a.       resin                   b. lemon grass                 c.  pine                       d. sal tree

11.  A thick mass of ice that moves down the mountain valley at a very slow speed is called
a.       rivers                        b.  glaciers             c.  erosion               d.  deposition

12.  Those people who cut the timber and float the logs down the river or manage to carry them to the mills by other means are called
a.       Nomadic             b. Civil servant            c.Farmer         d. Lumberjacks

13.  All the following are the thinly populated regions of North America EXCEPT
a.       The extreme north of Canada and Alaska                c. The great industrial area
b.      The hot and dry deserts of Colorado and Mexico    d. The arctic islands

14.  The natives of North America are
a.       the red Indians and Eskimos                                       c. the black
b.      the white settlers                                                         d. French and Spaniards

15.  The process of water changing into vapour is called
a.       Evaporation               b. humidity           c. Condensation       d. precipitation

16.  Which is the most common form of precipitation that occurs in Bhutan?
a.        mist                           b.  fog                  c.  rain                       d.  clouds

17.  Water mass or the envelope of water which covers the greater part of the surface of the earth is called
a.       Hydrosphere              b.  Lithosphere       c.  Atmosphere            d.  Troposphere

18.  Which of the following is known as ‘The Country of Ten Thousand Lakes’?
a.       Finland                    b.  Germany             c.  Spain                     d.  France

19.  The tree like pattern formed by the river system of Bhutan is called
a.       Spur                       b. Waterfall                 c.  Dendritic               d. pot holes

20.  Temperature is very important element of climate and weather. To measure it we use
a.       A wind vane         b. The hygrometer      c. The aneroid meter      d. A thermometer

21.  The name given to groups of  island countries to the north of Caribbean sea is…….
a.       Panama               b.  West Indies             c.  Greenland                 d.  Alaska

22.  Tides are caused by the
a.       Gravitational force of the moon.                     c. Wind striking on the surface.
b.      Disturbing  the surface of the water .              d. ships sailing on the water.

23.  When the soil is saturated with water we call it
a.       porous soil          b.  permeable soil      c.  water-logged soil        d. impermeable soil

24.  The height of Mount Everest is
a.       8488m                b.  8848m         c.   8844m            d.   8884m

25.  Which of the following is NOT a negative effect of mineral extraction?
a.       Mineral exhaustion                                   c. Pollution
b.      Land degradation                                      d. People get job and earn income.

26.  Planting trees in naturally degraded area is called
a.       Afforestation              b. Ecosystem        c. Reforestation            d. Reserved area

27.  The temperate grasslands in North America known for wheat growing are known as
a.       prairies              b.  strait              c. bays                 d. isthmus

28.  Which layer of atmosphere is nearest to the earth?
a.       Troposphere         b. mesosphere       c.  stratosphere      d. ionosphere

29.  Which of the following is the longest river of Europe?
a.       Oder                  b.  Danube              c. Volga                 d.  Po

30.  Herbivores eat
a.       Plants               b. Insects              c. Animals            d.  Birds


        Question 31.    Define the following terms briefly. (5)
a.       Latitude
b.      River source
c.       Mining
d.      Weathering
e.       Forest degradation

        Question 32.    Match the following terms of column A with  column B. (5)
                     A                                                       B
     Stony soil                                Light, porous but not fertile
    Sandy soil                                 Infertile and very course
    Loamy soil                               Mixture of plant and animal remains
    Clayey soil                                Heavy and impermeable but fertile
  Humous  soil                               A fertile mixture of sand, silt and clay

          Question 33.  Write “T” for the true and “F”: for the false statements.      (5)

a.      The vertical rays of the sun are not so hot. (….)
b.      Seasons are caused by revolution of the earth. (…)
c.       The Gulf Stream is one of the swiftest currents of the world. (…)
d.      The word ‘monsoon’ is derived from an Arabic word ‘mausim’
                                                                               which means season. (…)
e.      The Bhutanese name for Brahmaputra is Chumo Luti. (…)

       Question 34.  Fill in the blanks with most correct word.   (5)

a.      Punjab receives rainfall by……………….in winter.
b.      When the current is flowing from warmer region to a colder one, it is a………..
c.       Lemon grass is recognized as an important raw material for ………….
d.      The boundary between two drainage basins is called…………
e.      The time of the year during which special climatic conditions prevail is called…….

                                              SECTION – C   ( 40 marks )

           Question 35.    Answer the following questions. (10 )

a.      Describe Alpine vegetation briefly. (2)
b.      Are human beings responsible for soil erosion? Justify it giving two points. (2)
c.        ‘Wildlife must be managed’. Support the above statement by giving two  points. (2)
d.      A crop is grown and the nitrates are absorbed by the plant  roots. This leaves insufficient nitrogen in the soil for the next crop. How can a farmer overcome from this problem?         Write any two measures. (2)
e.      ‘Forest degradation leads to so many problems which affect all the living beings’. Do you agree with the above statement?  Mention  two  points.    (2)

           Question 36.     Give reasons for each of the following. ( 5 )
a.      Tides are important to us. (1)
b.      The Royal Government  reserves some areas. (2)
c.       Iron and steel Industry is always near to the mining area. (2)

           Question 37.    Answer the following questions. ( 15 )
a.      Differentiate between island and peninsular country. (2)
b.      Explain how earth and atmosphere is heated. (2)
c.       Explain the spring season briefly. (2)
d.      Give a brief account on the life of Eskimos. (3)
e.      Why is summer monsoon wet but winter monsoon dry in Bhutan? (3)
f.        Draw and explain the formation of land breeze. (3)

Question 38.    Answer the following questions. ( 10 marks )
a.      Define atmosphere. (2)
b.      Write down two sources of rivers in Bhutan. (2)
c.       With  a  neat diagram explain how plants and human depend on each other. (3)
d.      Draw and label the  diagram to show rain shadow area .  (3)

                                          SECTION  -  D   ( 10 marks )

Question 39.      Maps should be filled up as per the directions correctly.   ( 10 marks )     

1.       On the outline map of  Bhutan provided to you locate the following. ( 4 marks )

a.       Mark with dot and name capital of Bhutan .
b.      Shade and name the Sarpang Dzongkhag .
c.       Shade the region of greater Hilmalayas.
d.      Draw a thick line and name Drangme Chhu .

2.      On the outline map of  Europe locate the following. ( 3 marks  )

a.       Shade and name the country Italy.
b.      Shade and name Black sea.
c.       Put dot and name Ice land.

3.      On the outline map of  North America  locate the following. ( 3 marks  )

a.       Name and locate Hudson Bay.
b.      Draw a thick line and name the Rocky Mountain.
c.       Name and locate Canadian Shield.

                                                               THE  END


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