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Science Cl 8 (Annual Exam 2014)


Subject: Science          Total Marks: 100
Class: VIII                                                             Writing time: 2.5 Hours     
Name: …………….. Roll No. …………….Sec: …………….     

1)   DO NOTwrite for the first fifteen minutes. The time is to be spent for reading the questions. After having read over the questions, you will be given two and half hours to answer all questions.
2)   The question paper is divided into two sections, Section A and Section B. In Section A, all are multiple choices; you must choose the appropriate alternatives. In section B all questions are compulsory to attempt, Mark of questions is given in the bracket.
3)   Answer to all the questions must be written in the answer booklet provided separately.
4)   Remember to write quickly but neatly.
5)   If you finish writing before time, close your answer booklet and sit quietly. Donot leave the examination hall unless you get the permission and make sure that you have answered all the questions.
6)   Don’t forget to write Name, Role number and Section on the top of your answer booklet.

 SECTION A (30x1=30 Marks)
                                      Attempt all questions
Question 1
Direction:Read the following questions carefully. For each question there are four alternatives A, B, C, D. Choose the MOST correct alternative and write in the answer sheet provided.
i.Nutrients that gives ususal green colour to plants is

A.    Potassium
B.     Phosphorous.
C.     Nitrogen
D.    Magnesium

ii. Field fallowing is done to improve the soil for cultivation. Field fallowing means

A.    Adding fertilizer.
B.     Ploughing the field.
C.     Growing leguminous plant.
D.    Keeping the land uncultivated.

iii. the highest milk yielding breed of cow is

A.    Siri
B.     Jatsa.
C.     Brown Swiss.
D.    Mithun.

iv.Eggs get hatched in ______ days.

A.    39.
B.     21.
C.     27.
D.    35.

v. Which one of the following is the way to conserve the forest?

A.    All options A, B and C.
B.     Selective tree harvesting.
C.     Not cutting trees for torches.
D.    Using the dead trees for firewood.

vi. Which statement of the following is false?
A.    Rubber comes from tree.
B.     Trees give us air to breathe.
C.     Destruction of trees brings change in the climate.
D.    Trees do not affect the amount of water in the stream.

vii. The valency for all the elements below is “1” EXCEPT

A.    Hydrogen
B.     Sodium
C.     Potassium
D.    Calcium

viii. The molecular formula for Magnesium chloride is

A.    Mgcl3
B.     MgCl
C.     Mg2Cl.
D.    MgCl2

ix. Mixture of red and blue colours gives

A.    Cyan.
B.     White
C.     Yellow.
D.    Magenta.

x. When an image fall on the screen, it is called as

A.    Real image.
B.     Virtual image.
C.     Upright image.
D.    Inverted image.

xi. Power station of animal cell is
A.    vacuole.
B.     ribosome.
C.     cytoplasm.
D.    Mitochondria.  

xii. The transportation system of our body is

A.    Nervous system.
B.     Muscular system.
C.     Excretory system.
D.    Circulatory system.

xiii. Spectrum is formed because of
A.    reflection of light.
B.     refraction of light.
C.     high speed of light.
D.    dispersion of light.

xiv. A hardworking laborer should eat more of

A.    Fats
B.     Proteins.
C.     Vitamins.
D.    Carbohydrates.

xv. First dose of DPT vaccine for child is given at

A.    At six weeks.
B.     At nine weeks.
C.     Soon after birth.
D.    After nine months.

xvi. The normal period of pregnancy in human is

A.    7 months.
B.     9 months.
C.     8 months.
D.    10 months.

xvii. Which of the following is NOT an air borne disease?

A.    TB
B.     Measles.
C.     Cholera.
D.    Common cold.

xviii. Pollination in plants is usually carried out by
A.    people.
B.     animals.
C.     by plants.
D.    by wind and insect.

xix. The colour of an eye is determined by

A.    Iris.
B.     Lens.
C.     Pupil.
D.    Cornea.

xx. Lens in eyes is

A.    Convex.
B.     Concave.
C.     Biconvex.
D.    Both concave and convex.

xxi.Hydroxide ions [OH-] present in

A.    Few acids.
B.     Few alkalis.
C.     All the acids.
D.    All the alkalis.

xxii. A solution having pH 14 is

A.    Neutral.
B.     Highly acidic.
C.     Slightly acidic.
D.    Highly alkaline.

xxiii. The displacement of the following figure is

A.    4m.
B.     14m.
C.     10m.
D.    48m.


xxiv. Mechanical advantage of single movable pulley is

A.    1
B.     2
C.     Less than 2
D.    More than 2

xxv. An instrument used to measure fluid pressure is called

A.    Ammeter.
B.     Manometer.
C.     Hydrometer.
D.    Mercury barometer.

xxvi. Liquid pressure depend upon

A.    All A, B and C.
B.     Depth of liquid.
C.     Density of liquid.
D.    Acceleration due to gravity.

xxvii. Scissors are an example of

A.    Inclined.
B.     First class lever.
C.     Third class lever.
D.    Second class lever.

xxviii. New colour code for live wire is

A.    Red.
B.     Black.
C.     Brown.
D.    Yellow and green.

xxix. The main aim of industries is to

A.    Make money.
B.     Sell the products.
C.     Buy the products.
D.    Manufacture goods.

xxx. The mixture of crushed clay and limestone with water is called

A.    Slurry.
B.     Calcium silicate.
C.     Portland cement.
D.    Calcium aluminate.

                         SECTION B (20 Mark)
(Attempt all the questions)
Question 2
Fill in the blanks:                                                                                   (1x5=5)
i.        Deficiency in _______________results in premature falling of leaves.
ii.      After fertilization a new cell is formed which is called the _________
iii.    Pollination which occurs in the same flower or different flowers of the same plant is called _________.
iv.    A _____________ is a complete description of how the organism relates to its physical and biological environment.
v.      All alkaline solutions contain ________________ ions.

Question 3
Write down TRUE or FLASE for the given statements.                                    (1x5=5)
i.                    Cardiac muscle is only found in heart……………
ii.                  Vasectomy is done in female to prevent pregnancy……….
iii.                Tetanus is also called as lockjaw………….
iv.                Bulbs connected in parallel glows brighter than the bulbs connected in series………...
v.                  Distance and speed are the examples of vector quantity…………….

Question 4
Match the items in column A with the correct response in column B.                      (1x5=5)
                    Column A
                       Column B
i.                    Colostrums
a.       Loss of Water
ii.                  Second class lever
b.      ammeter
iii.                Dehydration
c.       Doma
iv.                Gullet cancer
d.      Alcohol
v.                  Current
e.       Mano-meter

f.       Bottle opener

g.      Human arm

h.      Milk

Question 5
Define the following terms.                                                                                                (1×5=5)
i)                    Radical.
ii)                  Reforestation.
iii)                Ohms law.
iv)                Upthrust.
v)                  Power of accommodation.

                                                SECTION C (50 marks)
(Attempt all the questions)

Question 6
       I.            Distinguish between clay soil and sandy soil with TWO points each.             (2)
    II.            Give TWO reasons why new breeds are better than locally bred pigs. (2)
 III.            List atleast two impact of forest fire to the forest.                                                     (2)
 IV.            A car changes its velocity from 20m/s to 100m/s in 4s. Find its acceleration.          (2)
    V.            State Archimedes’s Principle.                                                                                      (2)

Question 7
 I.            Construct a diagram showing the refraction of monochromatic light through a prism and mark the followings :                                                                                            (3)         
i.            Angle of incidence as (i)
ii.        angle of refraction as (r)
iii.                angle of emergence(e)
II.            write down the molecular formula of the following compounds: (2)

i.  Carbon dioxide                            ii. Zinc sulphate
iii. Calcium hydroxide.                    Iv. copper oxide

III.            What is menstruation?                                                                    (1)
IV.            Write TWO similarities between an eye and a camera.                  (2)
V.            A four –pulley block and tackle is used to lift a load of 3200N. Calculate the effort required to lift it.                                                                                                (2)

Question 8
       I.            If you were the village health worker what advices that you will give to the people of your village to prevent themselves from water born diseases. Write at least four.(2)
    II.            Why household electrical circuit have parallel connection. Give TWO reasons.  (2)
 III.            What is an industry? List three types of industries.                                              (2.5)
 IV.            Draw an animal cell and label the following parts:                                              (1+2.5)
i.cell membrane                                   ii.cytoplasm
iii. nucleus.                                          iv.mitochondria.
v.nuclear membrane

Question 9

I.                   Draw a bar magnet and show the magnetic lines of force around the magnet.       (2)
II.                Which organelle in a cell is the most important and why?                                      (2)
III.             What are ear ossicles?                                                                                              (1.5)
IV.             Write atleast FOUR signs of secondary sexual characteristics in a male.                (2)
V.                Lhaden uses an electric heater rated 2 kW connected to the 250V mains.
i.calculate the current used by the heater.
ii.calculate the cost of running the heater for a week when it is switched on for 10hours every day. Electrical energy costs Nu.1per kWhr.                                                 (1+1.5)

Question 10
       I.            Define chromatography.                                                                                               (1)
    II.            Differentiate between distance and displacement with TWO points.                           (2)
 III.            Explain the reasons for each of the following statements:-
i.People living in cold places far away from the road point tend to get scurvy towards the end of the winter.
ii.People living in the mountains need to eat more fats than living in the lower altitude.                                                                        (2X2=4)
 IV.            Name the instrument used to measure blood pressure.                                                 (1)
    V.            Write the another name of:                                                                                         (2)       
i.short-sightedness                                          ii. long-sightedness


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