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Geography Cl-8 (Annual Exam 2014)

Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Annual Examination, 2014
Subject: Geography                                                                            Full Mark   : 100
Class: VIII                                                                                                    Time   :  2 Hrs
                                        Section-A   (30 Questions-30 Marks)
Directions: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answer.                                                                             
                    Choose the correct answer and write it down in the answer sheet provided to you.
1.      Which of the following is not a natural calamity?
a.       Flood          b.   Migration          c. Drought              d.  Earth quake

2.      The area of Bhutan is
a.       46,500 square kilometers.              c.   38,394 square kilometers
b.      38,500 square kilometers               d.   46,394 square kilometers

3.      Which of the following best suits the definition   of  mix- farming ?
a.       Growing of two types of crop in the same plot at the same time.
b.      Growing of crops and  raising  of  livestock.
c.       Growing of same crop two times in a year.
d.      All of the above.
4.      The total number of men, women and children living in the country is called
a.       Population structure    b. Female population    c. Male population   d. Population

5.      The following factors make people to settle in a place EXCEPT
a.       Climate is neither too cold nor too hot       c.   The soil is fertile
b.      Gentle slope, not too steep                          d.   The climate is too cold or hot

6.      Poor input and farming process result in
a.       Labor shortage                                           c.   Poor out put
b.      Increase in gradient of the field                 d.  Water shortage

7.      Which of the following is NOT true about problems of harnessing water energy?
a.       Our country is mountainous                c.  Our villages are scattered
b.      Loose surface and unstable rocks       d.  Availability of skilled workers

8.      ‘The desert vegetation is found in areas where the rainfall is less than 50 cm a year.              In these places thorny trees and bushes grow very far apart from each other’.                      The type of vegetation described above is
a.       The Tropical Evergreen Forest               c.  The Mountain Forest
b.      The Tidal Forest                                      d.  The Thorn Forest

9.      The suitable name for the land which is raised like a table would be
a.       Plain land       b. Plateau               c. Flat land            d.Spur

10.  The way of raising fish in the pond is called
a.       Artificial Insemination      b.  Aquaculture   c.  Cross breeding   d. Overgrazing

11.  The following factors determine the condition of mining EXCEPT
a.       Size of deposit     b.  Depth    c. Grade and ground feasibility   d. Negative impact

12.  Making of things, using of goods and service is the definition of
a.       Industry     b. Secondary Industry     c. Primary Industry       d. Tertiary Industry

13.  The first motor road in Bhutan was built in the year
a.       1990                       b. 1974                     c.   1961                           d.  1958

14.  All of the following statement are the problem of old transport system EXCEPT
a.       Long time taken                        c.   Hard and tedious 
b.       Often hazardous                       d.  Move people and goods cheaply

15.  Building the houses alongside of  the road is called
a.       Ribbon settlement                     c.  Town development 
b.       Urban development                  d. Village development

16.  When the number of  livestock far exceeds  the size and capacity of                                            the pasture to produce sufficient  grass, it is called
a.       Soil erosion        b.   Overgrazing          c.  Afforestation         d. Reforestation

17.  All of the following are the physical factors affecting agriculture EXCEPT
a.       Relief                                        c.   Climate and Altitude
b.      Availability of water                d.   Knowledge and information

18.  The total potential of energy from water in Bhutan is estimated at
a.       10,000 MW          b. 15,000 MW         c. 20,000 MW           d. 25,000 MW

19.  The machine which is used to divide energy from water into smaller units is called
a.       Cable        b. Generator        c. Turbine       d.  Transformer

20.  Which of the following is not an example of alternative source of energy in Bhutan?
a.       Biogas              b. Coal          c.  Solar energy         d.  Wind energy

21.                    The inner  layer of the earth’s body is
a.       Core          b. Mantle             c. Crust            d.  Fault

22.  Volcano may not be active but may become active is called
a.       Extinct volcano        b.  Dormant volcano         c.  Crater            d. Tuff

23.  The place where the earth quake is first of all felt on the earth surface is called
a.       Fault                b.  Epicenter               c.  Neck            d. Seismic focus

24.  The process of decaying and breaking of rocks under the action of weather is called
a.       Denudation         b. Weathering           c.  Aggradations    d.  Degradation

25.  Artesian wells usually occur in places where
a.      a layer of permeable rock is lying between two layers of impermeable rocks.
b.      A layer of impermeable rock lying between two layers of  permeable rocks.
c.       There is no rainfall at all.                       d.  There is no plant cover

26.  The line above which the snow never melts even in summer is called
a.        Snow line    b.  Tree line         c.  Glacier       d.  Alpine vegetation

27.  Which of the following rivers is known as ‘sorrow of China’?
a.       Sikiang         b.  Hwang-Ho     c. Yangtse Kiang            d.   Lena

28.  The meaning of Intermontane plateau is
a.        Plateau on an island                                c.  Plateau between two oceans
b.       Plateau between two mountains             d.  Plateau between two rivers

29.  Which of the following is NOT a state of India?
a.       Andaman and Nicobar island       b. West Bengal       c.  Assam          d.  Kerala

30.  Which is NOT a method of irrigation in India?
a.       Tanks              b.  Tunnels                    c. Wells                    d. Canals

SECTON-B  (Answer all the questions)
Question 31.      Fill in the blanks.    ( 10 marks )
a.      Milk-like liquid produced by the rubber tree is…………………….
b.      The extraction of minerals from the deposit is called ……………………
c.       The cross breed between the mare and the donkey is called ……………………
d.      Growing two varieties of crops on the same plot at the same time is called…………
e.      The number of live born babies for every 1000 people in the same period is called……
f.        Making of things and using goods and services is called ………
g.      ……..transport is impossible in Bhutan due to high mountains and deep  valleys
h.       One of the benefits of the commercial logging activities is the collection of
      payment called ………….
i.          A megawatt is unit of power, ………..  Kilowatt makes a megawatt.
j.          Debarking of spruce and pine trees immediately after felling is to protect the 
     forest from …………………

Queston 32.       Match the following by rewriting the statements in
                                              the answer sheet correctly. (5)
                   A                                                                 B
      Crop police                                                      Asia
   Commercial crop                                             Thogsup
  Shifting cultivation                                            Cotton
 The largest continent                                  The plain of Punjab                                                                                           
        A land of five rivers                                   Forest degradation
          Queston 33.   Select the product from the list below and write in the second column to match
                                with the minerals. (Ornament, Ruby, Roofing, energy, Bricks, Utensils, Fertilizer,
                                                                   Construction, cutting glass, Flooring)       ( 10 marks)

Use for
Use for

6. Slate

2. gold

7. Granite


8. Uranium

4.Gem stone

9. Aluminum


10. Diamond


Question 34.       Answer all the questions with correct points only .    ( 25 marks )
a.      What are the human activities that cause forest degradation? (2)
b.      ‘Farmers should keep less number of high qualities of animals’.
     Do you agree with the above statement? Why or Why not? (2)
c.       Distinguish between primary and secondary industry. (2)
d.      ‘Transport has both positive and negative impact.’ Justify  it with one point each.  (2)
e.      Write three problems of rural- urban migration?     (3)
f.        Write three advantages that hydro-electricity have over other sources of power. (3)
g.      Give three  reasons for Government’s initiative to plan population.  (3)
h.      Mention three  ways of traditional farming method different from new farming method. (3)
i.        Explain with the neat diagram how the delta is formed. (5)

               Question 35.  Answer the following questions . ( 10 marks )

a.      Refer the grid and answer  the  questions  that follows .







                                21        22         23        24         25       26
                    I .  Write the four figure grid reference  for   A and  B  ( 2)
                   II.    Write the six figure grid reference for  *C    ( 1 )
                  III.    What is the compass direction of *Y from *X   ( 1 )

b.      What does R.F mean? (1)
c.       The distance between Wangdi and Sarpang on a map is 10 cm.,
what will be the distance on the ground , if the scale of the map is 2cm = 20 km, (2)
d.      Complete the table by copying as it is on your answer sheet . ( 3)

On the map                             On the ground                      R.F.___
       ?                                            40 m                              1: 1000__
    4 cm                                         ?                                  1: 100,000_
    5 cm                                         10 km                                  ?_____

Question 36.   Maps should be filled up as per the directions correctly.   ( 10 marks )    

1.      On the outline map of Bhutan provided to you, locate the following. (5)
a.       Mark with * and name the capital of Bhutan
b.      Mark and name any one place where domestic airport is found.
c.       Locate the place where the coal is found.
d.      Shade and name the Dzongkhag under which your school falls.
e.      Mark with X and name Gangkar Puensum

2.      On the outline map of India provided to you, locate the following.      (5)
a.       Put some dots to locate Gangetic Plain.
b.      Draw a thick line and locate the Eastern Ghats.
c.       Shade and locate Bay of Bengal.
d.      Draw line and name the  River Brahmaputra
e.       Shade and name the Indian Ocean

                       T H E  :  & + &   :  E N D   


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