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English I Class VIII(2014) Mid Exam


English I                                                                         Writing Time: 2 Hours
Class: VIII                                                                      Total Marks: 100

Read the following directions carefully:

1.      Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is meant for reading the questions. After having read the questions, you will be given two hours to write the answers.

2.      Answers to all questions must be written neatly in the answer sheet provided.

3.      In this paper there are two sections. Section A for writing and Section B for language. Apart from the choices offered in Question I and II in section A, all the questions are compulsory.

4.      Read the directions to each question carefully and write your answers in your answer sheet.

5.      Remember to number your answer. Write down the sections and question numbers before writing your answer.

6.      Do not forget to write your name, class/section and roll number on the answer sheet neatly.

Section: A
Writing: 60 Marks

Question: I. (40 Marks)

Direction: Write a composition of about 300 – 350 words on ONE of the following topics. You are advised to first read the topics carefully and then begin writing.

1.       A good book that you have read recently.
2.      Narrate a story of your own invention by continuing the following: ‘I lost my memory and I did not know where I was ……….’
3.      Imagine that you were one of the passengers in the bus which had been hijacked to a thick forest. Narrate how the bus was hijacked, the reaction of the passengers and how you managed to trick the hijackers to free yourself.
4.      A long journey in a crowded bus.

Question: II. (20 Marks)
Direction: You are Choden, a student of class eight studying at Phuentsholing Middle Secondary School, Chukha. Write a letter on any ONE of the following situations. Marks will be awarded for correct layout, appropriate language and content.

1.      Your elder brother Sunil who works at the Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC), Gelephu was informed about your bad behavior by the school. He is extremely sad to learn about you. Write a letter to him regretting about your misconduct and also dwell upon your improvement.
2.      Write a letter to your friend Dawa congratulating him/her on his/her success in the final examination.
3.      Your friend Chimi is a student of Norbuling Middle Secondary School, Sarpang. Write a letter telling him/her how you intend to spend the two weeks mid-term break after your mid-term examination.
4.      Write a letter to the Principal of your school complaining about the inconveniences caused by inadequate supply of water in your school.

Section: B
Language: 40 Marks

Question: I (10 Marks)
Direction: Study the table shown below and write a paragraph on what it conveys in five sentences.
-          Your summary should have short sentences.
-          Your summary should make good sense.
-          Include only the most important points.
-          Unnecessary details should be left out.
-          Sometimes many words can be replaced by a single word.
-          There is no need to give a title to your summary.

Number of vehicles imported into Bhutan – 2000 to 2004.

Light vehicles
Heavy vehicles
Two wheelers

Question: II (5 Marks)

Direction: Write the correct form of the words in the brackets. You may have to add the words to correct the sentences. You need not copy the whole sentences.
1.      Someone (are/is) knocking at the door.
2.      She is still (at/in) the school.
3.      There is said to be an understanding (between/among) thieves.
4.      The plane flew (over/above) the clouds.
5.      I have not (saw/seen) him for two months.

Question: III (7 Marks)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and for each question choose the given alternatives and write it in the space provided.

1.      She has …….. them for three years.
a.       know        b. knew          c. knows          d. known

2.      No sooner had she heard the result ……. she fainted.
a.       and          b. then         c. than         d. so

3.      Burglars ……….. the house around midnight.
a.       broke down    b. broke out       c. broke into         d. broke out of

4.      The plane …….. at 8 a.m.
a.       take off        b. take on        c. take after        d. take over

5.      My mother has been working in Thailand since 2009. What tense is used in the above sentence?
a.       present tense                                     b. present perfect tense
b.      present continuous tense                  d. Present perfect continuous tense

6.      I am afraid of the dark. What part of speech is the underlined word in the context of the given sentence?
a.       adjective       b. adverb          c. noun          d. verb

7.      Either Sita and her friends or my brother ----- broken the glass.
a.       has       b. have       c. has been          d. have been

Question: IV (7 Marks)

Direction: Rewrite the following sentences according to instructions given in brackets.
1.      They have fought a good fight. (Change into passive voice)
2.      Let the floor be swept. (Change into active voice)
3.      The thief saw the policeman. He ran away. (Combine the following pair of sentences using participle)
4.      He is honest. He is loyal. (Begin with: Either ------ or)
5.      She said, ‘Shall I switch on the fan?’ (Change into indirect speech)
6.      Both the lion and tiger had fought for the meat. (begin with: Not only ….. but also)
7.      He is better than any other player. (change into superlative form of adjective)
Question: V (6 Marks)
Direction: Edit the sentences.
1.      Why you are laughing?
2.      In my opinion I think it is wrong.
3.      We saw no one there, didn’t we?
4.      The minister in addition to the four officers have resigned.
5.      Dear Srijana, you have received my letter of June 15?
6.      Both the sisters sings beautifully.

Question: VII (5 Marks) ½ mark each
Direction: Fill in the gaps in this passage given below with the correct form of one of these words from the table given below.

I had never ---------- a house on fire before, so one evening ---------- I heard the fire engines with a loud alarm bells rushing past my house, ----------- ran out and a few streets away, joined ------------- large crowd of people. We could see the flames only ------------- a distance because the police would not ----------- any one near the house --------- fire. ----------- next day the police wanted -------- eye witness account and the explanation for the ---------- on the fire.



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