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Geography Class VIII(2013) Mid Exam

Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Sarpang Bhutan
Mid- Term Examination 2013
Class VIII                                                                                                                Full mark: 100
Geography                                                                                                              Time: 2 hours.             
Section A [30 marks]
Direction: each question in this section is followed by four choices of answer. Choose the correct answer and write down in the answer sheet provided.
Q1. The number of people that die for every 1000 people a year is death rate and number of live born babies for every people in the same period is called
i.        Death rate       ii. Old age rate         iii. Young age rate.        Iv. Birth rate
Q2. Which of the following factors change the population of a place?
i.        Birth and death                                               iii. Medical care and birth
ii.      Pregnant mother and birth                              iv. Immigration and emigration
  a (i and iv)               b (i and ii)                       c (i and iii)                         d (ii and iv)
Q3. Which of the following is  not a  natural calamity?
i.        Flood               ii.     Migration               iii. Earth quake                     iv. Drought                                                                       
Q4. Which of the following is not physical factor of population distribution?
i.        The climate is either too cold nor too hot
ii.      The soil is fertile and not barren
iii.    There are opportunities for earning
iv.    There is neither too less water  nor too much water
Q5. Some people live at altitude of 3000m-3500m, grow buck wheat and barley, the village
        and   house are scattered.  The above statement describes about
i.        Sparsely populated area                      iii. Densely populated area
ii.      Un populated area                               iv. Moderately populated area
Q6. The art of reducing the birth rate and lengthening the life span of those are living is
i.        Population planning                            iii. Population preparation
ii.      Population birth                                  iv. Population reduction

Q7. Planting, sowing, watering, weeding, harvesting and fertilizing are known as
i.        Input      ii.Doing work in the farm    iii. Farming process        iv. Output              
Q8. In the spring and autumn season, hail stone inflict unexpected damage of crops,
        this is  caused  by
i.        Natural problem  ii. Pest problem   iii. Used problem   iv. Man made problem                     
Q9. Poor input and farming process result to
i.        Poor outcome                                      iii. Poor labor
ii.      Poor water                                           iv. Poor weeding
Q10. Which of the following is not true about physical factor that influences agriculture?

i.        The relief of the land is the most important
ii.      Crops require a certain range of temperature
iii.    Source of a water for irrigation available
iv.    Labor is important factor

Q11. Our farmers required basic knowledge about agriculture on

i.        Varieties of crops and sowing
ii.      Soil fertility and land preparation
iii.    Decision making
iv.    Pest and disease

         A (ii and iii)         B (iii and iv)      C (i, ii and iv)            D (i, ii and iv)
Q12. All the information’s and market development  influences how a farmer takes his/her own-

i.        Decision               ii. Capital
iii.Labor           iv.  Transport

Q13. The raising of domestic animals is

i.        Live stock farming   ii.Non-ruminant
iii.Agriculture   iv. Mixed cropping

Q14. Animals that chew the cud is known as
 i.Farming         ii.Poultry           iii. Non-ruminant        iv.Ruminant                                

Q15. A new method of breading is made available throughout the country, this method is known as

i.        Artificial insemination
ii.      Local cow with jersey
iii.    Local cow with barman
iv.    Local cow with brown Swiss

Q16. The inner most layer of the earth is

i.        Crust          ii.Mantle              iii.Core

Q17. Rocks are made up of substance which we call

i.        Fossils                       ii.Minerals       
iii.Igneous        iv.Geysers

Q18. Aluvium left by river during the flood

i.        Destroy the soil
ii.      Enriches soil
iii.    Add minerals to soil
iv.    Add fossils

Q19. Raw materials used to obtain from the minerals formed in rocks is

     i.Metal        ii. Sand stone    iii.Aluminum

Q20. Volcanoes which are no longer active are called

i.        Dormant                  ii. Extinct    
iii.Sleeping               iv.Fault

Q21. Earthquake usually occurs in the places where the earth crust has cracks and weak. The cracks through which variation pass is

i.        Fault        ii.Epicenter        iii. Crust

Q22. As a result of earth quake the rocks on the surface of the earth change its

i.        Earlier position
ii.      Later position
iii.    Dormant position
iv.    Neck position

Q23. Geologist believe that the upper layer of the earth is divided about

i.        12 Large plates       ii.7 Large plates

iii. 6 Large plates     iv. 8 Large plates

Q24. The process of decaying and breaking of rocks under the action of weather is

i.        Weathering        ii. Soil formation
iii.Gradation          iv. Agradations

Q25. The humus is derived from the remains of

i.        Plants and animals
ii.      Rules and soil
iii.    Gradation and aggradations
iv.    Soil and sand

Q26. The following are work of upper course of a river except

i.        Cause erosion
ii.      Grinding action
iii.    Wearing away the bids
iv.    Deposition takes place

Q27. Which of the following is not the descriptions of artisan well?
i.        Wells which occur in the certain  region

ii.      Wells formed in between layers of permeable and impermeable rocks

iii.    Comes  up with great force when hole is dug

iv.    These wells are  not man made

Q28. People manufacture hand made paper from the bark of

i.        Daphne shrub        ii.  Blue poppy

ii.               iii.Bamboo plant   iv. Rose plant

Q29. Our forest is also rich source of herbal-

i.        Flower                     ii.Handicraft  
iii.Medicine       iv.Trext plant

Q30. Handicraft made from forest resources commonly found in kheng area is known

i.        Bangchung                 ii. Dupa          
iii. Phob           iv. Plate


Direction: All the questions, the intended marks for a question are stated in bracket.

Q1. State three factors that have influenced people to migrate     (3)
Q2. List down three advantages and disadvantages of migration (3)
Q3. Describe how the physical and climatic features affect the
         population distribution in the country                                   (3)

Q4. Write three ways in which we can plan our population           (3)
Q5. In what three ways is traditional farming method different from
        new farming method?                                                               (3)

Q6. What are three important consequences of mixed cropping? (3)
Q7. Why is capital an important factor in the farming system? Name any three. (3)
Q8.  The labor is a very important factor in the farming system;
         discuss  three areas where farmers can increase output (3)

Q9. What three consequences will our people face as a result of over grazing? (3)

Q10. What are three advantages of  having quality livestock farming?    (3)

SECTION- C  (SHORT ANSWER – 20 marks )

Direction: Answer all the questions, intended marks are indicated in the bracket.
1.      Distinguish between three courses of river. (3)

2.      Name the three agents of weathering.(3)

3.      Describe how sedimentary rocks are formed? (2)

4.      What are the differences between extinct and dormant volcanoes? (2)

5.      Describe the result of major earthquake. (2)

6.      Explain with the diagram how delta is formed. (2)

7.      Define the following.(6)
a.       Geyser
b.      Fossils
c.       Igneous rock
d.      Hydrosphere
e.       Lithosphere
f.       Core

SECTION –D (20 marks)

DIRECTION: Answer all the questions in this section.

1.      Match the word which appropriately relate with.                   (5)
a.       Weather                                         1. Do not allow water to pass.
b.      Humus                                           2. Crescent shaped dune.
c.       Barkhan                                         3. Decayed matters.
d.      Iceberg                                          4. Temperature.
e.       Impermeable                                 5. Masses of ice breaks.

2.      Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.                        (1x5)

a.       The bulls which are found in Sambekha (Haa) and Dungna (Chukha) are
 called ____________.
b.      Seri cows commonly cross breeded with ______ to get Jatsham.
c.       Yaks are also important means ______ for the Bjobs.
d.      The cross breed between mare and donkey is _________.
e.       Animal waste maintains soil ___________.

3.      Write (C) against Correct statement and (W) against Wrong statement.[1x5]

a.       British Government made it compulsory to send every child to
 school as a method of family planning. [       ]
b.      Clay soil doesn’t have smaller particles of soil and non-sticky. [  ]
c.       The increasing population of domestic animals will create an adverse
 effect on environment. [   ]
d.      Changing limestone to marble is the example of metamorphic rock. [    ]
e.       The farmland, animal, farming tools and money is
 not the capital of a farmer. [    ]

4.      On the outline of the map of the Bhutan, mark the following. (1x5)

a.       Mark with (^) and name Jomolhari and Gangkar puensum.
b.      Mark (~) and name the river Wangchu and Punatsangchu.
c.       Mark with (.) and name the capital of Bhutan.



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