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Geography Class VIII(2014) mid Exam

Mid-Term Examination 2014
Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Subject: Geography                                                                             Full Marks: 100
Class VIII                                                                                             Time: 2 hours

Direction: This paper has section A, B, C and D. You will answer all the questions in the separate answer sheet.
Section A      (30 Marks)
Choose the most correct answer from the given choice and write it in the answer sheet provided to you. Copy the question number and correct answer
1.      The total number of men, women and children living in a country in a particular period of time is called
*Population            *  Census                * Birth rate                * Population pyramid
2.      The economically productive working population are between the age group of
               *20 to 50 years          *  15 to 50 years         * 15 to 56 years          *  16 to 56 years
3.      The total population of a country may increase, remain the same or decrease depending upon the
*Birth rate      * migration      * Death rate           * All of the above
4.      The movement of the people into or out of a country is called
*Emigration             * Transfer              * Immigration           *  Migration
5.      The densely populated areas in Bhutan are
            *Inner Himalayas      * Greater Himalayas    *Urban settlement       *Southern foothills
6.      The system of growing two varieties of crop on the same plot and at the same time is called
*Mixed farming     * Mixed cropping       * Mixed growing      * Crop rotation

7.      The soil has large particles and is not sticky. They allow water and air to pass through quickly. This types is known as
           Clayey soil                 Alluvial soil               Loamy soil              Sandy soil
8.      In the colder regions cultivation of crops become less important because
*Only barley, buckwheat and potatoes grow there
*People in higher altitude like to keep yak and sheep
*Organic matter decay very slowly and soil does not regain fertility quickly.
*It is difficult to work in the cold regions.

9.      Which of the following is NOT the human factor that determines what crops are grown in an area
*Altitude                      * Labour                  *  Knowledge               *Decision making
10.  Which of the following animal is non ruminant
*Yak                        * Horse                        * Sheep                        *  Cow

11.  “It is an important means of transport for the Bjobs and Lhakhabs. It is sure footed in steep terrain.” Which of the following animal is described in the above sentence
*Yak                         * Sheep                      * Horse                    *  Cow

12.  The new development in livestock farming involves three important elements. Which of the following is not correct development
*Increasing the number of animal                  * Improving the type of animal
*Improving the pasture                                   * Improving quality of livestock.

13.  Mineral oil is usually found among
*Sedimentary rocks                                      *  Metamorphic rocks
*Fiery rocks like basalt                                 * Alluvial deposits

14.  Causes of the earthquakes lie in
Violent atmospheric storms               The movement of underground water
The heat of the earth’s interior            Heavy rainfall in summer

15.  Rain water can dissolve limestone because
* Of its high speed in falling                    * Limestone absorbs water
* Of the carbon dioxide it contain            * The limestone breaks easily
16.  Animals that chew the cud is known as
*Non-ruminant           * Ruminant             * Poultry                    * Farming
17.  A new method of breading is  made available throughout the country, this method is known as
Artificial insemination                      Local cow with jersey
Local cow with barman                                Local cow with brown Swiss

18.   Alluvium left by river during the flood
*Destroy the soil        * Enriches soil           * Add minerals to soil       * Add fossils
19.  Geologist believe that the upper layer of the earth is divided into
*12 Large plates               * 8 Large plates       * 7 Large plates       * 6 Large plates

20.  The humus is derived from the remains of
*Plants and animals    *  Roots and soil     *Gradation and aggradations    *  Soil and sand

21.  Which of the following is not the description of artesian wells?
* Wells which occur in the certain region
* Wells formed in between layers of permeable and impermeable rocks
* Comes up with great force when hole is dug
* These wells are not man made

22.  Which of the following mountain ranges do not emerge from Pamir knot
*Himalayas            * Karakoram                *Kunlun               *Caucasus

23.  The capital of Japan is
* Dhaka                   *Tokyo                       * Philippines          *Beijing
24.  The river Ob, Yenisey and Lena are not used for floating the logs because
 * They drain into Arctic Ocean  
             * They flow very fast
             * Their lower course remain frozen for many months and water does not get free flow        
             * They spread out and collect into marshes

25.  Which of the following is NOT a physical feature of Asia?
* The Northern Lowlands                 *The Great river valleys
*The Island groups                           *The Eastern Mountains

26.  One of the hottest place in Asia is
                  *Verkhoyansk      *Chirrapunji      *Jacobabad         *Mariana’s Trench

27.  All of the following are factors affecting birth rate except
                    *Buddhist belief as it is sinful to prevent birth            *Delay marriage
                    *Education and medical facilities                                * Migration

28.  Which of the following is true about mixed cropping?
              *Labour requirement can be saved     * Insect and disease can spread faster
              *Weeds can grow better                      * Both crops will be destroyed by pests at a time

29.  Rice, sugarcane, guava, mango and lychee are grown in
   *Alpine zone                                      * Wet sub tropical zone
   *Warm temperate zone                       * Cool temperature zone

30.  Which of the following is not the main type of imported animal
*Jersey cow                              *Siri cow         
*Merino sheep                          *White leg Horn chicken

Section-B  (20 marks)
Question I: Choose the correct word that matches the description below (10 marks)
  Copy the question number and the correct answer; you need not copy the whole sentence.

Hwang Ho, Archipelago, Dhaka, Degradation , Fossils, Barkhans, Core, crater, granite, Metamorphic

1.      The inner most part of the earth
2.      The countries that consist of group of islands
3.      Capital of Bangladesh
4.      Rocks that have changed the form due to great heat and pressure
5.      A igneous rock
6.      The process of wearing down of rocks
7.      Hardened remains of plans and animals
8.      The cup shaped hollow at the top of a volcano
9.      The crescent – shaped sand dunes
10.  The sorrow of china
Question II: Fill in the blanks. Do not copy the whole sentence; write the question number and the correct answer.                                                          (10 marks)
i.                    The number of people that die for every 1000 people a year is called _____________
ii.                  The act of reducing the birth rate and lengthening the life span of those who are living is called _________________
iii.                The crops that are mainly sold in the market are __________________ crops
iv.                ______  are unwanted plant growth that grow naturally without encouragement
v.                  ___________  farming involves use of tools made of local materials, scattering seeds by hand and using animals in the fields.
vi.                The cross breed between a mare and donkey is called ______________.
vii.              When the number of animal far exceeds the size and capacity of the pasture, the grass grow less, it is called __________________
viii.            ____________________ is the way of raising fish in the small pond.
ix.                ____________________ soil have smaller particles and are compact and sticky. They help the soil to retain more water and nutrient.
x.                  Growing two different crops on the same plot and at the same time is called ______
Section – C         (40 marks)
Question I. Answer the following question   (20 marks)
1.      What makes the population change? (2 marks)
2.      What are the factors that affect the distribution of population in our country (3 marks)
3.      List down the different problems our farmer face (2 marks)
4.      The new development in livestock rising involves three important elements. Briefly describe each of them.  (3 marks)
5.      Describe briefly the nature of core of the earth. (3 marks)
6.      What is the difference between extinct and dormant volcano? (2 marks)
7.      What are the four important ways to conserve soil? ( 2 marks)
8.      Name the mountain ranges which emerge out of Pamir knot in different directions (3 marks)
Question II
1. Draw and label the structure of earth              (5 marks)

2. Copy the table below and complete it                  (5 marks)
Farm process






Question III
1.      Describe with the help of diagram how deltas are formed ( 5 marks)

2.      Why should we plan population? What are the problems due to increase in population?  (5 marks)
Section D   Map Work        (10 marks)
On the outline map of Asia label the following
1 Indian Ocean,  Red Sea,  Caspian sea,  Philippines, Saudi Arabia
2. Mark with line-- River Hwang Ho, River Ob,  River Ganga
3. Mark P for Pamir Knot
4 .Mark X over Plateau of India.
                                               BEST OF LUCK!


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