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Science Class VIII(2014) Mid Exam

Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Sarpang Dzongkhag
Mid-term Examination 2014
Subject: Science                                                                                             Time: 2½ hours
Class: VIII                                                                                                     Full Mark: 100
Section A
Directions: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers.  Choose the most correct answer and write it in the answer sheet. [25]
1.      The whorl that provides protection and nutrition to the flower
a)      Calyx                     b) Petal                        c) Filament                  d) Style

2.      When the fields are left uncultivated it is known as
a) Fertilization             b) Field fallowing       c) Crop rotation           d)Plant breeding
3.      During incubation, the eggs are kept warm at a constant temperature of
a) 39C                         b) 37 C                        c) 39.5 C                     d) 21 C
4.      Swine fever is the disease suffered by
a) Cattles                     b) Pig                           c) Chickens                 d) Plants

5.      The great variety of life on earth is described as
a) Flora & Fauna         b) Habitat                    c)Niche                        d)Biodiversity
6.      The distance of the principal focus from the optical centre of the lens is called
a) Focus                       b) Principle axis           c) Focal length            d) Optical centre

7.      A group of atoms which behave as a single unit is called
a) Compound              b) Element                   c) Radical                    d) Atomicity

8.      The symbol for nitrate is
a) NO2             b) NO3             c) N                             d) Na
9.      Zn + 2HCL                                                  ZnCl2 + H2 is a
a)Displacement           b)Combination        c)Decomposition          d)Double Displacement
Reaction                          Reaction                  Reaction                          Reaction

10.  Valency for Hydrogen
a) 11                            b) 1                              c) 2                                          d) 3
11.  When mixing two primary colours Green + Red, you obtain Secondary colour as
a) Cyan                        b) Green                      c) Red                                     d)Yellow

12.  Look at the diagram of the prism and choose the correct answer

                        Q      Q               R      

P                                                                      S                                                           

PQ in the diagram represents
a) Emergent ray              b) Incident ray              c) Refracted ray            d) Reflected ray


13.  The structural and functional unit of life
a) Cell              b) organ                       c) tissue                       d) Nucleus

14.  Which system is also known as the transportation system of the body
a) Nervous                   b) Circulatory              b) Excretory                d) Reproductive
   System                         system                         system                         system

15.  Food items containing fibrous parts, which cannot be digested
a) Proteins                   b) Carbohydrate                      c) Water                      d) Roughage
16.  Power house of the cell
a) Nucleus                    b) Cytoplasm              c) Ribosome                d) Mitochondria
17.  Fat soluble vitamins are
a)Vitamin B and Vitamin C                   b)Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E & Vitamin K
c) Vitamin A and Vitamin B                 d) Vitamin D and Vitamin C

18.  The first milk of the mother is yellow in colour and it is known as
a) Colostrums              b) Breast milk             c) Yellow milk          d) Mother’s milk
         19. A metallic element X has valency 2. The formula for its Sulphate is
a) X(SO4)2                    b)X2SO4                     c)X3SO4                      d)XSO4

         20. Which Lens is known as converging lens
a) Convex mirror         b) Concave lens           c) Convex lens        d)Concave mirror

       21. The spectrum is formed because of

a) Reflection of light                                                   b) Refraction of light 
c) High speed of light                                                 d) Dispersion of light

22. Di-atomic elements have
a) One atom in a molecule                             b) Two atom in a molecule
c) Three atom in a molecule                            d) Four atom in a molecule

23. The replanting of trees in the area after cutting down the matured trees is called
a) Afforestation          b) Reforestation          c) Deforestation       d) conservation

         24. The fusion of the sperm with the ovum is called
a) Fertilization                         b) Hybridization          c) Ovulation    d) Reproduction
25. Non-striated muscles are involuntary because they are
a) Spindle- shaped                                          b) Have no striations              
c) Not under our control                                 d) under our control

Section – B
                                                 Answer ALL the questions                         (75 marks)
Directions: Read the questions given below carefully and write your answer for each part in your answer sheet.
 Question 26
a. Choose the correct answer from the words given in brackets. Rewrite the correct sentences.[5]
i.         …………………………. crops can fix nitrogen in soil.( cash crops/ leguminous/fruit)
ii.      A female pig is called ………………………..(sow/bore/mother pig)
iii.    ………………… is the description of how the organism relates to its physical and biological environment. (adaptation/ niche/locomotion)
iv.    BCG is a vaccine given for the protection from……………(polio/tuberculosis/measles)
v.      Deficiency of Vitamin C will cause …………………..(night blindness/ rickets/Scurvy)

b. Match the most appropriate item from Column A with of Column B and Write the correct pairs in your answer sheet. [5]
                         Column A                                                                             Column B
a)      Conducts message from one part to the human body to another?

                                                              i.      Copper T

b)      DMPA

                                                            ii.      Injectable contraceptive

c)      OPV

                                                          iii.      Converging
d)      Cardiac muscles

                                                          iv.      Hepatitis B
e)      Concave mirror
                                                            v.      Diverging

                                                          vi.      Poliomyelitis

                                                        vii.      Heart

                                                      viii.      Nervous tissue

Question 27
a. State True OR False for each of the following [5]
i.        Particular stage at which the body starts changing prepares for reproduction is called puberty (                     )
ii.      The molecular formula for Sodium Sulphite is Na2SO4 (                         )
iii.    Male reproductive organ of a flower is carpel (                             )
iv.    Brown Swiss in fawn in colour, short dished face, smaller than Jersey (                        )
v.      Rubber comes from trees             (                              )
b. Short Answer Question
i.         Write down TWO advantages of vegetative propagation? [1]
ii.      Why is a tray of water kept at the bottom of the incubator [1]
iii.    Write Four ways to conserve the forest [2]
iv.    List three main elements that constitute the bulk of protoplasm [1]

Question 28
a.       What is meant by balance diet? [1]
b.      What would be the symptoms of the deficiency of the following elements in plants?[2]
i. Nitrogen
ii. Phosphorus
iii. Potassium
c.       Why is silage a better feed for cattle than hay [1]

d.      Identify the type of reaction [1]
i.CaCO3 + H2O + CO2                     Ca(HCO3)2      (                                       )

ii.NaCl + AgNO3                                    AgCl + NaNO3   (                                     )

e.       The diagram below shows a formation of image by convex lens when the object
 is placed between F1 and 2F1.

i.                    Copy and complete the diagram given below [1]
ii.                  Write two characteristics of the image formed [1]
iii.                State one use of a convex lens [1]

f.       Which organelle in a cell is the most important and why? [2]

Question 29
a)      Why do we prefer new breed pigs to local breed? Give two reasons. [2]
b)      Write the molecular formula for the following [2]
i.                    Calcium chloride
ii.                  Magnesium Hydroxide
c)      What are bones made of? [1]

d)     What is meant by dispersion of light? [1]

e)      Complete the table below [4]

Organ system
Organ or parts of system
Function of the system


Bone & cartilage
Gives support and shape to our body
iii. Respiratory

-          Takes in oxygen
-          Oxidation of food to release energy carbon dioxide and water.

- to produce reproductive cells
- to produce new individuals so that species does not become extinct
Question 30
a)      Name one common disease of cattle [1]
b)      Draw and label the different parts of flower [4]
c)      Why is convex mirror used as rear-view mirrors of vehicles? Justify your answer with the diagram.[2]

d)     Complete the given table [1]

Food Source
Deficiency Disease

Fish, liver, butter,cheese,milk

Carrot, liver, milk, papaya

e)      Balance the following chemical equation [2]

i. Cu   +   O2                                     CuO

 ii. Al   +    Cl2                                      AlCl3

Question 31
a)      Marasmus is a disease in children caused by deficiency of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Write two symptoms of marasmus [2]
b)      If a radius of curvature is 8cm, find out the focal length of the spherical mirror [2]
c)      Write two differences between a compound and mixture [2]
d)     Write two differences between convex lens and concave lens [2]

Question 32
a)      Write two factors affecting pasture development [1]

b)      Complete the following chemical equation [3]
i.                    Cu(OH)2                                          ………………………. + H2O
ii.                  NaOH + HCL                                     
iii.                ………… + …………                                          2MgO

c)      Write the symbol for the following element[3]
i.                    Silver
ii.                  Potassium
iii.                Lead
iv.                Mercury
v.                  Sulphur
vi.                Sodium

Question 33
a)      What are the different signs of secondary sexual characteristics in women? [2]
b)      Differentiate between temporary and permanent method of family planning? [2]
c)      Name the seven deadly childhood diseases [2]
d)     Why is it not advisable to get pregnant before the age of 18 years? [1]
e)      Write down the signs of pregnancy? [2]
f)       Weeding is an important part of farming. Why? [1]


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