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English II Class VII(2014) Mid Exam

Subject: English                            Class VII                            Writing Time: 2 hrs.
      Paper II (Reading and Literature)                                                   Full Mark: 100
Read the following Directions Carefully.
In this paper there are three sections, A, B, & C. Each section has two sets of questions. Set I and Set II. Set I comprises of question no 1a and 1b. Set II corresponds to question no 2 across all sections. You must attempt ONE SET of questions from EACH section.
You must attempt THREE sets of questions in all. Your choice must include ONE SET II question (Question no.2) from any section.
Read the directions to each question carefully. Write ALL the answers in the answer sheet provided separately.
Do not forget to copy the section, set and question numbers correctly.
Section A: Short Story (35 Marks)
Direction: From the two sets of questions under this genre, choose one SET and write your responses on the answer sheet. Do not forget to copy the set and question numbers.
The questions are based on the story, Somebody’s Son.
Question 1 a: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct answer and write in your answer sheet.                             (15 Marks)                                                                   
1.      This story is an example of:
* Contemporary realistic fiction           * fantasy
*folktale                                                * novel
2. Who is the author of this story?
           * Kuenzang Choden                   *Richard Pindell
           * Naomi Wakan                          * Leena Dhingra

3. David’s hometown is
 *Iowa                      * Dakota          * Maryland            * San Joaquin valley
4. The main character of this story is
 * The Driver            * The Apple Tree    * David            *David’s Father
5. Which of the following statements about David is not correct?
* David’s father has a farm outside Baltimore.   *David doesn’t blindly obey his father
*David’s parents died in a car crash.                   * David loves and respects his father
6. When did David write the letter to his mother?
*While waiting for a ride.                                     * While travelling in a car
* While passing through a small town                  *When he reached Iowa.
7. The setting of the story is
*The Canada                * The USA        *Baltimore        * Mississippi
8. Why had the driver taken to the road?
*Because he had quarreled with his parents.          * Because of his parent’s divorce
*Because he lost his parents                                   * Because he liked travelling
9.The narrative technique used in this story is
*The first person narrator                                      * The second person narrator
*The third person narrator                                     * the common narrator
10. The main theme of this story is
* Taking revenge     * environmental protection    * Self awareness     *human life
11. This story has a
* Happy ending          * uncertain ending       *unhappy ending      * tragic ending
12. We come to know about the work done by David in San Joaquin valley through
*an anecdote         * a narrative          * a flash back            * a foreshadowing
13. Which one of the following is not true about David and his experience?
* David did odd jobs to support himself    *David realized the value of relationships and family
*David realized his mistakes and decided to come home     * David decided to go to college
14. Leaving his home helped David
* to become rich      *to make many friends    * to forget his past *to realize the value of family
15. The role of the driver is that of
* a guide and friend      * an unseen enemy       *the antagonist        *the protagonist
Question 1 b                                                                          (20 marks)
Direction: Answer the following questions in your own words. Do not forget to write complete sentences.
1: Describe the setting of this story.                                                                     (2 marks)
2: How will David know if his father will welcome him or not?                          (3 marks)
3: Compare the setting of the story at the end with that at the beginning of the story? (5 marks)
4: If you were David how would feel and act if you were told there was no cloth tied on the apple tree?                                                                                                                          (5 marks)
5: Do you think David would have returned home if he had not faced problems in his life? Give reasons to support your answer.                                                                                 (5 marks)                                                    
                                               SET II              (35 Marks)                                                         
Question:  2: Answer the following questions in about 60 words each.
1.      How did David spend seven months after leaving home?                         (7 marks)                          
2.      Discuss the conflict or problem of the story in detail                                  (7marks)
3.      What are the lessons that David learnt through his seven month’s experience? (7 marks)     
4.      Imagine you were David, how would you feel and act if you were told there is no white cloth on the tree?                                                                                             (7marks)                                                                
5.      Do you think David would have returned home if he had not faced problems in his life? Give reasons to support your answer.                                                            (7 marks) 
Direction: Read the passage given below carefully. From the two sets of questions on this set, choose one set and write your responses on the answer sheet.
On Sunday afternoon Grandmother sent her down to the drawing room to have a “nice talk” with Father and Mother. But the little girl always found Mother reading and Father stretched out on the sofa, his hander kerchief on his face, and his feet on one of the best cushions, sleeping soundly and snoring. She sat on a stool, gravely watched him until he woke and stretched, and asked the time. He then looked at her.  “Don’t stare so, Kezia. You look like a little brown owl.”
One day, when she was kept indoors with a cold, Grandmother told her that Father’s birthday was next week, and suggested she should make him a small cushion for a gift out of a beautiful piece of yellow silk.
Laboriously with a needle and thread, the little girl stitched three sides. But what to fill it with? That was the question. Grandmother was out in the garden and she wandered into Mother’s bedroom to look for “scraps”. On the bed table she discovered a great many sheets of fine paper, gathered them up, tore them into tiny pieces, and stuffed her case. Then she sewed up the fourth side.
That night there was a hue and cry in the house. Father’s great speech for the meeting had been lost. Rooms were searched; servants questioned. Finally Mother came to Kezia’s room.
“Oh! Yes, “she said, “I tore them up for my surprise.”
“What!” screamed mother. “Come straight down to the dining-room this instant.”
And she was dragged down to where father was pacing to and fro, hands behind his back.”Well?” he said sharply.
Mother explained.
He stopped and stared at the child.
“Did you do that?”
Set I               35 Marks
Question 1a                                                                                (1x15)                                                                                                 
Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer sheet.
1.      What kind of essay is this?
*Argumentative essay         *Descriptive essay    *Narrative essay       *Expository essay
2.      What parts of speech is the word ‘cushion’?
*Adverb            *Pronoun             *Noun              *Adjective
3.      A word in the passage that means the same as  “breath noisily while sleeping ” is
* Soundly                         *snoring               *   wanderer                            *pacing
4.      The word  ‘laboriously’ mean
* using laborers        *using a lot of time and effort    * carelessly    * secretly

5.       Who is compared to a little brown owl by Father?
* Grandmother            * Mother               * Kezia            *   one of the servants
6.      Why did the Grandmother send the little girl down to the drawing room?
* To look for her parents   * to talk to her parents     * to avoid her parents  *to help her parents
7.      Why did the little girl want to make a small cushion?
*to sell to her father * to pacify her father * to give as a gift to her father   *to reward her father
8.      Why did Kezia go to her mother’s bedroom?
*to look for her mother *for help *to search the room *to get something to fill the cushion
9.      Why was there a hue and cry at night?
* Kezia’s father was angry                                      *Kezia’s mother was angry
* Kezia’s father could not find the speech               *everybody was shouting at one another
10.  What did Kezia fill the curtain with?
* Waste scraps of rag    *bits of cotton cloth   * fine silk cloth             *pieces of paper
11.  Who is the main character of this story?
*Grandmother                * Grandfather              *Kezia               * Mother
12.  A suitable title for this passage would be
* Grandmother’s idea *Kezia’s Surprise   *Father and Grandmother *How to make a cushion
13.  Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Kezia?
* She lived with her family     *her father always talked and played with her
*She was a lovable child          *She wanted to please her father.
14.  Which of the following is TRUE about Kezia’s father?
* He loved Kezia very much.                *He is Kezia’s best friend
*He is an important and rich person.       *He is very kind to Kezia.
15.  This passage tries to tell us that …
* Parents should be strict to children.      *Parents should not let children go into all rooms.
*Parents should punish children             *Parents should let children talk freely with them.

Question I b:                                                                              20 Marks  
   Direction: Answer the following questions in your own words. Remember to write complete sentences.
1.      This passage comes under which genre of writing?                           (2marks)                                                  
2.      Why did Grandmother send Kezia to the drawing room? What does it show about Grandmother?                                                                                    (3marks)                                             
3.      What things do you know about Kezia’s father from the story?           (5marks)                                                          
4.      Explain in detail how Kezia happened to tear up the speech.                               (5marks)                                                 
5.      What are the lessons that we learn from the story?                            (5marks)  
                                                 SET II – 35 Marks
Direction: Read the following questions and answer them in about 60 words.
1.      Explain in detail what happened when Kezia went down to the drawing room to have   “a nice talk” with Father and Mother.                                                      (7marks)                                                           
2.      What was the suggestion Grandmother gave to Kezia to please her father? Did it have the desired result?                                                                                     (7marks)                                         
3.      What do you know about Kezia’s father and his character?              (7marks)                               
4.      Who do you like more? The Grandmother or parents? Compare their characters and give reasons for your answer.                                                                     (7marks)                                                                                         
5.      Imagine you are a councilor from the Child Welfare Unit. What advice would you give to Kezia’s parents?       (7marks)                                   

Direction: Read the poem given below by W. Cowper carefully and from the TWO SETS of questions on the poem, choose ONE SET and write your answers on the answer sheet.
The Poplar Field

The poplars are fell’d, farewell to the shade
And the whispering sound of the colonnade:
The winds play no longer and sing in the leaves
Nor Ouse on his bosom their image receives.

Twelve years have elapsed since I first took a view
Of my favourite field, and the bank where they grew:
And now in the grass behold they are laid,
And the tree is my seat that once lent me a shade.

The blackbird has fled to another retreat
Where the hazels afford him a screen from the heat;
And the scene where his melody charm’d me before
Resounds with his sweet-flowing ditty no more.

(Note: colonnade -row of columns,  Ouse –A river in the Eastern part of England)

SET I                        (30 Marks)

Question 1a                                                                              (10 marks)                                                                                          
Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the most suitable response and write in your answer sheet.

1.      This poem consists of
*four stanzas             *three stanzas    *               one stanza      * two stanzas
2.      What do you think is a poplar?
* a stone column        * a factory     *a group of people  * a kind of tree
3.      “The cool colonnade” was
* people of the area       * poplar trees        * the black bird       * the poet’s friend
4.      This poem uses which narrative voice?
*First person narrator *Second person narrator *Third person narrator *All the above
5.      The words view and  grew  used in the second stanza  are examples of
*Rhyming words            * Internal rhyme          *Assonance                   * Simile
6.      When did the poet first see the poplar field?
* twelve years before   *two years before * a long time back    *sometime back
7.      The speaker of the poem is
* Owner of the poplar field     *a nature lover   *a blackbird    * a timber extractor
8.      Where did the poplars grow?
* in a desert     * on the banks of river Ouse   *near a colonnade     *with the hazels

9.      What has happened to the trees?
* they have been taken away               * people have made seats out of them                          *they are being cut                               *they they have been cut and laid on the grass 
10.  The figure of speech used in the last line of the poem is …
*hyperbole       * simile          *personification              *onomatopoeia

  Question 1b – 20 Marks
Direction: Answer the following questions in your own words.
1.      Who is the author of this poem?                                                             (2 marks)                                                                                     
2.      Which words in the first stanza shows that the trees are no more?        (3 Marks)                                                                                                                                                 
3.      What are the features of poem that you find in this piece of writing?    (5marks)                                                                                                                                                              
4.      What are the two things that the speaker of the poem misses now?        (5marks)                                                  
5.      After reading the poem what all things do you know about the speaker’s relationship to the poplar field?                                                                                        (5marks)
SET II – 30 Marks
Question: 2                                              (6x5 marks)

Direction: Answer each of the following questions in a short paragraph.
1.      Rewrite (paraphrase) the second stanza of the poem in your own words.                     (6)            
2.      What are the changes that have happened after the poplars are felled?                         (6)                                                                                   
3.      Write down some common features of poems that you find in this piece of writing.     (6)                                                                                                           
4.      There are two kinds of people. One likes to enjoy the beauty of nature without hurting it. The other exploits it for his personal gain. Identify the work of both from the poem. To which group does the speaker belong? Explain in detail.                                                (6)                                                                                                         
5.      Which stanza appeals to you most? Why? Answer in detail.       (6)                                            

                                                                    BEST OF LUCK


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