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Mathematics lass VIII(2013) mid Exam

Mid-Term Examination 2013
Subject: Mathematics                      Writing Time:
Class VIII                                          Full Mark: 100
Date 21st June 2013
SECTION A (30 marks)
Choose the correct response from the following four options. Each carries 2 marks.
1.    Karma can read a chapter of a novel in  hours. How long will it take him to read 8 chapters?

a.   6 hours
b.   8 hours
c.   10 hours
d.   9 hours

2. Calculate:  


3.   Chimi ran 8 laps on a running tracks. Then Jamyang ran 6 laps. How many more laps did chimi ran than Jamyang?

a.  15
b.  15
c.  2
d.  2

4.   Calculate:

c.   4

5.   In Lhuentse Dzongkhag, 1350 people live in rural areas. This is about 90% of the population of lhuentse. If 1350 people live in rural area, estimate the population of lhuentse Dzongkhag.

a.   1215
b.   1500
c.   1250
d.   1350

6.   What division equation does below picture represent?

a.  3

7.   A school has 120 students. 55% of the students are girls. How many are boys?

a.   54
b.   45
c.   66
d.   55

8.   The standard form of

a.   0.731
b.   0.7301
c.   0.730001
d.   0.73001

9.   The money a sales person earns  for a sale or for total sales is referred to as

a.   Commission
b.   Simple interest
c.   Principal
d.   Rate of commission

10.                In hundred millions how many zeros are there?

a.   10 zeros
b.   8 zeros
c.   6 zeros
d.   11 zeros

11. Square root of 1,440,000 is

a.   12000
b.   1200
c.   120000
d.   120

12.                Calculate 


13. Maya invested Nu. 5000, for two and half years. He earned Nu.1000 in interest. What was the simple interest rate?

a. 8%
b. 6%
c. 10%
d. 25%

14.A school has 620 students, a survey found that 15% of the students own bicycle. How many students own bicycle?

a.   90 students
b.   93 students
c.   60 students
d.   92 students.

15.The ration of Bhagi’s mass to Samten’s is 5:4. If Bhagi’s mass is 40kg. What is Samten’s mass?

a.   23kg
b.   32kg
c.   50kg
d.  25kg

Section B.12Questions [40marks]
Answer ALL questions
1.    Write each in expanded notation and standard form [4marks]

2.   Write each in scientific notation                              [2marks]
a)   4,356,000
b)  0.1367

3.   The ratio of the number of people standing to the number of people sitting in a bus is 3:13. If 9 people are standing, how many are sitting?                                                       [3marks]

4.   Find each value                                                        [4marks]
a)   270 is X% of 900
b)  9% of a length is 36m

5.   A toy regularly sells for nu 250 is on sale for nu 225. What is actual discount and the percent discount?[3marks]
6.   Pema borrows nu 28,800 for 3years at an annual interest rate of 12%. How much will Pema have to pay back altogether?            [4marks]

7.   Calculate                                                                 [4marks]

8.   Bijoy kumer, Arun Kumer and Binod Chetteri ran laps around a track. Altogether they ran  laps. Bijoy Kumer ran  laps. How many laps did Binod Chetteri run?                                                 [3marks]

9.   Draw a number line to show                              [3marks]
10.   Chali Maya ran  laps on running track. Then Jamyang ran  laps. Altogether, how many laps did they run? How many more laps did Chali Maya run than Jamyang?    [4marks]

11. Explain      showing examples.   [3marks]

12. Write three different rational numbers that are greater than  but less than. Order them from least to greatest.                 [3marks]

Section C
5Questions [30marks]. Answer ALL questions
Question 1.
                   a)        Calculate       (3marks)
                  b)        Order from least to greatest:  - ,  -3,  - ,  - 6   (3 marks)
Question 2.
a)   Draw a diagram to show the root of 49 is 7.         [2marks]

b)  Two shops sell the same item for the same price.
Shop 1 offers a discount of 10% one week, 10% the next week and 10% in third week.
Shop 2 offers a discount of 30% in the third weeks. Which shop offers the greatest discount in third week? Use an example to explain your answer.       [4marks]

Question 3.
a)   Factor 72,900 to find its square root.    (3 marks)
b)  Find the simple interest charge on loans. (3 marks)
Annual interest rate(%)
Time (years)
Simple Interest



Question 4

a)   Solve using doubling and halving. (3 marks)
·        (-4) X 35
·        18 X (-25)
·        (-15) x (-64)

   b) A cyclist burn about 300 calories of energy cycling for 30 minutes.(3 marks)
·        How many calories does the cyclist burn in 50 minutes?
·        How long does the cyclist have to cycle to burn 1000 calories?
Question 5

a)   Dorji slept at home for  of the day and spent   of his waking hours at home on the same day. What fraction of the whole day did he spend at home? (3 marks)

b)  Draw a grid model for each multiplication. (3 marks)



                         GOOD LUCK


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