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History Class VIII(2013) Mid Exam

Sarpang Lower Secondary School
Mid Term Examination: 2013

History                                                                                      Writing Time: 2 Hours
Class: VIII                                                                                 Total Marks: 100


1.      Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions. After having read the questions, you will be given two hours to answer all questions.
2.      Answers to all the questions must be written neatly in the answer sheets provided to you.
3.      In this paper, there are two sections: ONE and TWO. You must answer all the questions in both the sections.
4.      Read the directions to each question carefully and write your answers accordingly.
5.      The marks for all the questions are given in the bracket.
6.      Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with others, or move around.
7.      Remember to write quickly but neatly.
8.      Do not leave the hall before you have made sure that you have answered all the questions.

Do not forget to write your name, class/section and roll

30 Questions – 30 Marks
Answer ALL questions.

Directions: Read the following questions carefully, copy the number of the question, choose the correct response and write it in your answer sheet.

1. The British had annexed the Assam Duars in 1841 from Bhutan because

·         They thought that the Duars belonged to them
·         Nobody knew who has the right over the Duars
·         They were interested to come to Bhutan
·         They claimed the Bhutanese were making incursions into British India

2. British India sent a mission to Bhutan in the year:
 * 1842                        * 1863                       * 1864                               * 1865

3. Which of the following is the main reason behind Trongsa Poenlop Tshokey Dorji promising to appoint Jigme Namgyal as Trongsa Poenlop when he retires:

·         Jigme Namgyal saved the life of Trongsa Poenlop from his enemies.
·         He was sincere and intelligent
·         He was brave and loyal
·         He was the most powerful man in Bhutan.

4. The most important reason for sending the Ashley Eden Mission to Bhutan was:
·         To negotiate a treaty with Bhutan.
·         To identify the real ruler of Bhutan.
·         To study the internal situation of Bhutan.
·         To appoint a British agent in the court of the Desi.

5. Ambari Falakata was annexed because
·         Bhutanese rejected the friendly mission sent by the British
·         Col. Jenkins reversed the more relaxed and conciliatory frontier policy.
·         It belonged to British in the past.
·         Col. Jenkins saw the value of the economic resources available.

6. Following passage is to be used with question no. 6.
“The second meeting was far less civil. On this occasion the Trongsa Poenlop presented new demand…”
The demand that is talked in the above passage is:
·         The Bhutanese Government would receive a British agent in Bhutan.
·         Ambari Falakata would be returned when the Bhutanese returned British property and captives
·         Assam Duars should be returned with the revenue last calculated and included.
·         British should maintain friendly relation with Bhutan.

7. The Duar war ended in 1865 with the British recapture of
* fortress                         *Sinchula                      *Assam Duars                *Diwangiri ( Deothang)

8. The British were interested in Bhutan because they wanted
·         to use Bhutan as a trade route to Tibet.
·         raw materials and ready markets for their goods.
·         to expand their markets in Bhutan.
·          the fertile plains for the plantation of tea.

9.  Which ONE of the following is the only reason for the breakdown in relations between British India and Bhutan?
·         British India wanted to annex Assam Duars.
·         British India did not accept Bhutanese demand
·         Bhutanese did not accept British india’s demand
·         The failure of Ashley Eden Mission

10. The Governor General of India issued a Declaration of war against Bhutan on
*11 November 1864                                   *11 November 1865
            *12 November 1864                                  * 12 November 1865

11. All of following are true about Jigme Namgyal EXCEPT:
·         He was identified by the British as the man with real power in Bhutan.
·         He started modern education in Bhutan.
·         He started his political career in the court of Trongsa Poenlop.
·         He was the most powerful man in Bhutan

12. Jigme Namgyal had a vision of the country, shared by the first Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. The vision was of:
·         A united and independent country
·         A self reliant and independent country
·         A peaceful country
·         A united and peaceful country

13.  The British were interested in Bhutan because they wanted
·         to expand their markets in Bhutan.
·         to use Bhutan as a trade route to Tibet.
·         the fertile plains for the plantation of tea.
·         raw materials and ready markets for their goods.

14.  “Jigme Namgyal saved the life of Tshokey Dorji at Punakha.”
What was the post held by Jigme Namgyal at that time?
*Darpon.                    * Dronyer                    *Zimpon.                   * Trongsa Poenlop.

15. Bhutan was united under a hereditary king system in the year:
      * 1905                        * 1889                      *1904                          * 1907

16. “It is a form of government where the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers run the government.” The above statement correctly describes the
·         parliamentary form of government
·         direct democracy form of government
·         indirect democracy form of government
·         Presidential form of government.

17. In a Parliamentary Democracy, the legislative powers are vested in the
·         Monarch, National Assembly and National Council.
·         Prime Minister, National Assembly and National Council.
·         Council of Ministers, National Assembly and National Council.
·         President, National Council and National Assembly.

18. “It is the basic responsibility to be performed by the citizens for the welfare of the people and the interest of the Nations.” The above statement correctly describes the
·           Directive Principles of State Policy.
·           Fundamental Rights.
·           Fundamental Duties.
·           Universal Adult Franchise.

19. Which of the following is NOT the Constitutional Bodies?
·         The Royal Audit Authority.
·         The Anti-Corruption Commission.
·         The Executive.
·         The Royal Civil Service Commission.

20. Which of the following statements correctly describes the importance of the constitution?
·         It ensures the well-being of the people and the security and sovereignty of the nation.
·         Provide proper checks and balances within the government.
·         Combat corruption in the country.
·         Implements policies and programmes.

21.  The World War I came to an end by the treaty of
*Paris                    * Versailles              * Geneva               * Hague
22.  Which of the following is correctly matched?
·         World War I ended –     11 November, 1918
·         Treaty of Versailles –    28 June, 1914
·         World War I started –    15 January, 1914
·         The U.S.A. entered the World War I –    15 July, 1915.

23.  England made a separate alliance with Japan in
·         1908                           * 1907                       * 1915                   * 1918
24.  Which were the new nation states emerged as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?
·         Poland, Holland and Yugoslavia           
·         Holland, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia
·         Poland, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia
·         Poland, Holland  and Czechoslovakia
25.  Which of the following statements most correctly describes a brief account of the World War I?
·         War on the south – west front     
·         War with Turkey    
·         Entry of Latin America into the war  
·         War on the east – west front.
26.  Which factor contributed to the rise of the immediate cause of the World War I?
* Balkans crisis                                       * Division of two power blocs  
* Policy of imperialist                            * Sarajevo Tragedy

   27. “During the late 19th century and early 20th century, Europe was like a powder magazine                                                which could explode at any moment.” The above situation developed as a result of the
·         imperialist policy of Japan.
·         increasing enmity caused by Germany
·         division of Europe into two power blocs.
·         emergence of Russia as a major world power.

28. Beginning with the earliest, what is the correct order of events that led to the First World War?
I. Militarism                                                II. Imperialism
III. Crisis in the Balkans                             IV. Division of Europe into two power blocs.

A.    II, I, IV and III       
B.     III, II, I and IV
C.     IV, III, I and II
D.    I, III, II and IV

29. Joining of the USA in the First World War was a blessing in disguise to the Allies mainly because
·         soldiers of the USA were expert in warfare.
·         German soldiers lost the confidence to fight.
·         the USA supplied enormous resources in men and money.
·         some partners of Germany withdrew from the war fearing USA.

30. The formation of Triple Alliance led to the
·         Formation of Allies                               *formation of Triple Entente   
·          *formation of Central Powers              *entry of the USA into the World War I

Questions – 70 Marks
Answer ALL Questions.

Direction: Read the questions below and answer each one in your answer sheet.

Question I (15 Marks)
Directions: Answer all the questions
1. Why did a series of border incidents take place between 1855 and 1857?  (3)
2. Why do you think the British were responsible for the failure of the Ashley Eden Mission?   Give two reasons. (3)
3. List down the action of British as a result of the failure of Ashley Eden mission to Bhutan. (3)
4. Why did Trongsa Poenlop Jigme Namgyal want to establish strong central power in Bhutan?
    Give two reasons (3)
5. What was the main cause of the civil war in Bhutan?  Give two reasons.  (1 ½ + 1 ½)

Question II (20 Marks)
Directions: Answer all the questions
1. What incidents led to the promotion of Jigme Namgyal from an attendant to the post of Trongsa Droenyer?  (4)
2. List down at least four provisions of the draft treaty brought by Ashley Eden. (4)
3. When was the Treaty of Sinchula signed? Mention the three terms of the Treaty (1+3)
4 Describe briefly, the early life of Jigme Namgyal.  (4 Marks)
5. What led to the division of the Eastern region between the Poenlop of Trongsa and Jakar?  (4)

PART- B (BHUTAN CIVICS)   10 marks
Question I (10 marks)
1. Explain briefly any two important features of the constitution.  (2 Marks)
2. State the importance of casting a vote in an election. Give two reasons to support your answer.                                                            (2 Marks)
3. What kind of democratic government do we have in our country? Explain. (2)
4. Write down the two fundamental rights of Bhutanese citizens.  (2 Marks)
5.  How can you play constrictive roles in ensuring the security and well-being of the country? Give two reasons to support your answer.   (2)

Question I (12 Marks)
  1. Discuss any two causes and results of the World War I.  (4 Marks)
  2. Was the Treaty of Versailles fair? Explain your opinion.  (3 Marks)
  3. Identify any two terms of the Treaty of Versailles which were unfair to Germany. (3marks)
  4. Give two reasons why the League of Nations was established after the First World War?  (2 marks)
Question II (13 Marks)
  1. State three causes of the failure of the League of Nations.  (3 Marks)
  2. Explain a brief account of the killing in Sarajevo.   (3 Marks)
  3.  Do you think the First World War could have been avoided if Sarajevo Tragedy had not taken place? Give two reasons to support your answer.    (4)
  5. How did Germany pose a threat to the peace of Europe in the beginning of the twentieth century?   (3 marks)


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