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History Class VII(2013) Mid Exam

Subject: History                                                                                                Writing Time: 2 Hours
Class: VII                                                                                                          Total Marks: 100
Name:________________________________________ Class_____________Sec:_______________
1.      Do NOT write for the first ten minutes. This time is to be spent reading over the questions. After having read over the questions, you will be given 2 hours in which to answer all questions.
2.      In this paper there are 3 sections: A, B & C. You must answer ALL questions in each section.
3.     Read the directions to each section carefully and write your answers in the space provided in the question paper booklet.
4.      Be sure to write your name, section and roll No.

30 Questions – 30 Marks. Answer ALL questions.
Direction: Each question in this section is followed by four possible responses. Choose the correct response and write your answer in the space provided in the question booklet.

1.      Which of the following statements about PemaLingpa is NOT TRUE?

A.      His father was DondrupZangpo.
B.      He was born in the village of ChhelwaRithrang.
C.      He was brought up by Choeyingpa.
D.     His father belonged to SumthrangChoeje of Ura.

2.      Pema Lingpa’s residence in Bumthang was Tamzhing Monastery, which is still the residence of his incarnate……

A.      Gangtey Trulku
B.      Namkha Ningpo
C.      Jamyang Khentse
D.     Peling Sungtrul


3.      What is the special mask dance choreographed by Pema Lingpa?

A.      Peling Tercham
B.      Durdag Cham
C.      Dremitse Nga Cham
D.     Pa Cham

4.      Which family in Bhutan is the direct descendent of Pema Lingpa?

A.      Talo
B.      Tamzhing
C.      Dungkhar
D.     Chhusa

5.      Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal is the incarnation of which renowned Drukpa Master?

A.      Pema Karpo
B.      Guru Rimpochhe
C.      Tsang Desi
D.     Pema Lingpa

6.      In which year was the Chhoesi, the dual system of government, established by Zhabdrung?

A.      1615
B.      1629
C.      1616
D.     1651

7.      The Zhabdrung ruled Bhutan for :

A.      53 years
B.      21 years
C.      35 years
D.     16 years

8.      Which of the following statements IS NOT true about the Zhabdrung?

A.      He introduced the dual system of administration.
B.      He created the LhengyeTshog.
C.      He appointed PekarJungne as the first Je Khenpo.
D.     He appointed Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye as the first Desi

9.      Which Dzong is the first Dzong built by Zhabdrung?

A.      Punakha
B.      Thimphu
C.      Dechenphodrang
D.     Semthokha Dzong

10.  How many Desis ruled Bhutan till 1906?

A.      46
B.      64
C.      40
D.     65

11.  Who was the 69th Je-Khenpo  of Bhutan?

A.      Je-Geshey Geduen Rinchen
B.      Je-Trulku Jigme Choeda
C.      Je-Pekar Jungney
D.     Je-Yeshi Nidup

12.  Which of  the following are  three provinces in Bhutan were headed by Penlops

I.        Punakha
II.      Paro,
III.    Trongsa
IV.    Dagana

A.      I,II,III
B.      I,II,IV
C.      II,III,IV
D.     II,III,I

13.  Name the Lhakhang built by Tenzin Rabgye in Kalingpong.

A.      Damgsang Lhakhang
B.      Jangsar Lhakhang
C.      Tamzhing Lhakhang
D.     Tharpoling Lhakhang

14.  The Druk Desi System, introduced by Zhabdrung came to an end……

A.      1907
B.      1705
C.      1905
D.     1906

15.  On whom did Chogyel Minjur Tempa confer the title “Tri Rimpoche”?

A.      Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay
B.      Tenzin Drukdra
C.      Tenzin Drugyal
D.     Pekar Juney

16.  Dzongs were first introduced in Bhutan by:

A.      Zhabdrung
B.      Lam GyalwaLhanangpa
C.      Lam NgagiWangchuck
D.     PekarChhoephel

17.  In 1702 Sherab Wangchuk the 13th Desi built this dzong and it came to be known as:

A.      Simthokha Dzong
B.      Wangdephodrang Dzong
C.      Tashichhoe Dzong
D.     Punakha Dzong


18.  What is the old name of Dechenphodrang Dzong?

A.      Byenhar Dzong
B.      Drongsa Dzong
C.      Semo Do Kha Dzong
D.     Do Ngon Dzong


19.  Which of the following statement is TRUE about the work of Nyerchen?
A.      He would note the comings and goings of people in and out of the dzong.
B.      He was the official in charge of the horses.
C.     He was the store- keeper and took care of the rations of the monk body.
D.     He was the meat store-keeper
20.  Following are the true statement of Dzong EXCEPT

A.    A fortress                               
B.     Built on mountain spur
C.     Effective defenses                 
D.     Not surrounded by watch tower

21.  All the following statements are incorrect about the life in the Medieval European Town, EXCEPT

A.      Medieval town was not so comfortable
B.      Medieval town was very clean
C.      There was good drainage system
D.     The house were built far from each other


22.  In early Medieval Europe the towns were controlled by the

A.      Merchant Guilds
B.      Crafts Guilds
C.      Feudal Lords
D.     Soldiers

23.  In the early medieval period fair was sponsored by

A.    Merchant guild                                   
B.     Lord
C.     Craft guild                                         
D.     Trade man

24.  The merchant guilds were associations of:

A.      Merchants
B.      Craftsmen
C.      Shoemakers
D.     Teacher


25. The word “Fair” has its origin from the Latin word ‘Feria’ which means

A.      Ceremony
B.      Celebration
C.      Happiness
D.     Festival


26. Charlemagne was the most famous king of the:

A.      Goths
B.      Franks
C.      Lombards
D.     Vandals

        27.  Who was the first king of France?

A.    Clovis
B.     Alaric
C.     Attila
D.    Justinian


     28. Which of the following WAS NOT a reason for the breakup of Charlemagne’s empire?
A.    His successors were weak.
B.     His sons and grandsons fought among themselves.
C.     Foreign invaders attacked the empire.
D.    He made Christianity the state religion of his empire.

          29. The Roman emperor who shifted capital from Rome to Byzantium was

A.    Pepin
B.     Consatntine
C.     Charles Martel
D.    Charlemangne


          30. The Following are the true statement of Cherlemangne, EXCEPT
A.    Charlemagne spent much of his life at war
B.     Charlemagne was the great champion of christainity
C.     Charlemagne become king of Franks in 700 AD
D.    Charlemagne established many schools in his Empire

SECTIONB (40 Marks) Answer ALL questions.
Direction: Read the questions below and answer all.
Question I
a.        Write in your own words the meaning of ‘Terton’ and works of terton. (3m)

b.      Write THREE main reasons to prove that Pema Lingpa was unusual as a child. (3m)
c.       Name THREE important persons who assisted the Zhabdrung in his day to day affairs. (3m)
d.      Pema Lingpa’s youngest son, Sangdag settled in Tamzhing . Name THREE Choejes started by them in Bhutan. (3m)
e.       Who introduced the new law called ‘Mitong’ and why? (3m)

f.       Which Dzongpons were given the rank of ministers and had same power as penlops? (3m)
g.      What were the causes of the break-up of Charlemagne’ Empire? List any THREE reasons. (3m)

h.      Why was the life in a medieval town so uncomfortable?  List any THREE reasons (3m)
Question II
a. Match the following (6m)

a.      Meat store man

b.      In charge of the horse

c.       Gate keeper
Ta Poen

d.      Chief of Protocol and looks after the state guests.

e.      Water carrier
Zhung Kalyon
f.        Representative of Desi

b. “Zhabdrung’s achievement was many and all together they contributed, over the centuries, towards Bhutan being a sovereign and independent country’’. Write down any FIVE outstanding achievement made by him. (5m)
c. Complete the table below (5m)
Name of the Dzong
Year of construction
Historical importance

Zhabdrung Ngwang Namgyel
The protrective deityu, Yeshi Goenpo, is supposed to have told Zhabdrung that he could bring the whole bcountry under his power.

Zhabdrung Ngwang Namgyel
Was the seat of the successive paro penlop
It was also the seat of National Assembly


New summer capital.
Dzong of glorious Religion

Section C (30marks)
Direction: Read the questions below and answer all. (6×5=30marks)
1.      Study the family tree of Pema Lingpa given below base on what you observed; write your interpretation of the lineage of the Royal Family.

2.      In your own words write the reasons, why Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel created a unique identity for Bhutan?
3.      “Punakha Dzong has played important role in the country’s history” Give reasons to justify the above statement. 
4.        Describe the Chhoesi system established by Zhabdrung Rimpochhe?

5.      Why is Charlemagne called a ‘Light in the Darkness’? 
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________      
6.      What was the importance of ‘fairs’ in the life of people of Medieval Europe?



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