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Class IV/AE-English-2017

Ministry of Education

Class: IV                                                                                                             Time: 2:00 hours

Subject: English                                                                                                 Full Mark: 100


  1. Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions. After having read the questions, you will be given 2 hours to answer all the questions
  2. Answer to all the questions must be written neatly in the answer sheet provided by the school.
  3. In this paper, there are three sections:  A, B and C. All questions in Section A and B are compulsory.
  4. There are three genres in section C. Choose one set from each of the genres. BUT you must attempt one SET II in any of three genres.
  5. Read the directions to each questions carefully.
  6. Remember to correctly write your name on the answer sheet.
  7.  Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all the questions.
  8. If you finish before time is over, close your answer booklet and sit quietly.

QUESTION I: Essay Writing (10 MARKS)
DIRECTION: Write a composition of around 150 words onany ONE of the topics given below.
1.      How you had celebrated your Blessed Rainy Day/ Diwali?
2.     How did you spend your summer vacation?
3.     How the school celebrated its annual variety show?

QUESTION II: Letter Writing (10 MARKS)
DIRECTION: Write a letter on the topic given below.
Write a letter to your class teacher requesting for a leave. Explain that you have to go to the hospital as you are not feeling well.
Marks will be awarded for correct layout, content and language.
Question I                                                                                             
DIRECTION:Copy the number of question, choose the correct response and write it in your answer sheet. (1x10 Marks)
1.     It is ……… today.

a)     rained.
b)     raining
c)     had rained
d)     has rained

2.     She ……...  her teeth every morning.

a)     brushing
b)     brushed
c)     brush
d)     brushes

3.     Karma always ……… his work on time.

a)     does
b)     do
c)     did
d)     will do

4.     The girls are ………

a)     dancing
b)     dances
c)     danced
d)     dance

5.     Pema was………. the floor.

a)     sweep
b)     swept
c)     sweeps
d)     sweeping

6.     The students ………dinner when the earthquake struck.

a)     were having
b)     was having
c)     is having
d)     having

7.     You …….. go to Paro tomorrow.

a)     will
b)     is
c)     are
d)     have

8.     Sonam …… the school for five years.

a)     has worked
b)     worked
c)     working
d)     have worked

9.     They  ……….. into the water before I reached there.

a)     has jumped
b)     had jumped
c)     are jumped
d)     were jumped

10.  She  ……… cut her finger last year.

a)     have
b)     had
c)     was
d)     is

Question 2(5marks)
Fill in the blank with “a, an, and the” where appropriate. (5)
1.     Thimphu is …….…capital of Bhutan.

2.     I am ……..….girl.

3.     Phuntsho is late for more than… ……. hour.

4.     He loves …… …ice- cream.

5.     ………. boys are playing.

Question 3(5marks)
Choose the correct word from the bracket and write it in the blank. (5)
1.     There ……………   (are/is) four cats in the bag.
2.     There arefour……………….(leaves/ leaf) on the table.
3.     Do you like to have a ……………..  (cup/cups) of tea ?
4.     Who kept all these ……….……….(box/boxes) on my table?
5.     We have five new ……… …….(knife/ knives) with us.

                                                                    SECTION C
DIRECTION: There are two sets of questions under this genre. Choose ONE SET and answer the questions.

QUESTION Ia. (10 marks)
Read the following extract and answer the following questions.
“They took their food for granted and it became wasteful. They cut far more sky than they needed and threw what they didn’t use on to the garbage heap.”

Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the most correct answer or response and underline it.
1.     The above extract is taken from the story,

·       The Streets are free
·       Genekha
·       Emil and the detectives
·       Why the sky is far away.

2.     The author of the story is

·       Marci Stillerman
·       Geeta Dang

·       Kusumkapur
·       MeenaCariappa

3.     Why do you think the sky was angry with the people?
·       People were playing with the sky.
·       People forgot to appreciate the sky
·       People were making fun of the sky
·       People were dressed up gorgeously.

4.     All the following were the things done by the people when they don’t have to hunt for the food, EXCEPT

·       weaving
·       carving

·       telling stories
·       hunting

5.     When king Oba wanted to give a party, his servants would,
·       run to the market to buy difeerent foods.
·       go to the forest to hunt for wild boars.
·       cook different delicious foods
·       cut the sky and shape them into wonderful forms.

6.     What is the antonym for the word, magnificent?

·       beautiful
·       awesome
·       ugly
·       wonderful

7.     What is the message send by King Oba to his people?

·       Take only what you need.”
·       “Take only what you have.”
·       “Take only what you like.”
·       “Take only what you love”

8.     While the festival was still going on, the sky occurred all the following, EXCEPT

·       ominously dark
·       thunder rumbled
·       sky roared
·       Sun shined beautifully.

9.     What is the synonym for the word, terrified?

·       shocked
·       happy
·       glad
·       joyful

“People of the earth, you are wasteful and greedy, I will no longer give you food.”
10.  Who said the above lines?

·       King Oba
·       The Sky
·       The People
·       The Author

QUESTION Ib (5 marks)
DIRECTION: Read the questions and answer it.
1.     What did people do in the past when they didn’t have to hunt for their food? (1 ½ )
2.     Why do people have to work on the farms and in factories for their food? Write down at least two reasons. (2)
3.     Write down at least three punishments given by the sky to the people for their greed?(1 ½)

DIRECTION: Read the questions and answer it.
1.     How did people enjoy the party in Oba’s honour? (3)
2.     Complete the following format. (5)
A.    Title of the story-
B.    Author-
C.    Characters-
D.    Problems in the story-
E.     Resolution-
3.     Do you like the punishments given by the sky to the people?
Why or why not? (1+3+1)
4.     What are the things done by the people in King Oba’s Party which made the sky very angry? (2)

  1. ESSAY
DIRECTION: Read the passage given below and from the two sets of questions on this text, choose ONE SET and answer it.
QUESTION Ia. (10 marks)
Once upon a time there lived a couple who had no children. They wished every day for a child, even if he were no bigger than a hazelnut. At last, their wish was granted, and they had a child who was the size of a hazelnut, just as they had said. They loved the child very much and they took excellent care of him.
When the hazelnut child turned fifteen, his parents asked what he would become, now that he was of an age to work. “I would like to be a messenger,” said the child. His mother laughed and asked, “How can you possibly be a messenger? Your tiny feet would take an hour to carry you the distance anyone else could cover in a minute.”
“Give me a message to carry,” said the boy, “and see how quickly I return.” So his mother told him to go to the house of his aunt in the neighboring village and bring back a comb. “I’ll be back before you know,” said the boy. His mother held the front door open for her son, and off he went on his journey. He found a man on horseback who was headed for the next town. The boy crept up the horse’s leg, crawled under the saddle, and began to pinch the horse’s back. Rearing up, the horse took of at breakneck speed and wouldn’t slow down, no matter how hard the rider pulled at its reins. When they reached the neighboring village, the hazelnut child quit pinching the horse, and it slowed enough that the boy was able to climb back down its leg. His aunt was delighted to see him and gave him the comb he asked for. The hazelnut child returned home on the back of another horse and presented his mother with the comb. “But how did you get home so quickly?” she asked. He did not answer her question, but only said, “You see, I told you messenger was the profession for me.”
Using his newfound skill, the hazelnut child hitched a ride on a stork that was flying south for the winter and landed in a faraway country. There, he met the king, who was astonished this tiny creature who rode storks as if they were horses. The king was so surprised with the hazelnut child that he gave the boy a diamond bigger than himself. The boy hitched the diamond to his stork and flew home, and he and his parents lived in peace and prosperity for the rest of their lives.

Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the most correct answer or response and underline it.
1.     Who wished to have a child?

·       A couple.
·       Hazelnut

·       Boy.
·       King.

2.     What was the size of the child?

·       The size of an ant.
·       The size of a baby.

·       The size of a hazelnut                  The size of a diamond.

3.     The son became a …………

·       Teacher.
·       Messenger

·       doctor
·       king.

4.     Who has sent boy to get the comb from aunt?

·       Mother.
·       Father.

·       King.
·       Aunt.

5.     What could be the reason for the horse speeding up?
·       The rider whipped the horse.
·       The boy pinched the horse back.
·       The horse enjoyed.
·       The boy stopped pinching the horse.

6.     How did the child stop the horse?
·       Stopped by kicking.
·       Stopped by pinching.
·       Shouted at the rider to stop the horse.
·       Stopped beating the horse.

7.     What is the synonymof “delight”?

·       Sad.
·       Happy.

·       Angry.
·       Unhappy.

8.     Who was astonished to see the tiny creature?

·       The mother.
·       The king.

·       The aunt.
·       The rider.

9.     What did the king present him?

·       The diamond.
·       The comb.

·       The horse
·       The stork.

10.  They lived in …… for rest of their lives.

·       peace
·       sad.
·       worry
·       tension.

QUESTION Ib (5 marks)
DIRECTION: Read the questions and answer it.
1.     Whose wish was granted? (1)
2.     At what age he became a messenger?(1)
3.     Would you be happy, if you were the size of Hazelnut? Why? Give two reasons.(2)
4.      Give a suitable title for the story?(1)

DIRECTION: Read the questions and answer it.
1.     How did the parents take care of the boy? (2)
2.     Who was delighted to see hazelnut and what did he get?(1+1)
3.     Describe how he travelled as a messenger?(3)
4.     Do you think your parents would be happy if you were born like the boy in the story?(3)
5.     How did he travel to south? Whom did he meet there and what did he get as a present? Explain. (3+1+1)
DIRECTION- Read the poem below and answers the question accordingly. From the two sets of questions on poem, choose one set and write the answer in the space given below.
Come! supper is ready;
   Come! boys and girls, now,
For here is fresh milk
From the good moolly cow.

Have done with your flute,
   And your row de dowdow,
And taste this sweet milk
From the good moolly cow.

Whoever is fretting
   Must clear up his brow,
Or he’ll have no milk
From the good moolly cow.

When children are hungry,
   O, who can tell how
They love the fresh milk
   From the good moolly cow!

So, when you meet moolly,
   Just say, with a bow,
“Thank you for your milk,
   Mrs. Good Moolly Cow.”

DIRECTION: Each question is followed by four responses. Choose the correct answer.
  1. The poem is about

·       A Cow
·       A Buffalo
·       A Goat
·       A Sheep

2.     The poet is calling the children

·       to eat dinner
·       to eat lunch
·       to eat breakfast
·       to drink milk

3.     When children are hungry, they prefer to

·       to eat dinner
·       to eat lunch
·       to eat breakfast
·       to drink milk

4.     If you meet with Molly, you need to

·       jump on her
·       shout at her
·       thank her
·       sing for her

5.     What is the antonym for the word, fresh?

·       old
·       new
·       best
·       clear

QUESTION Ib. (5marks)
DIRETION: Read the questions and answer it.
1.     Who is the author of the poem? (1)
2.     What is name of the cow? (1)
3.     Explain first stanza in your own understanding. (3)

DIRECTION: Read the questions and answer it.
1. If you were the poet of this poem, what title would you keep for the poem and why? (1+2)
2. Why do you think the poet is telling the children to thank Moolly Cow? Give two reasons. (2)
3. Do you love to drink milk? Why or Why not? Provide three reasons. (3)
4. Do you like the poem? Give two reasons. (2)

All the Best


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