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Class VII/AE-Geog-2017

Ministry of Education

CLASS: VII                                                                                      TIME: 2 HOURS
Name: ……………………………………………..           Roll No: …………………….
School: ………………………………………………           Section: …………………….
1.     There are three sections A,B and C in this booklet.You must answer all the questions
2.     Answer must be written neatly in the answer sheets provided by the school
3.     Do not write during the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent on reading the questions.
4.     You will have TWO hours to answer ALL the questions.
5.     Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with others or move around.
6.     You will be allowed to leave the examination room only half an hour before the completion of the stipulated time
 (FIFTEEN minutes is to be allowed for teachers on duty to clarify the instruction.
For Teachers’ use only

Section A
Section B
Section C

Mark scored


Final Marks: _______________
Initial of the tabulator: _________________________________

Section A
Direction:  Each question is followed by FOUR possible choices. Choose the most correct answer and write it down in your answer sheet provided.
Question No. I(30)
1. Sarpang Dzongkhag is located in the south of Bhutan and has 113 square kilometers of                          land. The height of the Dzongkhag ranges from
A.230 - 4000m in the south
B. 230 - 3000m in the south
C. 230 - 2000m in the south
D. 230 - 815m in the south
2. The physical shape and slope of the surface of the earth, its mountains and valleys,
plains and plateaus are known as
A.  Altitude
B.  Latitude
C.  Relief
D.  Longitude
3.  Bhutan is a small country with four distinct climatic zones. Some of these zones receive
the least and some receive the heaviest. Which of the following zone receives the heaviest rainfall?
            A. The Sub Tropical Zone
            B. The Temperate Zone
            C.  The Sub Alpine Zone
            D. The Alpine Zone 

4.  The sun’s rays fall vertically over the tropic of Cancer on
            A.  21st May
            B.  21st June
            C.  21st July
            D.  21st August
5.  Even in a small country like Bhutan, we enjoy four distinct seasons while in some parts
of the world people experience only two seasons. The causes of the difference are due to 
I        inclination of the earth exist and
II      the shape of the earth
III     longitude and 
IV     latitude

Choose the correct option
            A.  I and III
            B.  II and IV
            C.  I and II
            D.  III and IV

6.     The Zone where Yaks are found/ reared is in
A.    sub tropical zones
B.    temperate zone
C.    equatorial zone
D.    sub alpine zone

7.     The stunted bushy vegetation like dwarf rhododendron, herbs and small flowering plants are best grown in
A.    alpine region
B.    the temperate region
C.    cool broad leaved forest
D.    the sub tropical forest

8.     The diagram below is the sample of

A.    blue pine trees
B.    chir pine trees
C.    cypress trees
D.    oak tree

9.     Lemon grass is an important raw materials  used in
A.    Cement industry
B.    Cosmetic industry
C.    Fruit industry
D.    Turpentine industry

10.   The totalarea covered by forest in Bhutan is
A.    over 40 percent
B.    over 50 percent
C.    over 60 percent
D.    over 90 percent

11.  The diagram below shows the

A.    interdependence between the plants only
B.    interdependence between the humans only
C.    interdependence between the plants and humans
D.    interdependence between the animals only

12.  Bhutan was called the land of Herbal Medicines due to certain varieties of herbs EXCEPT
A.    YartsaGuenbub
B.    Blue poppy
C.    Berberous
D.    Sisoo

13.  The river system in Bhutan consist of
A.    three main rivers
B.    five main rivers
C.    seven main rivers
D.    none of the above

14.  The following are the tributaries ofPuna Tsang Chhu river EXCEPT

A.    Pho Chhu
B.    Mo Chhu
C.    Dang Chhu
D.    DangmeChhu

15.   The source of AmoChhu begins in
A.    Bangladesh
B.    Bhutan
C.    Nepal
D.    Tibet

16.  The land features below is known as

A.    V shape valley
B.    Broad valley
C.    Water fall
D.    Alluvial fans

17.  Gypsum is composed mainly of
A.    sand
B.    calcium sulphate
C.    quartz
D.    mica

18.   The diagram below shows the weathering due to

A.    wedging action of ice
B.    wedging action of trees
C.    action of winds
D.    rainfall

19.  The soil best suited for rice cultivation is
A.    stony soil
B.    sandy soil
C.    clayed soil
D.    none of the above.

20.  A process in which rock particles present in water settle down is called
A.    filtration
B.    decantation
C.    sedimentation
D.    evaporation

21.   Which one of the following materials can be reused
A.    Electronic gadgets
B.    Melamine
C.    Cement
D.    Glass

22.   The picture given below shows an example of
A.    afforestation
B.    open cast mining
C.    reforestation
D.    reclamation

23.   Mr. Dophu lives at the height of 2300metres above the sea level. If the temperature decreases by 1degree celcius for every 165metres, the average temperature of the place will be
A.  10.94 degrees
B.  13.94 degrees
C.  15.94 degrees
D.  18.94 degrees

24.  All of the following conditions cause difference in the amount of heat received by the earth EXCEPT
A.    angle of the sun’s rays
B.    aearness to water
C.    altitude
D.    salinity of ocean

25.  The normal air pressure at sea level is _________  millibars
A.    91.3
B.    101.3
C.    121.3
D.    131.3

26.  The wind blows from the sub tropical high towards the sub polar low in a west east direction in both the hemisphere. The above statement describes
A.    Easterlies winds
B.    trade winds
C.    polar winds
D.    the westerlies winds

27.   All the following are the true about the humidity EXCEPT,  Humidity is greater
A.    in the upper air than the lower air
B.    by the day than by night
C.    in summer than in winter
D.    in the lower air than the upper air

28.  What do you understand by hydrosphere?
A.    The gases in the air
B.    All the water on the planet
C.    The solid rocky part of earth
D.    The study of the earth’s atmosphere

29.  Earth is composed of atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. What percentage of the earth is composed of hydrosphere?
A.    71%
B.    72%
C.    73%
D.    74%

30.   Broader and slower currents are called
A.    tides
B.    waves
C.    drifts
D.    lakes.

Section B
Question No.II. Fill in the blanks.                                                              (1x 10 = 10)

a.      The strong and severely cold laden winds are called________________
b.     The sun’s rays fall vertically over the Tropic of Capricorn on___________
c.      ___________is extracted from the chirpine tree in higher parts of sub tropical forest.
d.     The scientific name for YartsaGuenbub is _______________________________
e.      __________________are the main sources of rivers in Bhutan
f.      ___________________ are the deposition of fertile soils carried down by the rivers
g.     Soils differ in terms of fertility, texture and ___________________
h.     A system formed by the interaction of all living organisms such as plants, animals and bacteria with each other is called________________________
i.       The air becomes saturated at certain temperature with moisture. The temperature at which air gets saturated is called ___________________
j.       _____________are produced by winds.

Question No.III. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.         (1x7=7)

a.      The intensity of the sun’s rays decreases as we move away from the equator._________
b.     The wind always blow from low pressure to high pressure._________
c.      Our National Bird, Raven is found in the high places, nesting in rocky ravines and crags of temperate forest._________
d.     The boundary between two drainage basins is called the flashflood._________
e.      The soil that allow water to pass through is called permeable soil.________
f.      The Himalayan region has one of the highest rates of erosion in Asia.__________
g.     Tides are cause by the gravitational pull of the earth._____________

Question No. IV

             Match each item in column A against the correct item in column B                 (1x3=3)

1.     Water vapor turns into water droplets
a.      precipitation
2.     Tiny feathery ice crystals
b.     condensation
3.     Falling down of moisture from clouds
c.      Dew and frost

d.     Evaporation

Section C
Direction: Answer All the question in this section
Question No.V.

a)     “People living in Merak andSakteng prefer raising animals to cultivating crops for their livelihood”. Explain why cultivation is least preferred in these areas?(1.5)
b)     It is better to select south facing slopes for cultivation and house building in Bhutan. Why? Justify your answers. (1.5)
c)     In summer, warm winds blow from south to north from the adjoining plains towards the greater Himalayas. What causes the change in wind directions?(2)
d)     The climatic condition in the southern foothills is better suited for human settlement than the inner Himalayas. Do you agree? Justify.(2)
e)     The Elephants and Rhinocers are on the verge of extinction. The government of Bhutan has adopted a policy on the preservation of these animals. Do you think the government has taken the right decision? Justify with two reasons.

Question No. VI.

a)     Forest is a source of raw materials for industries. Name four important raw materials we obtain from forest. (2)
b)     The value of forest is enormous for mankind. Justify supporting your answers. (3)
c)     In many parts of Bhutan there is an acute shortage of drinking water. What ideas would you apply to ensure a continuous supply of clean drinking water to the rapidly growing population? (2)
d)     Water cycle is an important source of water for our rivers. Do you agree? Support your answers.  (1.5)
e)     Trongsa is located in the upper course of a river. The work of the river in the upper is mainly erosion. How does the land features affect the human settlement? (2.5)

f)      Spring and streams are the main source of water for people in Bhutan. The volumes of water in the areas are shrinking every year due to the increasing human settlement.  Suggest four ways to sustain the water source in future. (1x4=4)

Question No.VII.

a)     ApTobgay has been growing maize in his field for two years. In the third year, he did not have a good yield. Suggest him on at least three methods of improving soil fertility. (3)

b)     Am Derma’s field is full of boulders and stones. This has severely affected the output from her farm. Suggest two ways that will help him speed up the rate of soil formation     (2)

c)     Environment is under threat from the nature as well as and humans. Look at the pictures given below, and write down some ways to curb these problems (3)

d)     Water is essential for sustaining the life of humans and animals on the earth. Suggest three ways to maintain the continuous supply of water for the sustenance of life. (3)

e)     The natural environment has two main threats, man- made and natural disaster. Which one has greater effect on environment? Justify(2.5)

Question No. VIII
a)     The lower stratospheric layer has an ideal condition for flying. Why? (2.5)

b)     Out of the two factors, altitude and nearness to water, which factor plays a more important role in determining temperature in Bhutan? Give reasons.(3)

c)     The earth’s surface is divided into seven pressure belts. Label the figure given below with the correct names of pressure belts.( 3)

d)     Mountain plays a very important role in the formation of relief rain. Label the diagram given below. (4)


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