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Class VIII/AE-Geog-2017

 Ministry of Education

Class: VIII                                                                                                                Writing time: 2 hours         
Subject: Geography                                                                                                 Total marks: 100

Name:______________________________      Section:______      Roll no:______

  1. Do not write for the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions.
  2. Read the direction to each question carefully.
  3. In this paper, there are THREE sections; A, B and C. All the sections are CUMPULSORY.
  4. The intended marks for question and parts of questions are given in brackets.
  5. Remember to write quickly but neatly.
  6. This booklet contains 6 printed pages.

Section A
Section B
Section C
Full mark
Total marks
Marks scored

SECTION – A (25 Questions – 25 marks)
Directions: Choose and write the right alphabet and answer on the answer-sheet provided.

  1. The political conditions in a country force people to migrate. They are called

A.    Prisoners.                       B. Militants.               C. Refugees.               D. Ri-subs

  1. “..the soil is fertile, climatic conditions are tolerable and water is available for irrigation.” The statement above best describes the

A.    Un-populated area.                                
B.    Sparsely populated area.
C.    Densely populated area
D.    Moderately populated area.

  1. The important cash crop of southern Bhutan is

A.    apple.                             B. maize.                     C. ginger.                    D. potatoe.

  1. For three centimeters of good top soil to form it takes about ______years.
A.    400                                 B. 300                         C. 200                         D. 100

  1. Mr. Karchu, a farmer having siri-cow is confused which bull to choose for crossbreeding to get jatsha and jatsham. Which of the following bull will you suggest Karchu to cross breed?
A.    Jersey bull.                    B. local bull.               C. Mithun.                  D. Nubla

  1. Famous blue poppy is found at

A.    Temperate altitude.       B. lower altitude.        C. higher altitude.      D. mid-altitude

  1. According to the table given below, the highest consumer of power is
Energy in units
Public lighting

A.    public lighting.              B. industries.              C. offices.          D.domestic
  1. Which one of the following doesn’t match correctly?
A.    Iron----------------------------to manufacture industries.
B.    Petroleum--------------------to produce fertilizers.
C.    Cat’s eye---------------------jewellery and ornamental purpose.
D.    Limestone-------------------used as raw material to make cement.
  1. This industry manufactures the things that we use in our daily lives such as pens, pencils, etc.’ This type of industry belongs to_________industry. 
A.    service               B. tertiary.                  C. primary                  D. secondary

  1. The GREF was given the contract to build _______ in Bhutan.
A.    railways             B. airways                   C. roadways                D. waterways

  1.  All of the following are true about the earthquake EXCEPT

A.    It is sudden displacement below the earth’s surface.

B.    This displacement causes vibrations.

C.    It brings development in an area.

D.    Vibrations caused spread out in all directions like waves.

  1. “It is formed by the cooling of hot molten materials that rises from the interior of the earth.” Which of the following rock does the above statement BEST describe?

A.    Molten material.                        B. Igneous rock.          C. Sedimentary rock.  D. Metamorphic rock.

  1.  When river swings even more and meanders, it leaves behind meander loop as

A.    Alluvial floodplain.       B. Estuary.                  C. Delta.                     D. Oxbow lake.

  1. The land of rising sun is

A.    Korea.                            B. Japan.                     C. China                      D. India  

  1. Turpentine and resin are obtained from

A.    Pine.                               B. Teak.                      C. Sal.                         D. Oak.

  1. All of the following best describes ethnic mix of Asian continent EXCEPT.
A.    They do not have same facial features.
B.    Chinese and Iraqi have same appearance.
C.    They all have different stature.
D.    Asia is inhabited by different people.
  1. Which of the following is NOT a feature of northern plain of India?
A.    Numerous mountains are found in this plain.
B.    It is found in the south of Himalayan foothills.
C.    Numerous rivers made it extremely fertile.
D.    The gradient of the plain is so gentle. 

  1. The very fine and new alluvial soil in floodplain and deltas are called

A.    Regur.                B. Silt.                         C. Laterite.                 D. Khaddar.

  1. When the rate of birth and death is equal, we call it

A.    Death rate.         B. birth rate                C. Migration.              D. Zero population growth.

  1. All of the following are the best reasons why we have to save our forest EXCEPT.

A.    Forest is source of many resources.
B.    Forest will help the poor ones.
C.    Forest is home for wildlife.
D.    Forest is source of fresh air.

  1. The ______are people who are able to live at altitudes of between 3000m and 3500m.

A.    Lakhaps             B. Yaks                       C. Dependents                        D. Independents

  1. The system of growing two varieties of crops in same plot and season is known as

A.    Cash crops.        B. Food crops.             C. Mixed farming.      D. Mixed cropping.

  1. The soils which has smaller particles and are normally compact and sticky is

A.    Clayey soil.        B. Loamy soil.                        C. Sandy soil.             D. Alluvial soil.

  1. What is the cross breed between mare and donkey called?

A.    Halflinger.         B. Stallion                   C. Mule.                      D. Mare.

  1. All of the following given are wild vegetables EXCEPT

A.    Bamboo shoots  B. Fiddlehead             C. Eggplant                 D. Wild leek.

SECTION B (4 Questions-60 Marks)

  1. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.                     (1*10 = 10 marks)
a)     Mushroom rocks are called rock pedestals._____  
b)     Limestone will never change under any circumstances._____
c)     Livestock farming is similar to mixed farming.____
d)     All non-ruminants chew cud.____
e)     Food crops and commercial crops are same.____
f)      Soft rocks erode faster than hard rocks._____
g)     Earthquakes can be predicted._____
h)     Glacier that floats in the sea or ocean is called iceberg.____
i)      Maps drawn to scale is the reduced size of actual feature.____
j)      A depression is also called an interlocking spurs.___

  1. Copy and complete the following sentences.                                                (1*10 = 10 marks)
a)     The soil which has large particles is called ____________ soil.
b)     A person who evaluates the crop damage and resolves conflicts among farmers is called __________.
c)     Group of people below the age of 15 and above 56 are called __________.
d)     The second largest country in the world is ___________ .
e)     ____________  cultivation is considered as wasteful method of farming.
f)      The lowest mountain range along the northern border of northern plain is ____________ range.
g)     The soil less fertile than khadar is called _____________.
h)     The difference in height between two successive contour lines is called _________.
i)      In the linear scale the larger units are called____________.
j)      An isolated hill is also known as ______________.
  1. Match the following. Rewrite the correct pairs in your answer sheet.                     (10 marks)
Column A
Column B
i.      Megawatt
Rajasthan desert
ii.   Mining industry
2000 kilometres thick
iii.   Categories of minerals
Major oil exporting nations of the world.
iv.   Druk air
v.     Outer core
Primary industry
vi.   Ignis
Probable reserve.
vii.    Roof of the world
Started in 1983 in Bhutan
viii.    Great Indian bustard
ix.   Cradle of world’s religion
Tibetan plateau
x.     West Asian countries
Unit of power

  1. Short Answer questions                                                                                             (8 marks)
a.     Increasing population is a problem. Propose two ways to plan it?                                (1)
b.     Define the following terms:                                                                                       (4)
(1)  Aquaculture
(2)  shifting cultivation
(3)  industrial estate
(4)  industry
c.      Name two land features formed by wind erosion.                                                           (1)
d.     Name a country where people belong to mongoloid race.                                              (1)
e.     Define the term ‘cliff’?                                                                                                    (1)

  1. Long answer questions                                                                                               (22 marks)
a.   Paro district is known for its thriving agriculture besides numerous sacred places.
     What are the conditions that favour farming activities in this district?                    (2) 
b. List down two problems of road transport in Bhutan.                                                       (2) 
c. If your friend is planning a trip to Delhi in India in December. What types of
     clothes will you suggest your friend to take and wear ? Justify                                      (3)
d. Why are great river valleys of Asia thickly populated?                                                    (2)
e. Earthquakes are not destructive. Do you agree? Justify your answer.                              (3)
f. Sand dunes are found only in India. Do you agree? Justify.                                              (2)
g. Name two crops that grow well in bangar soil.                                                                 (2)
h. What are the problems of harnessing water energy in Bhutan?                                        (2)
i. Differentiate between open cast mining and deep mining.                                                            (2)
j. “The degradation of forest is caused by human activities only” Do you agree? Justify             (2)  
SECTION C (2 questions-15 marks)
  1.  Answer the questions that follow.                                                                            (6 marks)
a)     Using the map below answer the following questions
                           i.     Find the R.F. of the map.                                                                                                                              (2)                           
                         ii.     What will be the four figure grid reference of place A, B and D?                                                                   (3)
                        iii.     What is the direction of place B from place D?

  1. Map work.                                                                                                                  (9 marks)
                      i.          On an outline map of Bhutan, locate the following:                                           (3)
a.   Shade and mark greater Himalayas.
b.   With a dot, (l) mark Zhemgang.
c.   Mark (Q) where we have domestic airport.
                    ii.          On an outline map of Asia, locate the following:                                                (3)
a.     Mark (      ) and label Suez Canal.
b.     Shade the country with highest population.
c.      Mark (-----) and name Karakoram Range.
                   iii.          On an outline map of India, locate the following:                                               (3)
a.     Mark Deccan plateau.
b.     Shade the area where black soil is found.
c.      With a dot, (l) mark Gujarat.


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