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Class VII/AE-EnglishII-2017

Ministry of Education
Class: VII       Writing Time: 2 Hours
ENGLISH – II(Reading and Literature)Full Marks: 100

Question 1a. (1X15= 15marks)

 Direction: From the two sets of questions under this genre, choose ONE SET and write your responses in your answer sheet.
One day when Rakesh was six,he walked from Mussooriebazzar eating cherries”
1. The above extract is taken from the story

·       The cherry tree.
·       A bouquet of love.
·       Somebody’s son. 
·       The Dauntless girl.

2. The story is authored by…..

·       Kevin Crossley.
·        Ruskin Bond.
·       LeenaDhingra.
·       Naoshi Koriyama

3. Rakesh placed the last seed in his palm and said,……..

·       “Are you working, grandfather?”
·       “Are cherry seeds lucky?”
·       “Are cherry seeds good?”
·       “Are cherry seeds growing?”

4. Rakesh planted the seed in the corner of the garden where the earth was ……….

·       hard and yielding.
·       soft and poor.
·       hard and poor.
·       soft and yielding.

5. After planting the seed, Rakesh had his lunch, and ran off to ……….

·       play cricket with his friends.
·       play archery with his friends.
·       play football with his friends.
·       play volleyball with his friends.

6. When grandfather told different stories, Rakesh in turn would read from the newspaper, because……..

·       grandfather did not know how to read. 
·       grandfather’s eyesight was rather weak. 
·       grandfather didn’t want to read.
·        grandfather didn’t have newspaper

7. The cherry tree was about ………………. when a goat entered the garden and ate all the leaves.

·       four feet high.
·       three feet high.
·       two feet high.
·       one foot high.

8. Even when there was rain, Rakesh would sometimes water the tree, because he wanted it to ……….

·       know that he was there.
·       know that he loves it. 
·       get enough water. 
·       grow properly

9. The cherry tree’s first visitor was a bright green ………

·       caterpillar. 
·       grasshopper.
·       praying-mantis.
·       ant.

10. On a warm sunny afternoon, Rakesh saw Grandfather reclining on a cane chair……….

·       near the house.
·       in the garden.
·       in his bedroom.
·       under the cherry tree.

11. Rakesh and grandfather gazed at the tree as though it had performed a miracle. The term gazed in this line is  the synonym of….

·       ignored.
·       stared.
·       surprise.
·       decorate.

12. Rakesh at eight was a sturdy boy with curly black hair and deep black eyes. So, his grandfather called him

·       black berry eyes.
·       black berry boy.
·       white berry eyes. 
·       white berry boy.

13. Rakesh’s parents were keen about his ………………..

·       intelligence.
·       schooling.
·       smartness.
·       behavior.

14. The cherry tree was special to Rakesh and his grandfather, because ……………

·       it gives tasty cherry fruits.
·       it gives fresh air.
·       it provides shade.
·       they had planted it.

15. Rakesh ran his hand along the trunk of the tree and put his finger to the tip of the leaf and thought if it is what it ……………

·       feels to be God.
·       feels to be a boy.
·       feels to be with cherry tree.
·       feels to be cherry tree.

SET I. Question 1b. (4X5=20 marks)
Direction: Answer the following question in your own words with reference from the story.
1. Did you like the story? Why or why not? (1+3)
2. What happens to the cherry seed at the end of the story? Explain in detail. (4)
3. What similarities and differences do you find between the tree and the boy? (2+2)
4. Do you think that the title “The Cherry Tree” is relevant to the story? Why or why not?. (4)
5. Write down two character traits of Rakesh with evidence from the story. (2+2=4)

SET II – Question 2. [ 5X7=35 marks]
1. How would you feel if you see the small seed you have planted becoming a big tree with lots of fruits like in the story? Write three feelings with reasons. (2+2+2+1)
2. Write down two reactions with reasons to the woman who had cut down the cherry seedling if you were Rakesh in the story? (3.5+3.5)
3. Summarize the story in your own words. (7)
4. Write down three morals of the story. (2+2+2+1)
5. Write seven sentences on the importance of planting trees? (1x7)


Direction: Read the essay given below carefully. From the two sets of questions, choose ONE set and write your responses in your answer sheets.

My parents got divorced when I was two. I don’t really remember much when we were little except that my mother used to take me and my brother and sister to visit my dad. My mother said I always used to ask her to sleep over at his house with us. She said it used to put her in awkward position. We visited him regularly, and we still keep in touch. We write letters. He lives in Washington now but still comes here on business and visits us when he can. I see him pretty often.
My sister was really the only one who was that affected by the divorce. I think she was about six and didn’t really understand what was going on. My dad got married again about eight years ago. They have a daughter, who’s seven. He didn’t tell us in advance he was getting married. We had eaten dinner at my step mother’s house before then, I guess for him to see if we liked her or not. Then a couple of months later he got married and came back from his honeymoon and announced, “Oh, I got married.” My sister really got upset. It didn’t faze me. He’d always been this man whom I’d visited and called my dad. It wasn’t as personal to me, because I don’t remember ever living with him. It took my sister a little while to get everything worked out. Maybe if I had been a little older at the time it would have affected me more.
I didn’t miss having a father around now that I look back. Every once in a while I did, I suppose. I have a friend who used to tell me that you should always have a father to live with. But I think if I lived with my dad I’d be a totally different person and I don’t think I’d want to be. I love my mother and the way she handled us all. She worked and took care of the three of us. I think she did a great job…….
I wasn’t aware of much friction between my parents, I think they argued little when I was growing up, but it was over the phone, so I didn’t hear it directly. My mom argued with my sister a lot. There was a time when my sister and my mother didn’t get along at all. My sister really hated her. I remember that very well. It was in sixth or seventh grade. I think she just resented the fact that my mother was going out with other men. She was probably jealous of the attention not paid to her. But in general we all have been happy here and not upset by the situation.
The three of us kids have basically taken care of ourselves. My mother has given us responsibility always; just because that’s the way she had to do it. I think we are level headed about what we know we have to do. And if my dad was around, I think we’d be a little more spoiled. My parents are exact opposites. My dad is very quiet, very conservative, very organized. My mother just sort of plays everything by ear. I think it would drive me crazy if I had everything organized, all planned out. Probably because she brought me up the way she did. We all take care after her that way, very open. We have a relationship with her that’s like being friends-we’re on a peer level- rather than she’s the parent giving the rules and we have to obey them. We all live here, this is our house, and we have to make it work.
She never directly told me why she and my father got divorced, but I think I figured it out. He was much older than she. My mom was just out of college, and she had been taught by her mother that women should get married and have babies. It seemed like getting married was something she had to do then. They were only married for a few years. I just don’t think he was the right person. My mother probably needed more love and support than he could give, because he’s a very close person. It was just a mistake. When he comes here, we go out to dinner, the three of us, my dad, my mother, and I. They’re good friends. It’s just that I don’t think they could live together. There’s no rancor or anger. There might have been before, but I’ve never seen it, and it’s never been directed at us kids…….
I got into the high school counseling program to help other people. I feel as though my sister helped me and my brother through a lot, and we all sort of take care of each other. Also, I think I’ve grown up faster than a lot of people because of having to take care of myself and having to make my own decisions…..this summer I went to outward Bound out west. There you can learn a lot about yourself, what you should do and what you shouldn’t do, doing what you want and not listening to other people. So I think I can help others, and I really want to.

Question 1a. ( 1x15=15 Marks)
Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct response that best fits the given question and write it in your answer sheet.

1. The narrator stays with her ……  

·       father .
·       mother .
·       aunt .
·       uncle.

2. The narrator’s parents got divorced when she was

·       three years old.
·       one year old.
·       two years old.
·       five years old.

3. The narrator’s father lives in

·       New York. 
·       Washington.
·       California. 
·       Australia.

4. Who was most affected by the divorce in the narrator’s family?

·       her sister.
·       herself .
·       her mother.
·         her father

5. The passage is an example of

·       a narrative essay.
·       a descriptive essay.
·       an argumentative essay.
·       a persuasive essay.

6. The narrator was more close to her……

·       father.
·       mother.
·       stepmother.
·       sister

7. The narrator believes that if she had lived with her dad she would

·       have a wonderful life.
·       have been the same.
·       not have been the same as she is now.
·       get to eat a lot.

8. The narrator’s sister hated her mother going out with other men because
·       she was jealous of her mother getting attention from other men.
·       she didn’t want other men replacing her father’s place.
·       she was not getting any attention.
·       she hated men.
9. The kind of relationship shared by the mother with her children was that of

·       best friends- open and frank .
·       a parent and children- not very open .
·       a student and a teacher- keeping distance .
·       two strangers- never dealing with each other.

“My mom argued with my sister a lot.”
10. In the above sentence, the word „argued‟ means

·       joked.
·       talked.
·       laughed.
·       debated.

11. The main reason for the narrator’s parents getting divorced was

·       her mother was much younger than her father.
·       her father did not love her mother.
·       her mother was much older than her father.
·       both of them were married to another person.

12. After the divorce the narrator’s parents

·       fought over the custody of their children.
·       no longer kept in touch with each other.
·       talked to get back together.
·       still remained good friends.

13. To help other people, the narrator

·       became a teacher.
·       Became a nurse to look after orphans.
·       Set up an institution for children of divorced parents.
·       Took up counseling.

14. The narrator feels she has grown up faster than other people because of

·       having to become independent from a very young age.
·       Her total dependence on her mother.
·        Having to take care of her sister and brother.
·        Her parents getting divorced

15. The narrator had once gone to Outward Bound in the west to

·       learn about herself and become more independent.
·       help children from broken families.
·       meet her father’s new family.
·        spend her holidays

SET I. Question 1b. (20 Marks) Direction: Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the number of the question on your answer sheet and beside it your answer.

1. Is the narrator close to her father? (1)
2. Why didn’t the narrator get upset about her father’s second marriage? (3)
3. Did the narrator miss her father? Why? (2)
4. What difficulties did the narrator’s family face in the absence of the father? (3)
5. How did the mother manage to keep her children together? (2)
6. How is the mother different from the father? Give two differences. (3)
7. Do you think the father missed out on anything while the children were growing up? Explain. (4)
8. How did the narrator’s brother and sister help her? (2)

SET II Question 2. (35 Marks) Direction: Answer the following questions in your own words.
1. Do you think what the narrator’s grandmother feels about women in general is true in Bhutan today?
Discuss. (8)
2. What expectations are placed on girls in Bhutan by the family and the community? (8)
3. Was the parents ‘decision not to involve the children in their fights a good one? Discuss. (9)
4. Do you think that sometimes your brothers and sisters understand you better than your parents? If so, give examples to support your answer. If not, explain why not? (10)

DIRECTION: Read the poem given below carefully. From the two sets of question on this text, choose ONE SET and write your responses in your answer sheet.
Thoughts on silence-Mary Jane Sterling
                                    What am I doing here?
                                    Among these strange people
                                    Sitting in these funny desks
                                    Staring at this paper?
                                    Oh yes, I am in this school.
                                    These people are my classmates
                                    Though they chatter all the time
                                    They are silent now
                                    Now I can think
                                    I see a bird flying high in the air
                                    May be it is flying south
                                    My heart leaps with the bird
                                    Taking a message to my mother.
                                    My mind is heavy, thinking something sad has
                                    Happened at home.
                                    But the birds are singing
                                    Everything is all right
                                    The breeze has whispered something in my ear
                                    I hope it whispers the same joyous words to my people
                                    I get lonely for my family and especially miss my mother
                                    But I shall see them all soon.
                                    When we meet we won’t even touch hands
                                    But our hearts will leap with joy
                                    And in our minds we will be glad.

SET I. Question 1a.                                                                           [1x10=10 marks]
Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the correct answer that best fits the given question and write it in your answer sheet.

1.     This poem was a feeling of the poet when she was a

·       nun
·       student.    
·       working girl.        
·       waitress.

2.     The poet’s thought take flight with the

·       air plane.              
·       parachute             
·       birds                     
·        None of the above

3.     The poem has

·       24 lines.   
·        15 lines               
·       20 lines    
·       21 lines.

4.     The poet sails her thoughts from classroom to

·       hostel                   
·        home                   
·       dining room                     
·       temple.

5.     The bird helps her loneliness by

·       flapping her wing            
·       hovering around.              
·        flying in the sky                          
·       singing around

6.     The two messengers of the poet are

·       birds and her relatives.    
·       the breeze and the birds.
·       her brother and sister.      
·       father and son.

7.     The tone of a poem is

·       serious                 
·       sad            
·       romantic               
·        happy

8.     The word ‘leaps’ in the 12th line means

·       jump                     
·       stretch                  
·        look                     
·       teach.

9.     The poem

·       gives us advice                
·        expresses loneliness                   
·       tells an interesting story  
·       praises her classmates.

  10. “ The breeze has whispered something in my ears.” This is an example of

·       metaphor      
·       personification
·       simile
·       hyperbole

SET I Question 1b. (20 Marks)

Direction:Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.

1.     Where do you think the poet is?  [2]
2.     Did she really go and meet her family? Explain. [3]
3.     How do you think that the song of the birds makes the poet feel happy? Justify. [5]
4.      Do you think the title is appropriate to the poem? Why or why not? [3]
5.     Why do you think that the poet says her mind is heavy? [2]
6.     Do you think the poet really loves her parents? Why do you think so? [5]

SET II Question 2.                                                                                                     ( 6x5=30 marks)

Direction: Answer the following questions in your own words.

1.     In not more than ten lines describe the classroom situation in absence of teacher. [6]
2.     If you are in the place of the poet, how would you feel? Discuss. [6]
3.     How would you feel if you are separated from your family against your will? Why? [6]
4.     Write the summary of the poem in not less than hundred words.  [6]
5.     Compose a poem of three stanzas consisting four lines each. [6]



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