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Class IV/AE-Science-2017

Ministry of Education

Subject : Science:             Full mark: 100    Class :    IV               Time: 2 hours
Name:____________________________________ Roll No:________ Sec:______
Section: A (25 questions (25 x1 = 25)
Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers.
Choose the correct answer and circle it.
Question   : I
1. The following objects are made of metal EXCEPT.
A.    Geometry box
B.    Thumb pin
C.    Paper
D.    Electric pole

2. Glass and metal are examples of
A.    raw materials
B.    artificial materials
C.    degradable materials
D.    non-degradable materials

3. The instrument used to measure mass is called …………
A.    scale
B.    Pan Balance
C.    Measuring tape
D.    measuring cylinder

4. A substance that dissolves in liquid is called…………………
A.    pure substance                        C.   soluble substance
B.    impure substance                    D.   insoluble  substance

5. Which of the following will contaminate water?
A.    watering plants
B.    burning waste
C.    Sweeping  classroom
D.    throwing waste in river

6. The best method to treat water is
A.    Boiling
B.    Filtration
C.    Decantation

D.    Sedimentation

7. Gravitational force is an example of
A.     Contact force
B.     Effect of force

C.      Non-contact force
D.     Gravitational force

8. Which force is applied when you kick a ball?
A.     lift
B.     pull

C.      Push

D.     Throw

9. Vibration is
A.     Upward movement of an object
B.     Forward movement of an object

C.      Backward movement of an object

D.     Back and forth movement of an object

10. You are not able to see light through a bent straw because
A.     Light is absorbed by the straw
B.     Light bends through the straw

C.      Light travels in a straight line

D.     Light is not bright enough

11. The main source of electricity in Bhutan is
A.     Sun
B.     Wind

C.      Water

D.     Battery

12. Which one of the following connection is the complete circuit?


13. Which set of things use electricity?             
A.     TV, magnet and pin
B.     Pressure cooker, rice cooker and radio

C.      Electric bulb, spoon and electric kettle

D.     Computer, fans and radio

14. What do all animals need to live?
A.     Eyes, nose and ears

B.     Roots, leaves and stems

C.      Food, water and air

D.     Light, soil and nutrients

15. Living thing that make their own food  using sunlight and it is  known as
A.     Herbivore
B.     Autotroph

C.      Carnivores

D.     Omnivores

16. Feeding tube of a butterfly is called

A.     mouth
B.     antenna

C.      proboscis

D.     Camouflage

17. The best place for the growth of Sunlight is ……..

A.    Verandah
B.    Bath room

C.    Bed room

D.    Store room

18. Plants prepare their own food , so during the preparation of food, plants use……..
A.     Oxygen
B.     Nitrogen

C.      Hydrogen

D.     Carbon dioxide

19. It is seen that different parts of the plant have their own function,
      Identify the part of the plant that absorb water from the soil.
A.    Stem                              C.    Leaf
B.    Root                              D.   Fruit

20. Food such as wheat, rice and maize are known as
A.     Fruits
B.     Grains

C.      Pulses

D.     Vegetables

21. Dorji is ten years old and weighs 50 Kg. Which foods should he take less?
A.     Butter and pork
B.     Rice and spinach

C.      eggs and apples

D.     Radish and oil

22. What should we eat to protect ourselves from disease ?
A.     Fats
B.     Junk food
C.      Milk products

D.     Fruits and vegetables

23. We experience day and night due to
A.     Tilt of the Earth
B.     Rotation of the Earth

C.      The shape of the Earth

D.     Revolution of the Earth

24. The shape of the Earth is
A.     Circle                     C.  Oblate spheroid
B.     Sphere                    D.    Round

25. The time between midnight to midday is called
A.     Noon
B.     Post meridiem(p.m)

C.      Ante meridiem(a.m)

D.     Midnight

Question   : II      (10 X 1 = 10 marks)
 Match the following
Column A
Column B
1. Bacteria and fungi
A. Rice and milk
2. Gas on heating
B. making water clean
3. Solid-liquid mixture
C. Gravitational force
4. Filtration
D. Television and mobile
5. The pull of the Earth
E. Micro-organisms
6. Electrical appliances
F. Flower
7. Butterfly
G. Expands
8. Reproductive part of plant
H. Lentils
9. Pulses
I. Sun, moon and eight planets
10. Solar System
J. proboscis

Question  :III      (10 X 1 = 10 marks)
 Fill in the blanks ( 10 x 1 = 10marks)
1. The quantity of matter contained in our body is known as _____________.
2. Oil and kerosene ____________ in water.
3. Solid left behind after filtration is called ________________.
4. Apple falls on the ground because of the____________________________force.
5. The flow of electricity is called  _________________.
6.  It is difficult to see a grasshopper in the ________________ grass.
7. Animals which kill and eat other animals are called _________________ and the victims are
called prey.
8. In absence of light leaves become ______________.
9. To keep us healthy we should eat energy giving food, body building food and _____________food.
10. The movement of the earth around the sun is called _________________.

Question  : IV       (10 X 1 = 10 marks)
Write TRUE or FALSE for the following statement.
1. We use natural things to make man-made things._____________
2. Solid has definite shape and size._____________
3. Milk and water is a liquid-liquid mixture._____________
4. It is safe to drink river water.______________
5. A shadow is formed when an opaque or translucent object blocks the light.___________
6. All kinds of metals are attracted by magnet._____________
7. A tiger has stripes which help to camouflage it from its prey._____________
8. Oxygen is used by plants for making food.______________
9. Fruit and vegetables are examples of protective food._____________
10. A fixed path on which the Earth moves around the sun is called orbit._____________
Question  :- V           (25 marks)
Answer the following questions.
1. List down an example of each for the following characteristic.    (2marks)                                                  

2. Why is a cake not a pure substance?         (2marks) 
3. What iscontact  force? Give one example.         (2marks) 
Ans: __________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                      
4. Write two sources of light.    (1mark)
5. Explain what living things are.Give two examples .  (2marks)
6. Define the following with an example each.    (2x2=4marks)                                          a. Habitat:_______________________________________________________________
b. Herbivore: _____________________________________________________________

/data/data/com.infraware.PolarisOfficeStdForTablet/files/.polaris_temp/image1.png7. Label the parts of the flower as shownin the diagram.     (4marks)                                                                     


8. Name any two power stations in Bhutan.     (2marks)   
Ans:  1.     -------------------------------------------------           2.   ------------------------------------------------
9. A farmer works in the field from morning to evening while a person going to office works
       From 9 am to 5 pm. Who should eat more rice and lentil? Why?         (2marks)
North Pole
/data/data/com.infraware.PolarisOfficeStdForTablet/files/.polaris_temp/image2.png10. Which movement of the Earth is shown in the given
picture on the right.   (2mark)
South Pole
10. Why do we have different seasons on the Earth?     (2marks) 

Question  :VI   (20 Marks)
1. Why does a football float in water?   (2marks) 
  2. What is matter? Give two examples.   (2marks)   
_________________________________________________________________________     3. Explain why decantation cannot be used to separate the mixture of salt and water.  (2marks)
4. Name two places where electricity is used?  ( 1mark) 
Ans:  1. ___________________2.   _________________________
5. Draw a food chain using the following.      (2marks)                                                                                   Frog, Plant, Snake, Eagle, Caterpillar

6. Why does a food chain always start with a plant?    (2marks)
Ans: __________________________________________________________________________
      ___________________________________________________________________________7. Can plants grow without light? Why?         (2marks) 
Ans: _________________________________________________________________________

8. Write two differences between plants and animals.        (2marks)                                                          


9. Why do you eat different kinds of foods?         (2marks)
Ans: __________________________________________________________________________
10. Name any two energy giving food.               (1mark) 
Ans:  1.   --------------------------------------   2.  ---------------------------------------------

11. Differentiate between rotation and revolution?          (2marks) 

Best of Luck


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