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Class VII/AE-History-2017

Ministry of Education

Class: VII                                                                                                                               Writing time: 2 hours        
History & Civics                                Total Marks: 100

Name:.................................................................................................   Roll No:.................  Section:............

Read the following directions carefully:

1. Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading over the questions.
2. Be sure to write your name, roll number, class and section on the answer sheet provided to you.
3. Remember to number your answer. Write down the question number and sections properly.
4. In this paper, there are three sections – A, B and C. Section ‘A’ has multiple choice questions, section ‘B’ has questions on Bhutan History and Civics and Section ‘C’ has questions on World History.
5. All the questions are compulsory in both A, B and C.
6. If you complete writing your answer ahead of time, revisit all the answers.

For Teachers Use Only

Section A – 25 marks
Section B – 45 marks
Section C – 30 marks
Marks Obtained

Inital of Marker


25 Questions - 25 MARKS

Directions: Each question in this section is followed by four possible choices of answers. Choose the MOSTcorrect answer and write it down in the answer sheets provided.

(This extract is to be used for Q1)
“If I am a demon, I will die. If I am the spiritual heir to Guru Rinpochhe, I will fetch the treasure and come back with the lamp still lit”.

1. The above statement was made by:

A. Karma Lingpa
B. PemaLingpa
C. Dorji Lingpa
D. Guru Rinpochhe

2. Lam KhaNga opposed ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal.
A. To stop spreading Drukpa Kagyu religion in Bhutan.
B. To stop from gaining popularity in Bhutan.
C. To keep ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal in Tibet.
D. To show their power to ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal.

3. Which of the following is not true about the contributions of ZhabdrungRinpochhe?

A. Making a Nation State                                       
B. Religious Unification
C. Codification of Laws                                         
D. Creating Annual Tshechu

4. ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal went into the retreat in the year.

A. 1650.
B. 1651.
C. 1652.
D. 1653.

5. The word ‘Dzong’ means a.

A. Castle.
B. Palace.
C. Fortress.
D. Monastery.

6. The significance of clapping an oak wood by the khangner was to.

A. warn people to be alert and put out their fires.
B. Wake up in the morning.
C. Indicate meal times.
D. Organize cleaning.

7. Before ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal built dzongs in Bhutan, the existing dzongs were used as the.

A. Prisons.
B. Granaries.
C. Monasteries.
D. Administration buildings.

(This extract is to be used for Q8)
“These dancers wear wide tall black hats, flat boot and long colorful brocade dresses. These dancers do not wear mask”.
8. The above extract points to:

A. ZhanaChham
B. TungamChham
C. Pa Chham
D. DramitseNgaChham

9.  Which dance is associated with the cremation ground?    

A. ShazamChham
B. ZhanaChham
C. RakshaMarchham
D. DurdagChham

10. The annual Tshechhu usually ends with the…………………

A. Zhanachham
B. Guru TshengyeChham
C. DurdagChham
D. RakshaMarchham

11. All the following are the reasons for the spread of British domination in India EXCEPT
A. It had been given rights of administration over the areas
B. The power of Moghul Emperors in India began to decline
C. The Indian army did not allow the foreigners to enter in their land
D. Wars in Europe led to clashes between European trading companies in India.

12. The word ‘arrears’ means

A. Credit.
B. Bank balance.
C. Pocket money.
D. Money still owed in payment.

(This extract is to be used for Q13)
“In this form of government the prime minister and the ministers run the government. Themonarch is the head of the state”.

13. The above statement best describes:

A. Indirect Democracy
B. Presidential form of government
C. Republican form of government
D. Parliamentary form of government

14.  Which one of the followings is NOT TRUE about the Judiciary in Bhutan?

A. Gewog court
B. Dzongkhag court
C. High court
D. Supreme court

 (The following diagram is to be used for the question No.15)


15. The above diagram is the best structure of the:

A. Judicial body
B. Executive body
C. Legislative body
D. Bhutanese body

16. Charlemagne became king of the Franks in the year

A. 768 A.D.
B. 767 A.D.
C. 766 A.D.
D. 765 A.D.

17. Who shifted the capital of Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium?

A. Augustus                                                            
B. Charlemagne
C. Julius Caesar                                       
D. Constantine

18. The merchants and craftsmen of various medieval towns formed associations in order to:

A. Monopolize the business market
B. Spread the sense of competition
C. Protect their rights in their market
D. Protect their interests in markets

19. William, who conquered England in 1066 A.D. was the …………………….....

A. Duke of Paris
B. King of Franks
C. Duke of Normandy
D. King of England

20. King John was forced to sign the ‘Great Charter’ the Magna Carta because:

A. He did not treat the Barons well
B. He did not respect the system of trial by jury
C. He was keeping all the rights for himself
D. He did not treat his people well

21. The system of Trial by Jury was introduced in England by:

A. King John
B. Edward I
C. Simon
D. Henry II

22. During the hundred years war, France was saved from disaster by:

A.  English soldiers
B. French soldiers
C. Joan of Arc
D. King

23. The first European scientist who declared that the earth was round and revolved around the sun was:

A. Kepler.
B. Cervantes.
C. Copernicus.
D. Michelangelo.

24. All the followings are true about the Moors EXCEPT:
A. The Moors were Arabian Muslim tribe                   
B. The Moors invaded Spain                               
C. The Moors left Spain after 100 years       
D. The Moors built up a Moorish State
25. The importance of the marriage between the queen of Castile, Isabella and the king of Argon,
      Ferdinand in the European history is:
A. That it became the modern day Germany
B. They drove off the moors and unified Spain     
C.  The king of one country married a queen of another country
D. That they ruled with the moors for more than 800 years.


1. How did PemaLingpa strengthen the teachings of Lord Buddha? (4 marks)
2. What were the reasons for the conflict between ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal and Tsang  Desi.(2 marks)
3. What do you understand by the term Chhoesi system? (3 marks)
4.Wearing of the national dress is appropriate for every activity. Do you agree? (3 marks)
Name of the Desis
Umze Tenzin Drugyal

Tenzin Drugda


Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye

5. Complete the table stating TWO achievements each of the first fourDesis. (4 marks)

6. Assess the importance of the Dzong in the history of our country?(4 marks)
7. Analyze the importance of the PunakhaDzong in the history of Bhutan. (6 marks) 
8. Why are chhams important to the Bhutanese? (4 marks)
9. If you were ShinjyeChhokigap what sins would you forgive? Mention TWO sins. (2 marks)

10. Explain the followings terms: (3 marks)
a. Bardo-
b. Phurba -
c. Duthroddagmos-
11. Draw a time line showing the various British missions in Bhutan. (4 marks)
12. What would have happened if the Burmese had won the war in 1828? (4 marks)
13. What do you understand by the term ‘government’? (2 marks) 


14. Explain how Charlemagne put an end to the Dark Ages.(3 marks)
15. How did a person become a qualified craftsman during the Medieval Period? Mention the stages. (3 marks) 
16. Why do you think the plague like ‘Black Death’ broke out in medieval towns? (1 mark)
17. The Crusades helped the serfs in winning the freedom. Do you agree?(6 marks)
18. What do you understand by the term ‘Nation ‘and ‘Nationalism’? (4 marks)
19. The unification of Spain was due to Ferdinand, the King of Aragon and Isabella, the queen of Castile. Do you agree? Why, give a reason? (4 marks)
20. What would have happened if the Turks had not invaded Constantinople?Justify your answer.(5 marks)
21. Explain why the capture of Constantinople by the Turks was a blessing in disguise for the mankind. (4 marks)



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