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Class IV/AE-Maths-2017

Ministry of Education

MATHEMATICS                                                                                           Full Mark:   100
CLASS: IV                 Time: 2 hrs                                                                                        
Name:…………………………………………Roll No:…………Section:……………..
1.    Do not write for the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent for reading the questions only.
2.    There are two sections A & B in this question booklet. You MUST do all the questions.
3.    All the answers MUST be written in the question booklet only.
4.    If you have any questions, ask them now.

Answer ALL Questions

Each question in this section is followed by FOUR possible answers.
Choose the most correct answer and write it down in the question
bookletitself. Each question carries2 marks.(2x15=30)

1.     The shaded part of the fraction below is :

a.      b.        c.       d. 

Ans: ………………………..

2.     An ant has 3  pairs of legs. How many legs will 5 ants have?                                                                                                
a)    28
b)    30
            c)    56
            d)    06             Ans…………………………

3.     Which multiplication factmatches this array
a)     6 × 2                                                                 
 b)    2 x  5
c)  10 ×1
 d)   1 Ans: ………………….

4.     Identify  the net  shown on the right. :
a.      Cylinder
b.     Rectangle based prism
c.      Cube
d.     Triangle based pyramid
Ans: …………………………….
 5.  The unit for measuring the area is      
a.   cm
b.  cm²
c.  cm³
d.  lxbAns…………………………..

 6.  Fill in the blank with correct sign.
   1.2             1.37                      
a. <c.   =
b.   >d.x Answer: __________________________

7. The number of lines of  symmetry in isosceles triangle is :
a)     Zero
b)     One         
c)     Two
d)     Three  

Ans: ……………………….    

 8.  The place value of  5 in 34,567 is hundred. What is the place value of 4?

a.  Ten Thousands
b.  One Thousands
c.  Tens
d.  Ones


          9.  The quadrilaterals below are :


a)     Rectangle ,rhombus, parallelogram
b)     Trapezoid, kite, square
c)     Rhombus, parallelogram, rectangle
d)     None of the above

Ans: ……………………………

 10. The missing number for the following fraction is :
a.0 , 1, 2, 3
b. 0, 1, 2, 4
c.  1, 2, 3,
 d.  None of the above Ans: ………………………..

11.Which shapeis the  imageof  the   shape given below after  a slide ?     

                   A.                                                    B.
C.                                                   C.                   
                         Ans: ……………………………

12. Name the type of angle shown below :
a.   Right angle
b.   Straight angle
c.   Acute angle

d.  Obtuse angle

Ans:  …………………………….


The model shown above represents

a.      2300022
b.     2322
c.      22000300202Ans: ………………………………..
d.     2000222

14.  The pictures below show 1  groups. How many people are in one group ?

a.      2
b.     3
c.      4
d.     5

Ans: ………………………..

15.  What multiplication fact does this number line show?
  0                 6               12                 18            24


a.       14 x 2 = 28           b.4 x 6 = 24          c.   3 x 8 = 24      d.   28 x 7

Ans : ……………………

SECTION B   (70 marks)

Question 1.a)  Name the shapes below :  (6marks)



……..……………………                   …………………….                   ………………..

                  b)  Find the  area of  the square grid below. (4 marks)


                   c)  Name and show which is greater fraction.  (4 marks)



Question 2. Use the model given below, In a place value chart.(3)


Question 3.Describe  theturn  of the shape given below. (2)


Question 4.a. Write the fact family for an array?                 (3)  marks)

                                                                                        Ans: ………………….

Question 5.Write true or false   ( 5 marks )
i) 6 x 7 = 7 x 6              [              ]
ii)  0 ÷ 9 = 0                  [              ]
 iii) 10 ÷ 2 = 2 ÷ 10        [              ]
iv)  4 x 5 = 2 x 10          [              ]
v)  0 x 7 = 7 [              ]

Question.6.The school has 4 rooms. of the room is empty. (  2 marks )
How many rooms are full ?


Question 7.Write each fraction as a decimal. (4marks)

a)     =                             c)    =

b)      =                       d)    =

Question 8.Divide using any method.  (3 marks)
42 ÷ 6 =

Question 9.The chart below shows the number of people shopping in four shops.
Draw a pictograph that uses a scale to show the data.(4 marks)
No. of shoppers

Shop   1
Shop   2
Shop   3
Shop   4

Question 10.  a) Subtract using any method.  (2 marks)
57,721 – 15,325

 b)  Write  inorder  from least to greatest . ( 2 marks )
57,985,    15,053,     31, 227,     20,000

Question   11.Describe   the picture with a mixed  fraction. (2)

Question. 12.  What is the mean of each set of data ?   (4)
a)       17, 12, 4           Ans:

b)      6, 12, 1, 13        Ans: 

Question .13.Shade the parts of the fraction to show :   (3)



Question. 14. Write  the name of the shape and label its parts. (4)
                                            ( curved face, curved edge , apex  )


Question 15.Dorji  earned Nu 3975 from selling potatoes and Nu 4265 from oranges.
How   much  amount did he save in two years? (3)


Question .  16.Draw a flip image given below :    (2)

Question.17.    Draw each angle.       (2x2=4 marks)
i)      straight angle            ii) a right angle

Question.18.  What  is  the volume  of the cubes ?  (2)


Question.19. What  fraction and the decimal describe in the grid ?  (2)

Ans:  Fraction - 
                                    Decimal --


                         All The Best


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