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Class V/AE-Science-2017

Ministry of Education

CLASS: V                                                                                                            FM: 100
SUBJECT: SCIENCE                                                                                         TIME: 2Hours
Name:………………………………………………  Roll No…………Sec………
Do not write for the first ten minutes. This time is to be spent on reading questions. After having read the questions, you will be given 2hours to answer all the questions. In this paper, you will find two sections: A and B. They carry 25 and 75 marks each.
                                                                   Section A                                       (25x1=25 marks)
DIRECTION: Each question in this section is followed by four choices of answers. Choose and circle the key of the most correct answer.   [Key:  A, B, C, D]
  1. A book is a solid because.
A.       it has fixed shape but no fixed volume.
B.       it has fixed shape and fixed volume.
C.       it has fixed volume but no fixed shape.
D.       it has neither fixed shape nor fixed volume.

  1. Sand and gravel can be separated  by
  1. winnowing.
  2. filtration.
  3. hand picking.
  4. Sieving.

  1. Even surface reflects
  1. clear image.
  2. unclear image.
  3. big image.
  4. small image.
  1. We increase friction by
  1. polishing.
  2. oiling.
  3. greasing.
  4. making treads.

  1. Liquid changes to gas on heating. This process is called
  1. melting.
  2. freezing.
  3. evaporation.
  4. condensation.

  1. The following liquids float on water EXCEPT
  1. kerosene.
  2. honey.
  3. cooking oil.
  4. petrol.

  1. Matter which is in the gaseous state is
  1. oxygen.
  2. oil.
  3. soil.
  4. wood.

  1. Nima was boiling water. Water boiled at
  1. 200°C.
  2. 300°C.
  3. 100°C.
  4. 400°C.

  1. Hand picking is effective method to separate
  1. flour and sugar.
  2. rice and maize.
  3. sugar and salt.
  4. salt and sand.

  1. Static electricity is also known as
  1. hydro electricity.
  2. wind electricity.
  3. frictional electricity.
  4. thunder and lightning electricity.

  1. All the things listed below are man-made things EXCEPT
  1. car.
  2. building.
  3. tree.
  4. computer.

  1. The main source of electricity in Bhutan is
  1. solar energy.
  2. wind energy.
  3. hydro energy.
  4. nuclear energy.

  1. Example of body building food is
  1. maize.
  2. fish.
  3. orange.
  4. cabbage.

  1. The sunlight composes of seven colours and they are
  1. violet,  indigo, brown, green, yellow, orange and red.
  2. violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, pink and red.
  3. violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.
  4. violet, indigo, green, black, yellow, orange and red.

  1. What form of energy a plate of rice has?
  1. Kinetic energy
  2. Potential energy
  3. Nuclear energy
  4. Chemical energy

Answer: ……………………………………………………..
  1. Part of plant below the ground is called
  1. root.
  2. shoot.
  3. leaf.
  4. stem.

  1. Which one of the following is function of anther?
  1. Protects inner parts of flower.
  2. Receives pollen grains.
  3. Produces pollen grains.
  4. Attracts insects and birds.

  1. Among the following animals, which one is endangered species?
A.    Dodo
B.    Passenger pigeon
C.    Dinosaur
D.    Red panda
  1. An example of EXTINCT species of plant is
  1. Cry pansy.
  2. Blue poppy.
  3. Yew.
  4. Cordyceps.

  1. Which object is not attracted by a magnet?
  1. Pin
  2. Compass
  3. Plastic
  4. Knife
  1. The fusion of ovum and sperm is called
  1. life cycle.
  2. reproduction.
  3. variation.
  4. fertilization.

  1. The amount of voltage supplied by one battery is
  1. 1.5 V.
  2. 2.5 V.
  3. 3.5 V.
  4. 4.5 V.

  1. A complete food is
  1. rice.
  2. milk.
  3. butter.
  4. flour.

  1. Which of the following is a reversible change?
  1. Cooking food
  2. Burning wood
  3. Changing weather
  4. Dissolving salt in water

  1. The unit of energy is
  1. kilogram.
  2. joule.
  3. meter.
  4. newton.

Answer ALL the questions.
Question1:  Fill in the blanks.  (10x1=10 marks)

Directions: Read the questions given below carefully and write your answers in the spaces provided below.
  1. A solid on heating changes to _________________.
  2. The agent used for winnowing is_______________.
  3. A reversible change is also called________________ change.
  4. A _________ ______is built across the river to store the water.
  5. Animals depend on______________ for food.
  6. A ________________is used to separate iron fillings from sand.
  7. The symbol of WWF is giant___________________
  8. The skull protects the_______________
  9. The moon has no______________  of its own.
  10. The switch turns the flow of ______________ on and off.

Question 2. Match the items in column A with the items given in column B. Write the correct alphabet against the number in answer column. (10x1=10marks)


Protects the inner parts of the flower

Give us energy

Changing shapes of the moon

Day and Night
String instrument

Attract birds and insect

Wind instrument

Gas changing into liquid

Copper wire

Rubber band

Rotation of the Earth

Question 3.Read the statements given below and write TRUE or FALSE.
  1. Uneven surface reflects clear image. (                          )
  2. Particles in a solid are closely arranged. (                        )
  3. Friction can slow down the movement of an object. (                       )
  4. The bouncing of light is called reflection. (                        )
  5. The source of electrical energy is water. (                        )
  6. The moon takes about three months to revolve around the Earth. (                           )
  7. The ability to produce its own kind is called reproduction. (                          )
  8. There are 206 bones in an adult human. (                         )
  9. The part of the plant below the ground is called shoot. (                        )
  10. Heart pumps the blood. (                     )

Question 4 . Short question answer.                                    (45 marks)                                                                        
Direction: Answer the following questions as directed. Write your answers in the space provided below.
  1. What is melting? Give one example.                                                             (2 marks)

  1. What will happen, if there is no friction?                                                       (2 marks)

  1. Why do we see our shadows during the day?                                                            (2 marks)

  1. How many poles are there in a magnet? Name them.                                                (2marks)

  1. Draw a circuit and label the parts.                                                               (3 marks)

  1. Do you agree that the use of electricity has made the life easier?  Give two reasons to support your answer.                                                                                              (2 marks)

  1. Write one difference between potential energy and kinetic energy.              (2marks)                                                                                                                                               

  1. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.                  (3 marks)

                                                      Rubber band

i)                Which beaker produces loud sound?                                                                   (1 mark)

ii)              Which beaker produces faint sound?                                                                   (1 mark)

iii)            How does the loudness of sound change with the size of the container?       (1mark)

  1. Write one difference between plants and animals.                                       (2 marks)

  1. Construct one food chain with 3 organisms found in your school garden.   (2 marks)

  1. Complete the following table                                                                         (3 marks)                                                                                               
Parts of the circulatory system
  1. Veins

  1. Heart

  1. Arteries

  1. Why does the shape of moon change?                                                           (2 marks)

  1. Label the Parts of the flower using the words given below                          (3 marks)
Filament, Petal, Stigma, Anther, Ovary, Style

4 ………………..                       
5 ……………..           1 ………………….                                                      1………………..
                                    2 …………………..                                                     2………………
6 …………………    
                                    3 …………………            3…………………..

  1.     Is football, a solid or a gas? Explain                                                          (2 marks)

  1. Define physical change and give one example.                                             (2 marks)

  1.  Karma and Kesang carried out the following experiment. The setups were kept in the sun for 3 to 4 hours.

I)                What was the purpose of the experiment?                                                           (1 mark)

II)              Why was oil added into the test tube?                                                     (1 mark)

III)             What happened to the level of water after few hours in setup A and setup B? ( 2 marks)


  1. Sort the following materials into magnetic and non-magnetic objects?                       (3marks)
chalk, iron fillings, thread, eraser, pin, rubber band, copper wire, tin, paper, horse shoe magnet, sand, nail   
Magnetic objects
Non-Magnetic objects

  1. Study the graph given below and answer the questions that follow. 
i)                In which month was the maximum electricity generated? Why?      (2marks)

ii)               In which month was the least electricity generated? Why?                         (2marks)


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