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Class V/AE-Maths-2017

Ministry of Education
CLASS: V                                                                                               Total Marks: 100
Subject:   MATHEMATICS                                                                 Writing Time: 2 Hours
November 2017

Name:……………………………………………………         Roll No:…….   Section:……
School Name:………………………………………………………………..


1. Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions.                                         
2. Answer to all the questions must be written neatly in the space  provided.
3. In this paper, there are two sections: A & B. Answer all the questions.
4. Read the directions to each question carefully and write all your answer in the space provided.
5. Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all the questions.

15 Questions [30 Marks]                               Answer all Questions
[Direction: Choose the correct answer and write it in the space provided.]

Question 1
a)     Which is greater than 4000?

A)   60x80                  B) 80x30                 C) 70x40              D) 10x60
b)     The rent for the house is Nu 6225 a month. The rent for 8 months would be

A)   Nu. 4,980       B) Nu. 49,800        C) Nu. 498,000         D) Nu. 4,980,000

c)     Which numbers given below could replace the box to make the statement true 

A)   4900                        B) 5010                  C) 590                 D) 490  


d)     Which one correctly describe translation of shape P to shape Q.


A)   4 units left, 4 units up             B) 4 units left, 4 units down
      C) 4 units rirht, 4 units up             D)  4 units right, 4 units down


e)     Identify the 3-D shape the given net will make.

A)   Octagon-based prism               B) Octagon-based pyramid      
C)  Hexagon-based prism              D) Hexagon-based pyramid  


f)      What division is being modelled in the given picture below?



A)              B)              C)            D)

g)     The correct order from greatest to least for      1.024         0.503         1.204       0.035 is

A)   1.204,  1.024,  0.503,  0.035                       B) 1.204,  0.503,  1.024,  ,  0.035    
      C) 1.024, 1.204, 0.503, 0.035                          D) 1.204,  1.024,  0.035,  0.503, 


h)     Tandin started running at school. He ran 1852 m north, then another 2478 m north, and then 1482 m south. How far is he from school, in kilometres?   

A)   2.848 km              B) 5.812 km                  C) 2848 km              D) 5812 km


i)      Add: 13.799 + 4.285

A)   53.084                          B) 53.984                         C) 18.084                            D) 18.984 



Find the area of the shape given alongside.                                                                   

A) square units
B)   7 square units
C) square units
D)  6 square units


k)    The correct formula to find the perimeter of rectangle is                                            
A.    L x W             B. L + W                             C. 2(L x W)                          D. 2(L + W)
l)      The standard form of two million, thirty thousand  would be
A)   2,030,000             B)  2,300,000C) 2,003,000D) 230,000
m)    If you write 5,600,000 as a decimal number of million, it would be
A)   560.0                      B)56.0                  C) 5.6                          D) 0.56
n)     Tashi scored 48, 56, 84, 86 in his exam. Dorji scored 58, 56, 84 but his fourth mark is missing. Both of them have the same mean. Find Dorji’s missing score?
A)   48                               B) 66                        C) 68.5                   D) 76
Suppose you spin this spinner once. What is the probability word that you will spin 4?

A)   Certain   B) Very likely             C) Very unlikely         D) Impossible

SECTION B         [15 Questions 70 Marks]

(Answer all the questions in this section. Don’t forget to include all the necessary steps and points in your answer. Write all the answers in the space provided)
Question 2[5x1=5 Marks]

Match each item in column A against its correct item in column B.

Column A
Column B
i.                 9 x 2342
a.      0.172
ii.               6 x 4532
b.      1,800 g
iii.              The number of lines of symmetry
the isosceles triangle has
c.      180 g
iv.              17.2 x 0.01 
d.      27,192
v.                1.8 kg   
e.      1

f.       21,078

g.      2

Question 3[5 Marks]
a)     Draw a diagram to calculate 28 x 51.   (3)

b)       Use a place value chart to find 5 x 3119. Show your work.(2)

Question 4[5 Marks]
a)     Use mental math to calculate each:
i)      52 x 1000 =                                      ii)          =

b)       Calculate : (2)

Question 5[5 x 1 = 5 Marks]
Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate answers.
i)      17.2 x 0.001 = ………….
ii)    42 dm = 4.2 ………………
iii)  Digits are written in groups of three called ………………..   
iv)   Each period has ………….. digits                    
v)     Another name for translation is ……………………

Question 6[5 Marks]
a)      Reflect the given shape in the reflection line. (2)

b)     PurnaBahadur transformed shape A twice.           (




I. Which shape is reflection? How do you know?

II. Which shape is translation? How do you know?

Question 7[5 Marks]
a)     I. Does this net make a prism or a pyramid? State 2 clues you used to decide.(2+1=3 )

II. Name the shape the net makes.

Rotate the shape a ½ turn around M                          

Question 8.                                                                  [5 Marks]
a)     Rename each improper fraction as a mixed number.           (
i)      =                                                      ii)   =

b)     Tashi said that   because he subtracted the same number from both the numerator and denominator. Do you agree? Explain your thinking.        (2)

Question 9
Write TRUE or FALSE against each statement.            [5 x 1 = 5 Marks]
i.       Equilateral triangle has 2 congruent sides. [  ……………….   ]
ii.     Below the mean and above the mean should have the same total. [ ……………. ]
iii.   The mean of a set of data increases if any piece of data increases.  [ ………….…]
iv.   The mean of a set of data decreases if any piece of data decreases. [ ……………..]
v.     The ordered pair for the point given below is (5, 10) .     [………………..]

Question 10[5 Marks]
a)     Order these fractions from least to greatest.                                                 (3)

b)     Draw a picture to show (2)

Question 11[5 Marks]

a)     Deki drank 1.325 L milk on Monday, 0.872 L on Tuesday, and 1.156 L on Wednesday. (3)
i.                 How much milk did Deki drink on all these days?

ii.               How much less did Deki drink on Tuesday than Wednesday?

iii.             Deki drank 0.225 L of milk more on Thursday than she did on Wednesday. How much milk did she drink on Thursday?

b)     Lobzang estimated 6 x 4.8 as 6 x 4 = 24.       Dorji estimated 6 x 4.8 as 6 x 5=30                          Which estimate is closer to the exact product? How do you know?           ( 2 )

Question 12[5 Marks]
a)         Does the number sentence  have one solution, more than one solution, or no solution? How do you know?                                                               (2 )                                                            

b)     Your classroom is having the dimensions 8m by 6m by 4m. How many 1 meter cube
can it fit in?                                                                                                  (2)     

c)     Draw a pair of line segments that are parallel.                                             ( 1 )

Question 13[5 Marks]

a)     Calculate the area of the composite shape given.                                                          (3 )
6 cm
2 cm
3 cm
1 cm

b)     A rectangular prism has volume of 30 cm3  .What might its dimensions be?                 (2)

Question 14[5 Marks]

a)     Write each in expanded form    (1.5 x 2 = 3)

i.                 782,202 =

ii.               9,302,000 =

b)      Draw a place value chart and place 3,700,000 in it.   (2)

Question 15[5 Marks]
a)     If the given data is 4, 7, 9, and 12. What will be the mean? Calculate using the picture. (2.5)

b)     Given below is a pictograph showing different people speaking different dialect in a community. Study and represent it in the bar graph along with the table.  (2.5 )

  Represents 20 people.


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