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Class VIII/AE-History-2017

Ministry of Education
Class VIIIWriting Time: 2 Hours                        
History &CivicsTotal Marks:  100                                                                                                 

Read the following directions carefully:

1.     Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions. You will be given two hours to answer the questions.
2.     You must write your name and section of your class clearly in the answer sheet provided.
3.     This paper comprises of two Sections, A and B. All questions are compulsory.
4.     Read the directions to each questions carefully and write all your answers in the answer sheet provided.
5.     Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all the questions.


Section A: (25marks)
Attempt all the questions
Question I
Read the following questions carefully. For each question there are four alternatives A,B, C and D. Choose the correct alternative and circle it in the question booklet itself:[1x25=25]
1.Bhutan remained isolated and uninfluenced by the Industrial Revolution during the
A   18th Century.
      B   19th Century.
      C   20th Century.
       D   21stCentury.
  2.  JigmeNamgyal refused to return the captured guns because
A   it was a symbol of the British defeated by the Bhutanese.
    B    Bhutanese wanted to have war again with British.
    C    it was a symbol of friendly relationship with British.
     D    Bhutanese wanted to preserve it.
3. Darpon means
  A    Chamberlain.
  B     Head of Attendants.
  C     Store Incharge.
  D    Head of the district administration.
4.Which one of the following points is NOT related to the Fourth DrukGyalpo, JigmeSingye
   A    2nd June, 1974.
   B    Listened to Ling GyelsarGyelpo’s  epic story.
   C    Chairman of Planning Commission.
D   Decentralization of power.
5. Which is INCORRECT about the insulting treatment given toAshly Eden and his party?
  A     Kept standing outside.
  B     Crowd of people jeered at them.
  C      Welcomed by the LhengyeTshog.
   D      Forced to eat doma.
6.  All the following are the causes of the battle of ChanglingmethangEXCEPT.
AAlu Dorji and Phuntsho Dorji appointed their own choice of Desi.
   B     Alu Dorji and Phuntsho Dorji sent TrongsaDronyer to kill UgyenWangchuck.
   C     Alu Dorji and Phutsho Dorji wanted to settle disputes through meetings and
    D    Alu Dorji and Phuntsho Dorji didn’t turn up in SharRithang for negotiations.
7.  The British proclaimed war against Bhutan on
     A    12th Nov, 1864
     B    12th Nov, 1865
  C      11th Nov, 1864                           
  D     11th Nov, 1865
8. The abolishment of Slavery and Serfdom was DrukGyalpoJigme Dorji Wangchuck’s
A   Administrative reform.
   B    Judicial reform.
   C    Constitutional reform.
  D    Social reform.
9. Which treaty was signed in the year, 1910?
  A    Treaty  ofSinchula.
  B     Treaty of Punakha.
  C     Indo- Bhutanese Treaty.
  D     Anglo -Tibetan Treaty.
10.  The K.C.I.E was Knighthood awarded to King UgyenWangchuck by the British government. What does the acronym stand for?

A   Knight of Classical Indian Empire.
B   Knight Commander of the Indian Estate.
C    Knight Commander of the Indian Empire.
D    Knight Companion of the Indian Empire.
11. The set of fundamental laws for running the Government is known as--------------
A     Preamble.                    
B     Schedule.            
C     Constitution.                
D    Citizenship.

12. Which one of the following is NOT the characteristic of a Good Citizen?
 A    Good citizen will value and promote culture and tradition.
 B    Good citizen will respect the national symbols.
 C     Good citizen will be loyal and vote very honestly.
 D    Good citizen will not form a political party.

13. According to the Constitution, Bhutan is a----------------
 A    Democracy.                    
 B     Absolute monarchy.
 C     Constitutional monarchy.         
 D    Democratic Constitutional Monarchy.

14. The Constitution of Bhutan allows only a Single Citizenship in order to
 A      promote unity among the people of Bhutan.
 B       preserve culture and religion of Bhutan.
 C       keep our country independent and strong.
 D       protect the country from foreign invasion.
15. “Mr. Tobgyal is a natural born citizen of Bhutan since both his father and mother is the citizen of Bhutan.”
 In the above statement, Mr. Tobgyal is qualified to be a Bhutanese citizen by the Bhutanese Citizenship law of
A     Citizenship by Naturalization.                  
B     Citizenship by Registration.
C     Citizenship by Birth.                                 
D     Citizenship by Age.
16.    “The place in the sun” was an imperialist policy followed by
  A    Germany
  B    France
  C    Japan
  D   Britain
17.All the following are the countries which formed the Triple Alliance EXCEPT
  A     Spain
  B     Germany
  C     Austria
  D     Italy

18. When Germany built four large warship called ‘Dreadnaughts”,England was compelled to build ---------------
 A     six Dreadnaughts.
 B     seven Dreadnaughts.
 C     eight Dreadnaughts.
 D     nine Dreadnaughts.

19. Which TWO of the following combinations were the aims for establishing the League of Nations?
 I.    To preserve the culture and tradition of different countries in the world.
II.    To establish peace and security in the world.
III.  To improve health and education in the world.
IV.  To promote international cooperation for solving international problems.
        A     I & III
        B      II & IV
        C      I & II
        D     III & IV

20.The Second World War broke out in the year---------------
A      1935.B      1945.C      1942.D      1939.
21. The immediate cause of the Second World War was………….
A     Invasion of Poland by Hitler.
 B     Sarajevo tragedy.
 C     Invasion of France by Hitler.
D    Japan’s capture of Manchuria.
22. Five powerful countries were made as permanent members in the Security Council because
 A     It was their demand.
 B     They will threaten other countries if they are not the member.
 C    They can defeat any country that causes problem
 D     It was felt that powerful nations could keep peace if they agree on the world   
23.All the following are the contributions made by Joseph Stalin EXCEPT
 A     He started the Five Year Plans.
 B      He gave free education and jobs.
 C      He guaranteed the old-age insurance.
 D     He constructed roads and bridges.
24. The Nazi Party was founded by--------
 A     Joseph Stalin.
 B     Benito Mussolini.
 C     Lenin.
 D     Adolf Hitler
25. Why is UNESCO established by the United Nations Organization?
 A     To create two Powerful Blocs after the Second World War.
 B     To co-ordinate amongst the Non UN organization.
 C     To provide full and equal opportunities on education, science and culture.
 D     To maintain peace and order.

Section B –(75marks)
Attempt all the questions
Direction: Read the questions below carefully and answer each one in your answer sheet.
Part I: Bhutan History (40 Marks)
Question 2.
1.     What are the terms of Treaty of Sinchula? Mention any THREE.  [1x3=3]
2.     Why did JigmeNamgyal build WangdiCholing Palace?                 [2]
3.     Write down any TWO advantages of Bhutan’s isolation.                 [ 1+1=2]
4.     Name any THREE members of the NangiLhengyeZhi who formed the Central Cabinet of the government during the reign of DrukGyalpoJigmeWangchuck.  [1x3=3]

Question 3
1.     With reference to the reign of DrukGyalpoJigmeWangchuck, identify TWO international events that did not affect the country due to its policy of isolation.   [1+1=2]
2.     Why JigmeNamgyal left his home in Lhuentse at a very early age?                     [2]
3.     What are the steps taken by the fourth DrukGyalpo,JigmeSingyeWangchuck  to improve the quality of rural life? List down any TWO points.                              [1+1=2]
4.     What were the steps taken by third DrukGyalpoJigme Dorji Wangchuck to end the policy of isolation?Write down any TWO points                                                   [2+2=4]                           
Question 4.
1.     Why British India decided to send a mission to Bhutan? Write any TWO reasons.
2.     If you were TrongsaPoenlopUgyenWangchuck, how would you have brought an end to a civil war in Bhutan?                                                                                       [4]
3.     What would have happened if DrukGyalpoJigme Dorji Wangchuck had not ended Bhutan’s isolation? Write down any TWO points.                                         [2+2=4]

Question 5
1.     Match each item given in column A with that of column B.                             [1x4=4]

Column A
Column B

Economic reforms

Establishment of DYT

Administrative reforms

Establishment of SolzinLhentshog

Cultural  reforms

Establishment of Tshogdu

Constitutional reforms

Establishment of the 336 ChhukhaHydel Project.

Abolishment of GongdaWoola.

2.     Why did hereditary monarchy as a form of government replace the Desi system? Write down any TWO reasons.                                                                            [1+1=2]
3.     Explain with FOUR reasons, why DrukGyalpoJigmeSingyeWangchuck is referred to as the ‘Monarch of the People’.                                                                     [1x4=4]

Part II: Bhutan Civic (5 Marks)
Question 6
1.     Why do you think it is important to vote for the most suitable candidate? Write TWO points.                                                                                                            [1+1=2]
2.     When the Constitution of Bhutan was formally adopted?                           [1]
3.     Write down any TWO fundamental duties of a Bhutanese citizen.            [1+1=2]

Part III: World History (30 Marks)
  Question 7
1.     Why did USA enter into the First World War?                                                    [2]
2.     Why was there a lack of cooperation between England and France during the period between two World Wars?                                                                                   [3]
3.     What were the results of the Second World War? Write down any THREE points.                                                                                                                                                             
4.     Which countries of Europe formed the Central Powers?                                     [2]

Question 8
1.     How was the Treaty of Versailles not fair to the Central Powers? Write any THREE points.                                                                                                                  [1x3=3]
2.     What were the causes of the failure of the League of Nations? Mention any TWO reasons.                                                                                                                  [1+1=2]
3.     What are the main functions of Security Council? Mention any TWO functions.   [2]
4.     What were the consequences of Hitler’s invasion of Russia?                               [3]
Question 9
1.     Name the members of European Economic Community (EEC).              [3]
2.     What is the full form of SAARC?                                                              [1]
3.     How did Adolf Hitler restore the lost power and prestige of Germany?   [3]
4.     When was UNO established? Write down any TWO aims of UNO.       [1+2=3]



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