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Class VIII AE/EnglishII-2017

Ministry of Education
Class: VIIIWriting Time: 2 hours
English Paper II (Reading and Literature)Total marks: 100

Name:...........................................................................................      Roll No:...................      Section:...............


1.   Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions. After having read the questions, you will be given two hours to answer all questions.
2.   In this paper, there are three sections: A (Short Story),B (Essasy) and C (Poem). Each section has two sets of questions, Set I and set II.
3.   You must attempt three sets of questions in all. You must attempt either Set I or Set II. However, you must attempt at least one set II questions from any one of the three generes.
4.   Read the directions to each questions carefully and write your answers accordingly.
5.   Remember to write quickly but neatly.
6.   Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all the questions.
7.   Write your name, roll no, class and section on the answer sheets.

Section – A
Short Story
Section – B
Section – C


SHORT STORY - 35 Marks
DIRECTION: Read the extract given below and answer the question based on the story from which this extract has been taken.

But I‘ll probably be late for everything anyway, she admitted ruefully. I can’t seem to get myself organized. Even on my birthday. Especially on my birthday!

Question 1a                                                                                                                                              (1x15)
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer that fits the question and write in the answer sheet provided.
1.     The above extract is taken from the story

a)     The Nest
b)     Which Way?
c)     The Red Sweater
d)     The Magic Brocade

2.     The story has

a)     dual plot
b)     triple plot
c)     single plot
d)     no plot

3.     The main character in the story could be best described as,

a)     kind
b)     lazy
c)     organized
d)     indecisive

4.     What is her relation with “Chris”?

a)     He is her son.
b)     He is her friend.
c)     He is her brother.
d)     He is her husband.

5.     The word ‘pandemoniumin the story is a

a)     path.
b)     order.
c)     uproar.
d)     silence.

6.     A word from the story which means ‘sadly’ is

a)     gawky.
b)     ruefully.
c)     doggedly.
d)     resentfully.

7.     Feeding and organizing the younger kids, made the character

a)     late.
b)     lazy.
c)     active.
d)     unhappy.

8.     They spend first seven years of their married life by

a)     bringing up kids.
b)     doing business.
c)     working in the clinics.
d)     traipsing from country to country.

9.     How old is Jody?

a)     He is nine years old.
b)     He is ten years old.
c)     He is eleven years old.
d)     He is twelve years old.

10.  She was seriously injured when she took

a)     short cut during the first accident.
b)     long way during the first accident.
c)     long way during the second accident.
d)     short cut during the second accident.

11.  The overall mood of the story is

a)       romantic.
b)       cheerful.
c)       exciting.
d)       depressing.

12.  The main character refused to change her room to semi private room in the hospital because

a)     she has no money.
b)     she was not able to move.
c)     Roly introduced her to new child.
d)     she has grown fond of the children in the ward.

13.  She has done Master’s Degree in

a)     Sociology.
b)     Pathology.
c)     Psychology.
d)     Anthropology.

14.   All the important thing in her life happens,

a)     in the kitchen.
b)     in the hospital.
c)     on her birthday.
d)     on the shortcut way.

15.  She recollects the incidents in her life when,

a)     she is in the clinic.
b)     she is in the school.
c)     she is in the kitchen.
d)     she is in the college.

QUESTION 1b                                                                                                                                    (20 marks)
DIRECTION: Answer the following questions briefly in your words.
1. Who are the characters in the story?                                                                                                                    (3)
2. Why did she decide not to have kids after marriage?                                                                                          (2)
3. What is the conflict of the story and how was it resolved at the end of the story?                                             (1+4)
4. Explain one of the interesting plots that you found in the story.                                                                         (5)
5. Do you like the story? Why? Give reasons to support your answer.                                                                   (1+4)

Question 2                                                                  (35 marks)
DIRECTION: Answer the following questions briefly in your words.
1.   Write two character traits of the main character? Support your answer from the text. (3+3)
2.   Explain two themes that story contain and justify it with examples.                                                          (3+3)
3.   Suppose you were given a second chance to change the decision (wrong decision) which you have taken in the past. What would you change and why? (2+5)
4.   Write one paragraph in continuation to the story, picking up from where the story ends.                       (7)
5.   Summarize the story in not more than 150 words.(9)

ESSAY[Unseen Text] - 35 Marks

Direction: Read the essay given below carefully.

The Need for Discipline in Life

The development of human personality, the progress of society, the advancement of civilization and culture depend on discipline in life. Discipline is training of mind and character. It enables man to obey the rules that he has himself made to regulate his conduct and behavior for his own good and for the good of the society.
Wise parents inculcate discipline in their children from the very beginning. The child is allowed freedom within certain limits. The child is not free to do anything which is likely to harm his interests as an individual or as a member of the society. Obedience, co-operation, avoidance of greed and selfishness, respect for elders, sense of service, duty and responsibility are some of the major attributes of discipline which can be easily cultivated at a tender age. If a child is allowed unrestricted freedom and not subjected to any discipline in the beginning, he becomes a problem for the family at home, later at school and after that in the society and the community. He carries with him the infectious disease of indiscipline and spreads it among those who happen to come into his contact.
The need for discipline is emphasized by everyone at every place and every time in our life, but there is nothing as scant as discipline in our life today. The loss of discipline is bemoaned by parents, teachers, employers, administrators; social, religious and politician leaders. Sadly, it is on the increase in every walk of life.
Indiscipline by anyone in any walk of life adversely affects the quality of life and adds to human misery. Order and safety which are essential for human civilization cannot be thought of without discipline in life. In truth, it is discipline which lays the foundation of the edifice of human welfare, peace and progress.

Set I
Question 1a                                                                                        (1x15)
Direction:Choose the correct answer that fits the question and write in the answer sheet provided.

1.What is discipline, according to the writer?

      a) Training of mind.                    
b) Training of body and mind.
c) Training of mind and character.
d) Training of physical appearance.

2. When should parents inculcate discipline in their children?

a)  From the age of 18 years.
b)  From the school going age.    
c)  From the time of indiscipline.
d)  From the beginning of childhood.

3.Indiscipline child is

      a) a problem for all.                     
b) an asset to the family.
c) a good student for teachers.
d) an obedient child of his father.

4.How does discipline help man?

      a)  To spoil his character.
b)  To encourage him to steal.
c)  To regulate his conduct and behavior.
d)  To keep him indulged in bad company.

5.According to the writer, indiscipline is  

      a) a curse.
      b) a blessing.  
c) an infectious disease.            .
d) a non infectious disease.

6.What are the two factors, the writer thinks are essential for human civilization?

a)  Food and water                       
b)  Order and safety
c)  Cloths and shelter
d)  Road and electricity

7.What does it mean by greed?

a) To have wish                      
b)  To have skill 
c)  To protect something
d)  The desire to have something more

8.The following factors directly depend on discipline, EXCEPT

a)  advancement of civilization and culture.
b)development of human personality.
c)  deterioration in human values.
d)  progress of society.

9.The central idea of the essay is

     a) the need for rules and regulation in school.
b) the need for discipline in life.
c) importance of respect.
d) about indiscipline.

10. Which of the following is NOT an attribute of discipline?

     a) Obedience
     b) Co-operation
     c) Respect for elders
     d) Greed and selfishness

11. Which of the following is an opposite of ‘discipline’?

a) Obedience        
b) Infections
c) Indiscipline            
d) Unrestricted

12.The synonym of the word ‘essential’ is

a) lucky.
b) important.
c) happiness.
d) not important.

13. What is the type of the essay given above?

a) Informative Essay
b) Descriptive Essay
c) Persuasive Essay
d) Narrative Essay

14. He carries with him the infectious disease of indiscipline. The word underlined is

a) a verb.
b) a noun.
c) an adverb.
d) an adjective.

15.  The child is allowed freedom within certain limits. The word ‘freedom’ is

a) a verb.
b) a noun.
c) an adverb.
d) an adjective.

Question 1b                                                                                        (20 Marks)
Direction:Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.
1. What are some of the major attributes of the discipline? List three examples.  [1x3]
2. Write the central idea of the given essay.                                                                     [2]
3. If a child is allowed unrestricted freedom, for whom does he become a problem andwhy?   [2+3]
4. Write five advantages of discipline in one’s life?            [1x5]                  
5. What do you think of a student’s life without discipline?                                            [5]

Set II
Question 2                                                                                                      (35 Marks)
Direction:Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.
1.   Write the advantages of discipline in one’s life?             [7]
2.   Suggest some ways in which parents should inculcate discipline in their children at home.    [7]
3.   Write some incidents of indiscipline that take place around you and suggest solution for each of them.[7]
4.   Why does writer emphasize discipline in every walk of life? Explain.          [7]           
5.   Why indiscipline is on an increase in today’s youth? Write reasons to support your answer.                  [7]

POEM - 30 Marks

DIRECTION: Read the Poem given below carefully.

Mother to Son
Well, son, I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
’Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now—
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

By Langston Hughes (1902–1967)


Question 1a                                                                                                                                               (1x10)
DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer that fits the question and write in the answer sheet provided.

1.     In the first seven lines, to what is Hughes comparing a stairway with “tacks in it and splinters?”
a)     The other people who live in the run-down housing
b)     The carpet on the stairway
c)     The son
d)     Life

2.     In this poem, boards with “tacks and splinters” and “boards torn up” are symbols for
a)     The lack of compassion each man has for his fellow man
b)     A life that has had many difficulties and challenges
c)     The ungrateful way the mother’s son treats her
d)     Run-down housing

3.     What might “reachin’ landin’s” symbolize in the mother’s climb?
a)     Places in her life where she had to stop and make decisions
b)     Portions of her life that held magic for her
c)     Compassionate forces in her life
d)     Destructive forces in her life

4.     Why do you think the word “bare” is on a line all alone?
a)     To emphasize how difficult and “bare” of luxuries the mother’s life had been
b)     Because Hughes couldn’t think of anything else to add to that line
c)     Because it rhymes with the word “stair”
d)     To emphasize the son’s brutality

5.     What is the most likely meaning for “turnin’ corners” in the context of the poem?
a)     Places in her life where she set new goals or had to try to solver her problems in a new way.
b)     The point in her life when she knew her son would be successful.
c)     Places in her life where she felt like she had failed.
d)     Her need to find a father figure for her son.

6.     What is the theme of the poem?
a)     Don’t give up; complete the goals you have set for yourself.
b)     When you are in trouble, look to your mother for advice.
c)     Don’t be so foolhardy and headstrong that you get hurt.
d)     You need to love all of mankind.

7.     The crystal stair is a metaphor that is used throughout the poem.  Why do you think Hughes makes the stairway “crystal”?
a)     Crystal has different colors in it depending on how the light hits it.
b)     Crystal is beautiful, but it is also fragile and breaks easily.
c)     You can almost see through crystal.
d)     Crystal sparkles in the sunlight.

8.     Why a “stairway” is a particularly appropriate metaphor to describe the wisdom the mother is trying to impart to her son?
a)     A stairway takes steady persistence to climb and it can go up and down.
b)     One has to clean and wax a stairway to make it look good.
c)     Stairways are often found in expensive houses.
d)     Stairways are almost always dirty and rough.

9.     What is the most likely age of the son?

a)     Young man
b)     Decease
c)     Elderly
d)     Infant

10.   The style of language used in the poem, which is particular to a particular cultural or geographic region, is known as

a)     dialogue.
b)     dialect.
c)     diction.
d)     Idioms.

Question 1b                                                                                        (20 Marks)
Direction:Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.
1.     What advice does mother give to her son?   (5)
2.     What does the image of a “crystal stair” suggest?  (5)
3.     The poem contains an extended metaphor. What is the comparison that is being made?   (5)
4.     What do you think the son in the poemlike? Support your answers with examples.     (5)

Set II
Question 2                                                                                                      (30 Marks)
Direction:Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.
1.     What has the mother’s life been like? How? Support your answer by citing examples from the poem.(3.5+3.5)
2.     Write a short poem of three stanza, replying to this poem by putting yourself into the son’s shoe. (9)
3.     What does the mother’s dialect tell you about?  Support your answer by citing examples from the poem.(7)
4.     What is the tone of the poem? How did you feel after reading the poem? Give three examples. (1+3+3)



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