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Class V/AE-English-2017

Ministry of Education
Subject: English                                                                     Writing Time: 2 Hours
Class: V                                                                                     Total Marks: 100

1.     Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions.
2.     Answers to all the questions must be written neatly in the answer sheets provided by the school.
3.     In this paper, there are three sections: A, B and C. All questions in Section A and B are compulsory.
4.     Section C has three genres: Short Stories, Essay and Poetry. Each genre has two sets of questions, Set I and Set II. Set I comprises of Question nos. 1a and 1b and Set II corresponds to Question no. 2 across all sections. You must attempt one set of questions from each section.
5.     In Section C, you must attempt three sets of questions in all. Your choice must include one Set II question (Question no. 2) from any genre.
6.     In Section C, do not attempt questions from two different sets. Your choice is strictly between the two sets of questions provided for each section.
7.     Read the directions to each question carefully and write all your answers in youranswer sheet.
8.     Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with others, or move around.
9.     Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answeredall the questions.
10.  If you finish before the time is over, close your answer booklet and sit quietly.

SECTION A: Writing
Question 1- 20 Marks

Direction:  Write a narrative essay of about 150-200 words on any ONE of the topics given below.                   
1.     The nativity day is usually celebrated by youths of today as birthdays. You must have celebrated your birthdays too. Write about it in detail.
2.     Many of us love watching movies. Name the best film you have watched and narrate what happens in the film.
3.     Narrate any one of the stories that you know or heard from your parents.

Question II-                                                                                                           10 Marks

Direction: You are Dema, a class V student inBuli Lower Secondary School, Zhemgang. Write a letter on any ONE of the topics given below.
1.     Write a letter to your friend Wangmo who is your pen friend. Invite her to visit you and your parents during winter break. Tell her what plan do you have.
2.     You are suffering from stomach ache. Write a leave application to your class teacher asking leave for one day.
3.     Write a letter to your parents telling them about the temporary job that you are going to do during your winter vacation.

SECTION B: Language
Question I                                                                                                        (1x10 Marks)
Direction: Copy the number of question, choose the correct response and write it in your answer sheet.
1.     Sonam is a pretty girl. She is active too. The word she is
a.      Noun
b.     Pronoun
c.      Verb
d.     Adjective
2.     ______flowers beyond the mountains are pretty.
a.   These
b.   This
c.   Those
d.   That
3.     The past tense of the word cut is
a.   Cutted
b.   Cutting
c.   Cut
d.   None of the above
4.     She took her umbrella because it was raining ______________.
a.      heavy.
b.     heavier
c.      heavily
d.     the heaviest
5.  He is the _____________ in my family.
a.      young
b.     youngest
c.      short
d.     younger
6. Karma __________ a sister.
a.      have
b.     having
c.      are
d.     has
7. There is some milk ___________ the jug.
a.      on
b.     over
c.      in
d.     under
8. Pema ________ to visit lhakhang yesterday.
a.      going
b.     went
c.      will go
d.     go
9.Lhamo is beautiful girl. The underlined word in the sentence is
a.      verb.
b.     adverb.
c.      noun.
d.     adjective.

10. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a.      She said, “I have passed the examination”.
b.     “She said” I have passed the examination.
c.      “She said I have passed the examination”.
d.     She said, I have passed the examination.

Question II
 Direction: Choose the correct form of word from the bracket.      (1X5)
1.     Deki sang______ (sweetly/sweet)
2.      Sonam ______ (likes/like) mangoes.
3.     The past participle form of word drive is______ (drove/driven)
4.     It is raining, _____________it? (isn’t/aren’t)
5.     _________ father is a very good carpenter. (Wangchuk’s / Wangchuks’)

Question III                                                                                       ( ½ x10 Marks)
Directions: Ten words have been left out from the passage below. Each space where a word has been left out is numbered. Write the number of the blanks and against it write the most suitable word from the table given below.

I ____1_______ so tired of studying all the day and night. Next Monday, at this time, I ____2____ go to home and spend my ______3______ with my parents. For fifteen days, I will help my parents to look __4_______the cows. I will ____5______ my old friends and share our ______6________. I will spend my time ____7____friends and with the books. I am ___8_____for the holiday to come soon so that I will ____9_____ free of
School’s ____10______.


                             Short story- 20 marks
Direction:  From the two sets of questions under this genre, choose ONE SET and write your responses in your answer sheet. The questions are based on the story “The Ladybug Garden”
                                                                Set I
Question 1a.(10 Marks)
Direction: Each question below is followed by four responses. Choose the most correct answer or response and write it in your answer sheet.
1.     All the following insects are found in gardener’s garden Except
a.      Ladybug and wasps.
b.     Bees and butterfly.
c.      Aphids and ants.
d.     fleaand housefly

2.     Which one of the following insects carry pollen from flower to flower?
a.      Bees
b.     Ants.
c.      Aphids.
d.     Ladybug.
3.     The gardener sprayed gun filled with bug killer to
a.      make garden fertile.
b.     get rid of the bad insects.
c.      get rid of the good insects.
d.     make the garden smell good.
4.     Which one of the following insects suck juice and spread disease?
a.      Butterfly
b.     Bees
c.      Wasps.
d.     Aphids.
5.     There were more aphids after spraying bug killer because
a.      aphids cannot be killed by bug killer.
b.     bug killer helped aphids to multiply.
c.      aphids crept out of their hiding place and did not die.
d.     gardener wants to keep more aphids.

6.     Why do you think there are more ants?
a.      There were no other animals.
b.     There were more honey drew produced by aphids.
c.      There were no other insects.
d.     There was more space in the garden.

7.     There are few butterflies left because
a.      there was less space in the garden.
b.     there were many aphids in the garden.
c.      there were more people who disturb them.
d.     there were only few flowers in the garden.

8.     Who suggested that ladybug are nature’s way of controlling aphids?
a.      Gardener’s father.
b.     He got an idea himself
c.      His friend.
d.     The people of his village

9.     At the end of story, the gardener is
a.      sad
b.     angry
c.      bad
d.     happy.

10.  The author of the story is
a.      Maxine Kumin.
b.     James Berry
c.      Harry Behn.
d.     Celia Godkin

                               Question: 1.b                                (10)
Direction: Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the number of the question on your answer sheet.
1. Describe the garden before the gardener sprayed poison.      (2)
2.  What happened to the garden after the gardener sprayed with poison?      (2)
3.  How did the gardener make his garden like before?  (3)
4.  Would you have listened to friend’s suggestion if you were the gardener?  Why?   (3)

Set II
Question 2                                                                                                                    (20 Marks)
Direction: Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in your answersheet.
1.  List down the helpful and harmful insects in the story.      (6)
2. How did the gardener’s wrong decision affect his garden?      (6)
3.  Describe the life of insects in the garden?      (4)
4.  Write how you felt about the story.       (4)
Essay- 20 Marks
Direction: Read the essay given below carefully. From the two sets of questions on this text, choose one set and write your responses in your answer sheet. 

The Fox and the Lion

A fox was boasting to the cat of its clever devices for escaping its enemies. “I have a whole bag of tricks, which contains a hundred ways,” he said. “I have only one,” said the cat. At that time, they saw a group of hounds coming towards them. The cat immediately climbed the tree and hid herself in the boughs.
“This is my plan,” said the cat when she was safe. “What are you going to do?” The fox started thinking about the tricks and became confused. He had many to choose from. In the meantime, the hounds came nearer and nearer, and at last the Fox was caught up and killed by the hounds. His tricks proved to be useless.
Set I
Question 1 a.  - (10 marks)
Direction : Each question below is followed by four responses. Write the number of the question, choose the most correct answer or response and write it on the answer sheet.
1.     The word hounds  mean ____________________
a)     farmers.                                 
b)     animals.
c)     hunters.                     
d)     Seller

2.     Fox is a ___________ animal.
a)     domestic                                
b)      wild
c)     weak                                      
d)     small
3.     The fox was ___________ to the cat.
a)     waiting                      
b)     telling story
c)     talking                                               
d)     boasting
4.     The fox had ______________________  tricks.
a)     only one                                
b)     little
c)     a whole bag of                      
d)     interesting
5.     The cat____________ climbed the tree.
a)     immediately              
b)     suddenly
c)     slowly                                   
d)     quickly
6.     The fox and cat saw a group of_______________ coming to them.
a)     lions                                      
b)     hounds.
c)     tigers.                                    
d)     elephants.
7.     The cat was safe because _______
a)     It was on the tree.
b)     It was surrounded by hounds
c)     the fox ran away.
d)     It had an owner with it.
8.     His tricks proved to be useless. The word “His” in the above line is the_______
a)     cat’s.
b)     Hound’s.                               
c)     owner’s.
d)     fox’s.
9.     The word  “ hid” is past tense of ___________________
a)     help.                                      
b)     have.
c)     hire.                                       
d)     hide.

10.  Confused means _________
a)     puzzled.                                 
b)     climbed.
c)     boasted.                                 
d)     killed.

Question 1b.                                                                                             (10 Marks)

Direction: Answer the following questions briefly in your own words. Write the number of the question on your answer sheet and beside it your answer.
1. What did the cat do when she saw a group of hounds coming towards them? (2)
2. What did the hounds do to the fox? (2)
3. “ I have only one plan,” Who is ‘I’ in this line? (2)
4. What did you like from this passage? Why? (1+1)
5. What important message did you learn from this essay?(2)
Set II
Question 2                                                                  (20 Marks)
Direction: Read the following questions carefully and write your answers in youranswer sheet.
 1. What would you do if you see the fox coming towards you?      (5)
2. Compare between fox and cat and write the differences and similarities.          (5)              
3. Do you think the cat is cleverer than the fox? Why? (5)
4. If you were the cat what would you have done when the fox boasted you a lot?             (5)                                                                                                              

Poetry-                                                                     (10 Marks)
Direction: Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. From the two sets of questions on the poem, choose ONE SET and write your responses in your answer sheet.

Kindness to Animals
Little children, never give                                      
Pain to things that feel and live;
Let gentle robin come
For the crumbs you save at home,-
As his meat you throw along
He will repay you with a song;
Never hurt the timid hare
Peeping from her green grass lair,
Let her come and sport and play
On the lawn at close of day;
Little lark goes soaring high
To the bright windows of the sky,
Singing as if it were always spring,
And fluttering on an untired wing,-
Oh! Let him sing his happy song,
Nor do these gentle creatures wrong.

Set I
Question 1  a                                                                                  (5)
Direction: Each question is followed by four responses. Choose the correct answer and write it in your answer sheet.
1.     According to the poem, who never give pain to things that feel and live?
a.      People of the world.
b.     Little children.
c.      Old people.
d.     The poet.

2.     The word “peeping”  in the poem means
a.      running
b.     coming.
c.      looking.
d.     Playing

3.     The poet says that we should not harm living being because
a.      they are harmful.
b.     they are helpful.
c.      these creatures do no wrong to people.
d.     they are simple.

4.     The gentle robin comes to eat
a.      grains from the field.
b.     crumbs saved at home.
c.      food that people have thrown.
d.     fish in the pond.

5.     If you let gentle robin to come for crumbs, it will repay you with
a.      great thanks.
b.     Money
c.      a song.
d.      a crumb.
Question 1b                                                  (5)                                                   
Direction:  Answer the following question briefly in your own words.
1.     Describe briefly how the timid hare enjoy if children do not harm them?            (3)
2.     What are the things done by little lark if they are given chance to sing a song?  (2)
Set II
Question 2                                                  (10)
Direction:  Answer the questions briefly in your own words.
1.     Do you think being kind to animals is good thing? If yes, give five strong reasons to support your answer.                                                                              (5)
2.     If you were an animal and hurt by human beings, what would you feel? What would you do? Refer the poem to support your answer.                              (2 ½ +2 ½ )


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