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Class VII/AE-EnglishI-2017

Ministry of Education
Class VII                                                                                                Writing Time: 2 hours
English Paper I (Writing and Language)                                             Total Marks: 100   
  1. This paper has two sections; Section A for writing and Section B for Language and Grammar.
  2. All the questions are COMPULSORY.
  3. The intended marks for each question is given in the bracket.
                                                                SECTION A
Question I                                                                                                                   [40]
Write a descriptive essay of 250- 300 words on any ONE of the topics given below. You will be awarded marks for orderly and coherent presentation of materials, use of appropriate features and general accuracy of spellings, punctuation and grammar.                                                                                              
  1. Describe how an ideal person should be in your view.
  2. Narrate an unforgettable incident in your life and express your feelings.
  3. Describe your ambition in life.”

Question II                                                                                                                  [20]
You are Kinley studying in Damphu Central School, Tsirang, in 7th standard.                                                                                                                             
Write a letter on ANY ONE of the topics given below.                                                                      
  1. Recently you have heard from your parents that your younger brother who is studying in Dekiling Lower Secondary School in Sarpang is interested to take up winter coaching classes to improve his studies. Write a letter to your brother telling him how much happy you are to hear about it and give some advices that he needs to follow while taking the coaching classes.

  1. Recently you visited a place which inspired you. Write a letter to your friend suggesting him/her to visit that place mentioning what was special about that place.

  1. You have just received a beautiful gift from your father who is in Gelephu. Write a letter to thank him for the gift. Express your feelings and explain how you plan to use the gifts.

        (Language and Grammar)     
QUESTION III                                                                                                          [15]                                                                                                              
Direction: Read the passage given below carefully and write a summary of it keeping in mind the following points:
·       Give a title to your summary
·       Your summary should have FIVE sentences. Write two sentences from the first and second paragraph, one sentence each from third and fourth paragraph.
The presence of certain qualities makes friendship a special relationship. A true friend is consistent and honest. A friend is not afraid to give an honest opinion and does not say things for sake of getting approval. A friend provides companionship and continuous support. There is no room for pride, jealousy or rivalry in a friendship

When one enjoys a period of prosperity, many people become available as friends. This is not friendship because these so-called friends slip away in difficult times. True friends stand by each other both in good times and bad times.

In the Ramayana, Sugriva and Rama honor their pact of friendship through the entire epic. Rama helps Sugriva kill his brother Bali and regain the kingdom. Sugriva provides his army to assist Rama in his search for Sita and does not rest until she is found and returned to Rama.

In the Mahabharata, Karna, at any cost of his own life, remains a true friend to Duryodhana. He honors his friendship with Duryodhana even after knowing that he in reality is the son of Kunti and that Pandavas are his own brothers. He does not break his commitment to Duryodhana.

Question IV                                                                                                           
Direction: For each of the following questions, there are four choices. Read the question
carefully and choose the correct response and write it in your answer sheet. (1x5 = 5 marks)                                                                            
  1. “A word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.”
The above statement defines

A.    Verb                                     
B.    Adverb
C.    Adjective  
D.    Preposition

  1. Kesang carefully kept the glasses on the table. The underlined word is an example of

A.    an adjective
B.    a verb
C.    an adverb
D.    a pronoun

  1. It _____ (rain) heavily all night. Choose the correct form of verb

A.    was raining
B.    has been raining
C.    rained
D.    had rained

  1. Which of the following word is NOT spelt correctly?

A.    Coming
B.    Beginning
C.    Prise
D.    Accept

  1. The synonym of the word peace is

A.    harmony
B.    fight
C.    conflict
D.    battle

Question V
Direction: Read the following sentences carefully and rewrite them correctly as per the direction given in the bracket.                                                                 (1 x 10 = 10 marks)                                                         
1.     He said, “Time and tide waits for none.” (change into indirect speech)
2.     He said that he would be meeting his mother the following week. (change into direct speech)
3.     Dorji said, “I took my wife for a ride yesterday.” (change into indirect speech)
4.     I think his decisions are very fair. (use just in place of fair)
5.     He says, “I am a fool.” (change into indirect speech)
6.     Tenzin was writing a story. (change into passive voice)
7.     Teacher will guide me like a knight. (change into passive voice)
8.     Bhutan is exporting electricity to India. (change into passive voice)
9.     A novel was written by Dechen. (change into active voice)
10.  Dorji is the fast swimmer in our team. (use: fastest)
Question VI
Direction: Complete the sentences with correct Question tag.              (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
1.     John and his sister have completed the task, __________
2.     He hasn’t paid the school fee, __________
3.     I am working hard, _________
4.     He isn’t worthy of the reward, __________
5.     Dema was prepared to play the role, ___________

Question VII
Direction: Each of the following sentences has an error. Identify the error and rewrite the sentences correctly in your answer sheet. Underline the edited part.        (1 x 5 = 5 marks)                                     
1.     Yesterday I go to school.
2.     Grammer is important in learning a language.
3.     This year I am planning to visit thimphu.
4.     This is there house. It belongs to them.
5.     What is the taxi fare from Gelephu to Sarpang


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