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Class VII/AE-Science-2017

Ministry of Education
Class: VII                                                                                                         Subject: Science
Full Mark: 100                                                                     Time: 2hrs
Section A
Direction: Choose the most correct answer and write in the answer sheet. Writing of numbers and copying of incomplete answers will not be awarded marks.
1.     Cell sap is found in...................

a)     Nucleus
b)     Plastids
c)     Vacuole
d)     Cytoplasm

2.     Wangmo has been a heavy smoker for the last five years. Which one of Wangmo’s systems may be affected by smoking?

a)     Nervous
b)     Respiratory
c)     Circulatory
d)     Reproductive

3.     An example of a micronutrient is..................

a)     Phosphorus
b)     Manganese
c)     Potassium
d)     Magnesium

4.     The beak of humming bird is long and slender. This allows the bird to feed on nector from deep inside the flowers. This is an example of.............

a)     Extinction
b)     Competition
c)     Adaptation
d)     Variation

5.     Study the elements as shown in the box below. We can conclude that the elements are arranged in the increasing order of...........
Text Box: 1V1            2W4               3X7                 4Y9          5Z11 

a)     Atomic size
b)     Atomic mass
c)     Atomic number
d)     Molecular weight

6.     The movement of particles from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration is called..................

a)     Osmosis
b)     Diffusion
c)     Gas pressure
d)     Expansion

7.     If the amount of solute dissolved is less or more in a given volume of solvent, the solution can be classified as either...............
a)     Dilute or concentrated solution
b)     Aqueous or non aqueous solution
c)     Saturated or unsaturated solution
d)     Homogeneous or heterogeneous solution.
8.     A mixture contains two liquids A and B. Liquid A has boiling point of 1000C and liquid B has boiling point of 800C. Which technique is used to separate the two liquids?

a)     Distillation
b)     Chromatography
c)     Filtration
d)     Fractional distillation

9.     Which of the following is the correct chronological order of scientists credited with developing of modern periodic table?
a)     Moseley, Dobereiner, Newlands, Mendeleev
b)     Mendeleev, Moseley, Dobereiner, Newlands
c)     Dobereiner, Newlands, Mendeleev, Moseley
d)     Newlands, Mendeleev, Moseley, Dobereiner.
10.  A mechanic wants to test the strength of the car battery acid. Which of the following indicators would give him the best result?

a)     Methyl orange
b)     Universal
c)     Litmus solution
d)     Magnesium ribbon

11.  Distance and displacement are equal to each other if the body moves along

a)     A circular path
b)     An elliptical path
c)     A straight path
d)     A Curved path

12.  Most of the people in Bhutan visit Gelephu and Gasatsachu (hot spring). Indentify the type of energy resource present in these two places?

a)     Geothermal
b)     Fossil fuel
c)     Biomass
d)     Hydro energy

13.  A girl pulls off her sweater over the head. Her hair gets attracted to the sweater due to..........

a)     Magnetic force
b)     A heat transfer
c)     Chemical change
d)     An electrical charge

14.  Which sequence of energy transformation occurs when a torch is turned on?
a)     Chemical         light           electrical
b)     Chemical          electrical                 light
c)     Electrical            chemical               light
d)     Electrical              light                    chemical
15.  If the effort arm is longer than the Load arm in lever, then the

a)     MA is less than 1
b)     MA is equal to 2
c)     MA is equal to 1
d)     MA is always greater than 1

16.  Which of the following is only the characteristic of image formed by convex mirror?

a)     Real
b)     Virtual
c)     Inverted
d)     Same size

17.  “This heavenly body is made up of ice and dust, and when it comes near the sun, melts forming glowing tail.” The statement given above best describes about...........

a)     Asteroids
b)     Meteoroids
c)     Comets
d)     Meteorite

18.  The number of pairs of ribs present in human body.

a)     10
b)     12
c)     24
d)     36

19.  The red colour of a rose is due to the presence of..................

a)     Cellulose
b)     Leucoplast
c)     Chloroplast
d)     Chromoplast

20.  Characteristics given below shows the occurrence of physical change EXCEPT

a)     Composition changes
b)     Mass does not change
c)     Composition remains same
d)     Form remains same

21.  Which one of the following is NOT a heterogeneous mixture?

a)     Cake
b)     Juice
c)     Concrete wall
d)     Emadatsi

22.  Study the wave pattern given below.

The above diagram represents the wave pattern of

a)     With high pitched sound
b)     Is a loud sound
c)     Is a noise
d)     Is a softer sound

23.  Seed dormancy allows the seed to
a)     Store food
b)     Develop healthy seeds
c)     Prevent the seed from becoming rotten
d)     Overcome unfavourable climatic condition
24.  During summer snakes are found abundantly in hot places but hardly any in winter because they undergo

a)     Aestivation
b)     Hibernation
c)     Adaptation
d)     Evolution

25.  The diagram below represents three identical bulbs connected to a cell. Study the diagram and answer.

Which ONE of the following statements is true?
a)     The current in bulb 1 is greater than the current in bulb 2
b)     The current in bulb 1 is greater than the current in bulb 3
c)     The current in bulb 2 is the same as the current  in bulb 3
d)     The current in bulb 2 is the same as the current in bulb 1

Direction: Fill in the blanks with an appropriate words                              [10X1]
1.     An electric charge developed due to the friction when two objects are rubbed together is called ________________electricity.
2.     A solution which dissolves no more solute at a particular temperature is called a___________solution.
3.     Animals like bat and dolphin make use of ______________ sound to catch their prey.
4.     Hydrogen ion (H+) from an acid reacts with hydroxyl ion (OH-) from base to form water. This reaction is called_________________ reaction.
5.     The small opening in leaf through which carbon dioxide diffuses______________.
6.     The common symptoms of _____________ disease are fever, cough, sputum containing blood, pain in the chest, loss of weight, loss of appetite and tiredness.
7.     Inorganic acids are obtained from________________.
8.     When the moon lies between sun and earth, the type of eclipse that will occur is _____________
9.     The ray of light that bounces back from the surface of the shiny steel plate is known as_______________.
10.  The substance that indicates acidity or alkalinity...........................
Direction: Write TRUE or FALSE against the given statements. Correct the false statements.                                                                                                     [10X1]
1.     Global warming has lots of impact on life of animals and plants on earth.
2.     Fossil fuels are formed due to the action of heat and pressure on the buried dead bodies for millions of year.
3.     Clavicle is known as shoulder bone.
4.     The smallest unit of the nervous system is known as Neuron.
5.     Lithium, sodium and Potassium are metals of same group, but different period.
6.     The elements that has both properties of metals and non metals is called alloy.
7.     Dema cuts an apple into two halves, which turns brown after sometime. The colour change is an example of physical change.
8.     The single fixed pulley helps to multiply the forces.
9.     Photosynthesis provides food and oxygen to all living organisms.
10.  The substance present in the cell wall is protein.

Direction: Match the items of Column A with correct answers of column B.         [10X1]
Column A
Column B
Bats detect the obstacles in their path using
Carbon dioxide test
Zero displacement
Root system
A curry cooker
Wood ash
The terminal ends of respiratory system
Ultrasonic sound waves
Artificial satellites
Provides useful information for the study of climate change
Cannot travel through vacuum
Lime water
A boy completing a 200m race in a circular track
Electrical energy to heat energy

Section B
a)     Draw a labelled diagram of plant cell? [3]
b)     Vitamins are more important than carbohydrates. Do you agree? Justify. [2]
c)     The diagram below shows the human reproductive system. Study it carefully and answer the following questions.

       i.          In which label does the development of embryo takes place?[1]
     ii.          Write the function of the part labelled B?[1]
   iii.          Name the organ system. [1]
   iv.          What would happen if part labelled A is cut off? [1]
a)     Deer and goat look similar, but they do not belong to the same species. Why? [2]
b)     A man pushes a table with a horizontal force of 250N. How much work is done in the moving the table through a distance of 50m? [2]
c)     Draw the ray diagram and list down the characteristics of the image formed by concave mirror, when object is placed at principal focus? [5]

a)     What are artificial satellites?[1]
b)     List the characteristics of the chemical change. [3]
c)     Write down the symbols for the following elements. Sort them as metals and non-metals.[4]

i)                Zinc
ii)              Copper
iii)            Oxygen
iv)             sodium
d)     Define Density? [1]

a)     Calculate

b)     the relative density of the copper whose density is 8.9g/cm3, if the reference material is water? [2]
c)     Filtration is better method of separating an insoluble solid components compared to decantation. Give reason. [2]
d)     Differentiate between Epigeal and hypogeal germination with example?[2]
e)     Draw the circuit diagram using symbols in measuring current and voltage in series circuit. [4]
Question 9
a)     What is magnetic Induction? [1]
b)     A few drops of universal indicator are added to a colourless liquid. The strength of this liquid is found to be 9.
i)                What happens if you add a few drops of phenolphthalein to this liquid?[1]
ii)              What information is indicated by the pH number of the colourless liquid?[1]
iii)            What is the function of the universal indicator?[1]
c)     Water freezes in cold places in winter. Give reason. [2]
d)     As a responsible citizen, suggest some ways of how you can contribute towards minimizing the factors causing global warming. [2]


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