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Class IV/AE-S/Studies-2017

Ministry of Education
Class: IV                                                                                                            Writing Time: 2 hrs
Subject: Social Studies                                                                                     Full Mark: 100                                          
Direction: There are two sections. Section A consists of 25 questions worth 1 mark each and Section B consists of 75 marks. You must answer ALL questions from both the sections. For Section A, circle in the paper itself and for Section B, write the answers in the answer sheet given to you.
Name:                                                                                 Roll no:

Question 1
Direction: Each question is followed by four possible answers. Circle the most correct answer. Attach section A with your answer sheet(25×1=25 marks)
1.     Which DzongisNOTbuilt by Zhabdrung                                          
a)     Punakha   
b)     Drugyel
c)     Simtokha  
d)     Trashigang

2.     Which of the following is NOT a source of water                                           
a)     snow   
b)      lakes
c)     glaciers                                        
d)     ocean

3.     The Gup holds an important meeting called                                                  
a.      DYT                                
b.      GYT
c.      CYT                                    
d.      LYT

4.     Buddhism was brought to Bhutan by
a)     Zhabdrung
b)      King
c)     Lord Buddha                                  
d)     Guru Rinpochhe

5.     The place where a river flows into a sea is called
a)     river mouth                                  
b)     river bank
c)     river bed                                      
d)     river load

6.      King UgyenWangchuck ruled our country from
a)     1926 – 1952
b)     1907 – 1926
c)     1972 – 2007
d)     1952 – 1972

7.     The fruits which grow best in low, warm areas are
a)     mangoes and  apples                         
b)     apples and walnuts
c)     plums and apples                               
d)      mangoes and lychee

8.     Our national tree is
a)     takin
b)      blue poppy
c)     raven
d)     cypress

9.     Persons who dig the ground for metals, silver and gold  are known as
a)     miners.                          
b)     wood collectors.
c)     jewelers.           
d)     bankers.
10.  To celebrate the victory of Ram over the demon Ravana the  festival  celebrated is
a)     Dasain.                          
b)     Diwali.
c)     Losar.                            
d)     Tshechu.

11.   When did Guru Rinpoche come to Bhutan?
a)     700AD.
b)     747AD.
c)     744AD.
d)     746AD.

12.  Landslide, soil erosion and flood usually takes place in
a)     winter.                        
b)     summer.
c)     spring.
d)     autumn.

13.  The head of the dzongkhag administration is
a)     Dasho Dzongda.                    
b)     Dasho Dzongrab.
c)     Gup.                           
d)     Dasho Dungpa.

14.  In order to show important events with the dates in sequence, we draw
a)     table                           
b)     graph
c)     picture
d)     timeline

15.  Our king has his office in
a)     Trongsa Dzong.                     
b)     Tashichhodzong.
c)     Punakha Dzong.                     
d)     Paro Dzong.
16.  Who looks after all the schools in a Dungkhag?
a)     Principal.                               
b)     Dasho Dzongda.
c)     Dzongkhag Education Officer
d)     Dasho Drungpa

17.  Serfs were
a)     land lords.      
b)     Rich people.
c)     poor and landless people        
d)     soldiers.
After he left his family, he went into the forest.He took off his beautiful clothes
 and cut  his hair.He did not want to live like a rich prince anymore. He wanted to live like a poor man.
18.  The above paragraph is talking about
a)     King Ugyen Wangchuk.        
b)     Guru Rinpoche.
c)     Lord Buddha.                         
d)     Lord Rama.

19.  All rivers in Bhutan flow to……………
a)     Bangladesh.                                 
b)     Nepal.         
c)     Tibet.                                           
d)     Brahmaputra.

20.  When there are many mountains together we say it is a
a)     mountain .
b)     cliff.
c)     mountain range.                         
d)     steep.

21.  People in Drukjegang keep
a)     yak, goat,pig.             
b)     pig, yak, goat.
c)     hen,yak,cow.              
d)     cow, pig, goat.
22.  Tshogdu of our country was started by
a)     King UgyenWangchuck.
b)     King JigmeWangchuck.
c)     King JigmeDorjiWangchuck.
d)     King JigmeSingyeWangchuck.

23.  Which gas is used while breathing? 
a)     Carbon dioxide                      
b)     Hydrogen
c)     Oxygen                      
d)     Nitrogen

24.  How many calanders do we use in Bhutan?
a)     2          b)   3        c)    4           d)      5                                    

25.  Which one is NOT correct in the following sentences?
a)     Agricultural officer help farmers by giving medicines to sick people.
b)     Agricultural officer help farmers by giving good seeds.
c)     Agricultural officer come time to time to see our crops.
d)     Agricultural officer help us grow crops in better way.

QUESTION 2: TRUE OR FALSE                                                         (10 MARKS)
WriteT for true and F for false
1.     Small hard balls of ice which falls from the sky like rain is called hail stone.
2.     AumNgawangPem is the first women Dzongda of Bhutan.
3.     ZhabdrungKuchoe is the day when Zhabdrung died.                                            .
4.     Dzongda wears a white Kabney.
5.     ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal was a Bhutanese.
6.     JigmeNamgyal was our first King.
7.     Teacher is an example of a service provider.
8.      A baker bakes a bread.
9.     ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyel brought Buddhism to Bhutan.
10.  There are 206 Drungkhags in our country.

QUESTION 3: MATCHING                                                                        (10 MARKS)
Match the first column with the second column                                                           
       I.          Cardinal direction
A) sides of the river
     II.          Ravana
B) protects law of the country
   III.          PemaJungney
C) National assembly
  IV.          Tshogdu
D) waskind and gentle king.
    V.          River bank
E) Has ten heads
  VI.          DashoDrungpon
F) Born from Lotus
VII.          King
G) North-East
VIII.          The Dzongkhag Engineer
H) Builds roads and bridges
  IX.          Glaciers
I)Head of the country
    X.          Rama
J) It is a river of moving ice.

QUESTION 4: CLOZE TEST                                                                           (10 MARKS)
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
1st November
1.     Every day in the assembly, we sing………………………..
2.     Jewels in the Dragon claws symbolizes the …………………
3.     The first Dzong built by Zhabdrung is…………..…………………………..
4.      Water that comes out from the ground is known as…………………..
5.     ZhabdrungNgawangNamgyal came to Bhutan in………………………………………..
6.     The coronation day of our present king is celebrated every year on…………………………..
7.     DrukGyalpoJigmeWangchuck  did many things to the people of Bhutan before he died in……………………………..
8.     Wind vane shows the directions of……………………………………
9.     Community forest was first established in    .........................gewog
10.  Land between mountains is called……………………………
QUESTION 5: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS                          (25MARKS)
1.     Why is 17th December important day for us? (1+1=2)
2.     List down at least four ways to protect our forest?(1+1+1+1=4)
3.     Where do we mostly find yaks?  Name four places  where we find yaks in Bhutan.(.5+2=2.5)
4.     How do we know that there is a gentle breeze? (2.5)
5.     What are the river loads? Name at least four river loads? (1+2=3)
6.     What is a general shop? Write any four items we get from the general shop.(1+2=3)
7.     Write any three important things ZhabdrungNgwangNamgyal did for Bhutan? (1+1+1=3)
8.     Who is our present king?(1)
9.     Who is known as the “Father of Modern Bhutan”? (1)
10.  What does dragon in our national flag symbolizes? (1)
11.  Write two things that King JigmeSingyeWangchuck did for our country?(1+1=2)
QUESTION 6: LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS                            (15MARKS)
a.      Define a service provider. Name any five service workers in your Dzongkhag. (2+5=7)
b.     What is a general shop? Write any four items we get from the general shop.(1+2=3)
c.      Why is it important to raiseanimals? List four animals found in your locality.(3+2=5)

QUESTION 7: MAP WORK                                                                 (5 MARKS)
In the outline map of Bhutan locate
1.     DrangmeChuu
2.     Amochu
3.     PunaTshangChuu
4.     Wang Chuu
5.     Dagana

Attach your map with answer sheet.




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