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Class VIII AE/EnglishI-2017

Ministry of Education
English Paper I (Language and Writing)                 Writing Time: 2 Hours
Class: VIII                                                        Total Marks: 100

1.     Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the       questions. After having read the questions, you will be given two hours to answer all questions.

2.     Answers to all the questions must be written neatly in the answer sheets provided by the school.

3.     This paper comprises of two sections: Section A for Writing and Section B for Language. Apart from the choices offered in question I and II in Section A, all the questions are compulsory.

4.     Read the directions to each question carefully and write your answers accordingly.

5.     Once the examination begins, you will not be allowed to ask questions, speak with others or move around.

6.     Remember to write quickly but neatly.

7.     Do not leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all the questions.

Do not forget to write your Name, Roll number, Class and Section on your Answer Sheets.

Section A- Writing
Question1                                                                    (40 Marks)
Direction:Write a descriptive essay of about 300-350 words on any ONE of the topics given below:
  1. Describe one of the most important local festivals of your village.
B.    Modernization has changed the outlook of today’s ‘YOUTH.’ Describe ‘Today’s Youth’ with strong evidences.
C.    The Influence of Television on our lives.
Question 2                                                                  (20marks)
Direction:You are Pema studying in Phuntsholing Lower Secondary School. Write a letter on any ONE of the following situations in three well-written paragraphs. Marks will be awarded for correct layout, appropriate language and content.
A.    Write to your friend who has recently been selected as the school captain of his school, congratulating and asking him about his new responsibilities as a captain.

B.    You heard that your best friend is into substance abuse since he joined an urban school in Thimphu. Write a letter to him giving advices.

C.    You have won 1st prize in reading competition that was held in your school. Write to your friend in Bumthang telling him or her about the importance of reading books.

QUESTION I                                                                                             (15 marks)
Direction: Read the passage given below carefully.  Summarize each paragraph keeping in mind the following points:
-        Your summary should be meaningful.
-        Remember to include the important points.
-        All unnecessary details should be left out.
-        Sometimes many words can be replaced by a single word.

One great fault of our civilization is that it does not know what to do with its knowledge. Science, as we have seen, has given us powers; fit for the gods, yet we use them like small children.
For example: - we do not know how to manage our machines. Machines were made to be man's servants; yet he has grown so dependent on them that they are in a fair way to become his masters. Already most men spend most of their lives looking after and waiting upon machines. And the machines are very strict masters. They must be fed with coal, and given petrol to drink, and oil to wash with, and must be kept at the right temperature. And if they do not get their meals when they expect them, they grow sulky and refuse to work, or burst with anger, and blow up, and spread ruin and destruction all round them. So we have to wait upon them very attentively and do all that we can to keep themin a good temper. Already we find it difficult either to work or play without the machines, and a time may come when they will rule us altogether, just as we rule the animals.
Grammar and Structure -25 Marks
Question II           (1x5)
Direction:For each of the following questions, there are four alternate responses. Copy the number of the question, choose the correct response and write it in your answer sheet.
1.     A group of words which makes sense but not a complete sense and has infinite verb is called

A.    Phrase
B.    Conjunction
C.    Clause
D.    Direct speech

2.     Which of the following is the example of homophone?

A.    Bank---bank
B.    Tiny—small
C.    Night—knight
D.    Light--- dark.

3.     One of the following is the definition of Antonyms. Choose the correct answer.
A.    A word or phrase which has the same or nearly same meaning as another word.
B.    A word that sounds the same or spelled the same as another word but has different meaning.
C.    A word which means the opposite of another word.
D.    A word which is pronounced the same as another but has different meaning and spelling.

4.     Which of the following sentences has the correct usage of the idiom “pull your socks up”?
A.    Pull your socks up to keep it clean.
B.    You need to pull your socks up to complete the running race.
C.    You need to pull your socks up if you want to be the topper again.
D.    He pulled his socks up as per the school rule.

5.     Which of the following sentences has the correct usage of the phrasal verb ‘call off’?
A.    The classes were called off because of the meeting.
B.    My mother called off when she saw a snake in the toilet.
C.    She called off with me because she was upset.
D.    He calls off when he is drunk.
Question III                                                                            (1x5)
Direction:Fill in the blanks and complete the passage choosing the correct words given in the table.

Articles appearing in newspapers and magazines sometimes……1……tips on learning. According to one writer, a nose buried in a book will not sniff out much knowledge. Hours ……2………. studying non-stop are so many hours wasted. A tactic becoming popular with students is to stop studying every hour and jump about for five minutes.
If jumping is not acceptable in your family, think of something different. You can ………3…….at a book of jokes or cartoons. Humour is an element ……4……to help learning. However, the risk is that you will scare everyone with a sudden cackle of laughter. Perhaps slow, wordless music …5………you company is a safer aid.
Question IV                                                                                                     (1x10)
Direction: Rewrite the following sentences correctly as per the instructions given in the brackets without changing their meanings.
1.     Dorji asked, “Are you joining us for lunch?”  (Change into indirect speech)
2.     “Don’t make so much noise,” Jigme said to us. (Change into indirect speech)
3.     The Prince said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening. (Change into direct speech
4.     He asked me what I was doing. (Change into direct speech)
5.     The master appointed him monitor. (Change into passive voice)
6.     You can come with us. You can stay here. (Use ‘either… or’)
7.     reads – every–office – the – for – the–before – newspaper – Dorji – morning-leaving (Rearrange the words to form correct sentence)
8.     They stood by the Red Sea, history - knew- so – they – well – whose. (Rearrange the underlined words to form relative clause)
9.     A waiterserves tea and everybody enjoys conversation with their friends. (Rewrite in the simple past tense).
10.  He had passed the message to Tashi when we called him. (Rewrite in the present continuous tense) 
Question V                                                                                           (1x5)
Direction:There are some errors in the given sentences, identify the errors and re-write them correctly.
1.     We have reported the robbery to the police yesterday.
2.     Bhim is taller then his elder brother.
3.     In 2015, my uncle and his family are leaving to settle in Switzerland.
4.     She was one of the bird-watchers which camped here.
5.     Everybody hope to score high mark in their tests.


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