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Class VIII/AE-Maths-2017

Ministry of Education
Class: VIII                                                                                                         Writing Hours: 2:30 minutes
Subject: Mathematics                                                             Total Marks:100           
1.      Do not write for the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions.
After having read the questions, you will be given three hours to answer all questions.
2.      Write your name; roll number, class, and section clearly on the answer sheet provided to you separately.
3.      Answer all the questions. There are three section A, B, & C
4.      All the workings, including rough work should be attached with the answer sheet.
5.      The intended marks for each questions are given in [ ]      

SECTION A  [15 x2 = 30 marks ]
Answer All Questions
Question 1
Direction: From a choice of four answers given against each question, choose the correct answer and write in the answer sheet provided. More than one response for any question will be considered invalid.
i.          Which number from the following is scientific notation of 3.1%?

v 3.1 103
v 3.1 102
v 3.1 10-3
v 3.1 10-2

ii.        What is the missing value of ‘X’ in =  ?

v  45
v  80
v  5
v  10

iii.              A kg of beans has a cost price of Nu.40 and selling price of Nu.55. What is the percent markup?

v  37.5%
v  3.75%
v  375%
v  27.2%

iv.              Which is the expanded form of 4 100 +5 10-1+7 10-4

v  4 ones + 5 tens + 7 ten thousandths
v  4 ones + 5tenths +7 ten thousands
v  4 ones +5 tenths + 7 ten thousandths
v  4 tens + 5 tenths + 7 ten thousands

v.                Which of the following describes the relationship between multiplication and division?

v  A B = ?        ? + A = B
v  A  B = ?        ? B = A
v  A B = ?         ? + B = A
v  A B = ?          ?  A = B

vi.         The expression 10 + (-4) -7 5 results to:

v  -21
v  -29
v  35
v  29

vii.       Sangay Tempa and Sangay Wangdi are fastest runners of the school. The sport teacher wanted to select one with better stamina for regional level running competition. Sangay Tempa runs  rounds and got selected. While Sangay Wangdi could complete only rounds. How many rounds did they run altogether?


viii.           If  X’ in  and  are equal, then

v  = 2
v  = 3
v  = 18
v  = 9

ix.         The total surface area of a cube with edge-length 5cm is

v  150 cm2
v  125 cm2
v  150 cm2
v  15 cm2

x.           If the probability of an event is , then what should be the probability of its complement events?

v  Zero
v  Exactly
v  More than 1
v  Less than

xi.         Solve the equation 8-3n = 23 and find out the value of ‘n’

v  15
v  5
v  -5
v  -15

xii.          When you input m, triple it, and subtract 4, the output is 12. Which equation is equation described above?

v  3 (m-4) = 12
v  3m-4 = 12
v  m-3 4 = 12
v  m-4 = 12

xiii.      Identify the dilatation center in the given diagram


v  B
v  C
v  A
v  D

xiv.      The angle that correspond to 2 in the following is ?


v  2
v  5
v  7
v  4

xv.        If a shape is dilated, then which of the following properties describes the image?

v  Congruent and same orientation
v  Congruent and opposite orientation

v  Similar and same orientation
v  Similar and opposite orientation

SECTION B[10 x 3 = 30 marks]
Answer all Questions
Question 2

Suppose you perform a dilatation on rectangle using a scale factor of 2.
a)      Is it possible for the image to be completely inside the original shape? Explain [1]
b)     Show your work by creating your own rectangle [2]
Question 3
Chandra slept at home for of the day. She spent  of her waking hours at home. What fraction of the day did she spend at home? [3]

Question 4
a)      Write down the formula for finding the total surface area of rectangular prism. [1]
b)     Find out the surface area of 5m by 300cm by 6m rectangular prism [2]
Question 5
A bag contains one white ball, three grey balls, and six black balls. TsheringDekardraw one ball from the bag. Determine the theoretical probability of
a)      P (white)   [1 ]
b)     P (not white)  [1 ]
Question 6
a)      The circumference of a circle is 10  cm. what is the area of the same circle? [2]
b)     Find out the area                                                                                                            [1]
Question 7
TashiLhamo and Pingala conducted an experiment in which they added different masses of the top of a spring. Draw the scatter plot to display their data. [3]
Mass added (ks)
Length of spring (cm)

Question 8
a)      Is the number below a perfect square? How do you know?  [2]
2 2 3 3 3 4 4
b)     If part (a)is not a perfect rewrite the number and multiply with least number to make it perfect square. [1]
Question 9
For the expression (-3x +13) + 5x + (9x – 2)
a)      List the like terms        [1]
b)     Simplify the polynomial   [1]
c)      Create another polynomial of your own   [1]
Question 10
Chicken was selling for Nu.80 per kilogram. The shopkeeper raised the price by 5%. Determine:
a)      Markup             [1 ]
b)     New selling price                   [1 ]
Question 11
a)      Write down any two strategies to multiply the integers mentally     [1]
b)     Use one of your above strategies to multiply 4  -36                [1]
c)      Briefly explain your thinking in part (a) [1]

SECTION C [8 x 5 = 40 marks]
Answer all Questions
Question 12
a)      Calculate 25 10-1 + 8 10-2[1]
b)     Write the expression 2 104 + 3 101 + 9 10-1 + 5 10-3 in:
i)           Word expansion                                   [1 ]
ii)         Standard form       [1]
iii)       Scientific notation     [1 ]
Question 13
a)      Divide (-6 ) 2 using:

iv)        Counters  [1 ]
v)           number line                                              [1 ]
b)     For the given counters below, write
i)                 division expression                                                                                          [1]
ii)                multiplication expression                                              [1]

Question 14
a)      A rectangle has a perimeter of 18 cm and area of 14 cm2. Draw the rectangle and lebel its dimension.       [2]
b)     Find out the area of shaded region in the following shape.  [3]

Question 15
a)      Find out the intersection point of lines y = 3x +2, y = -3x -4  [1 ]
b)     Model (5-4x) + (2x-3) with algebra tiles     [1 ]
c)      A line passes through (2,6) and (3,8 )
i)                 Determine the slope                            [1]
ii)               Draw a line with slope from part(i)     [1]

Question 16
a)      The ratio of boys to the girls in a school is 2:3. If the number of boys is 500,
i)                 How many girls are there in the school?     [2]
ii)               Find out the total number of students in the school.    [1]
b)     9% of length is 36m. Find out the length using familiar percents.  [2]
Question 17
a)      Insert a pair of bracket in - + to give an answer .   [3]
b)     Order from least to greatest - , -3, - , - .    [2]
Question 18
The data given below is price of geometry box in 11 shops

a)      Find out the extremes and median          [1]
b)     Find out the lower quartile (Q1) and upper quartile (Q2).   [1]
c)      Create box and whisker plot . [3]

Question 19
Copy this right triangle and perform each combination of transformation.

a)      Dilate ABC by scale factor 2 using dilatation center at A. then translate up by 2cm     [3]
b)     Translate ABC 2cm up and then 4cm down.                                                    [2]



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